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                                                                                         world news Diahuebs 24 Februari 2022

                           EU sanctions hit Russian minister, top advisor, lawmakers

            (AP)  —  The  European  officials  targeted,  according  15  February  in  favor  of  the
            Union  agreed  to  slap  to a list of sanctions seen by  appeal  to  President  Putin
            sanctions  Wednesday  on  The Associated Press.           to  recognize  the  indepen-
            Russia’s  defense  minister,                              dence of the self-proclaimed
            a top adviser to President  The EU said under Shoigu’s  Donetsk  and  Luhansk  ‘re-
            Vladimir  Putin  and  hun-   “command and orders, Rus-    publics’,”  EU  headquarters
            dreds of Russian lawmak-     sian troops have held military  said.
            ers who voted in favor of  drills in the illegally annexed
            recognizing  the  indepen-   Crimea  and  have  been  po-  The measures also hit banks
            dence  of  separatist  areas  sitioned at the border. He is  that  finance  Russia’s  armed
            in southeast Ukraine.        ultimately  responsible  for  forces. They target the ability
                                         any  military  action  against  of Moscow to access EU cap-
            The  sanctions,  mostly  a  Ukraine.”                     ital and financial markets and
            freeze on the assets of those                             services,  and  ban  EU  trade
            listed and a ban on them trav-  Vaino was said to play “an ac-  with the two regions so that
            eling  in  the  27-nation  EU,  tive role in Kremlin decision-  “those responsible clearly feel  on  Wednesday.  “Actually,  we  ergy  and  defense  sectors,  as
            are the first steps in a planned  making  process  by  taking  the  economic  consequences  don’t give a damn about these  well as goods that can be used
            series of retaliatory measures  part in the Russian ‘Security  of their illegal and aggressive  sanctions.”         for both civilian and military
            designed  to  be  ramped  up  Council’ and influencing the  actions.”                                               purposes.
            should Putin launch an attack  elaboration  of  decisions  by                          “It gives the impression that
            or  push  troops  deeper  into  the  president  in  the  field  of  EU foreign policy chief Josep  the authorities in Brussels are  More  than  190  people  and
            Ukraine.  They  are  expected  Russia’s defense and national  Borrell has said the sanctions  doing  something,”  he  said.  almost  50  “entities,”  which
            to  take  effect  later  Wednes-  security.”              “will hurt Russia and it will  “In fact, they are doing noth-  are  organizations,  agencies,
            day.                                                      hurt a lot.”                 ing.”                        banks or companies, had also
                                         The  Commander-in-Chief                                                                been  separately  targeted  by
            Putin signed a decree recog-  of  the  Russian  Navy,  Niko-  But Pyotr Tolstoy, the deputy  The measures come on top of  the  bloc  for  “actively  sup-
            nizing Donetsk and Luhansk  lay Yevmenov, is also on the  chairman of the State Duma  a raft of economic and other  porting  actions  and  imple-
            as  independent  and  appears  list,  as  are  foreign  ministry  lower  house  of  parliament  sanctions  slapped  on  Russia  menting policies that under-
            to  be  driving  Russia’s  cam-  spokeswoman  Maria  Zakha-  who was one of the Russians  since  it  annexed  Ukraine’s  mine or threaten the territo-
            paign against Ukraine, but he  rova  and  RT  editor-in-chief  hit by the sanctions, laughed  Crimean  Peninsula  in  2014,  rial integrity, sovereignty and
            is not on the EU’s list even  Margarita Simonyan — who  them  off  and  warned  that  including steps to force Mos-  independence of Ukraine.”
            though  the  sanctions  target  are both referred to as “a cen-  Russia  would  retaliate  with  cow to comply with the 2015
            those “ involved in the illegal  tral figure of the government  its own measures.      Minsk peace deal, which end-  More  than  14,000  people
            decision.”                   propaganda.”                                              ed major hostilities in eastern  have  been  killed  since  2014
                                                                      “Every time they implement  Ukraine but now appears to  in  fighting  between  Ukrai-
            Russian  Defense  Minister  “The EU will extend restric-  sanctions  against  Russia,  it  be overtaken by events.  nian  troops  and  Russian-
            Sergei  Shoigu  and  Putin’s  tive measures to cover all the  does not make any sense and                           backed  separatists  in  eastern
            chief  of  staff,  Anton  Vaino,  351 members of the Russian  it’s  worthless,”  Tolstoy  told  Those  sanctions  already  tar-  Ukraine.
            were among the high-profile  State  Duma,  who  voted  on  Belgian  broadcaster  RTBF  geted  Russia’s  financial,  en-

                          Gambia urges UN court to continue Rohingya genocide case

            (AP) — Lawyers for Gam-      hingya,”  he  warned,  adding  bia has argued that the 2017  for international cooperation.  Summing  up  Gambia’s  pre-
            bia  on  Wednesday  urged  that  “the  Rohingya  remain  crackdown amounts to geno-    He  replaced  pro-democracy  sentation  on  Wednesday,
            the  United  Nations’  top  at grave risk of mass atrocity  cide and is asking the world  icon Aung San Suu Kyi, who  Philippe  Sands  was  dismis-
            court to throw out Myan-     crimes.”                     court  to  hold  Myanmar  ac-  led  the  country’s  legal  team  sive  of  Myanmar’s  attempts
            mar’s  legal  bid  to  end  a                             countable.                   at earlier hearings in the case  to have the case dropped.
            case  accusing  the  South-  The  case  stems  from  what                              in 2019. She now is in prison
            east Asian nation of geno-   the Myanmar military called  On  Monday,  lawyers  repre-  after being convicted of what  “To say that the arguments of
            cide against the country’s  a  clearance  campaign  it  senting Myanmar’s military-    her supporters call trumped-  Myanmar are tantamount to
            Rohingya minority.           launched  in  Rakhine  state  installed  government  urged  up charges.                clutching at straws would be
                                         in  2017  after  an  attack  by  a  judges at the global court to                      generous,” he told judges. “It
            “This  court  must  reject  Rohingya  insurgent  group.  throw  out  the  case,  arguing  The leader of Gambia’s legal  would  require  you  to  rede-
            Myanmar’s meritless prelim-  Security forces were accused  they  did  not  have  jurisdic-  team  stressed  the  case  was  fine both the act of clutching
            inary objections and proceed  of  mass  rapes,  killings  and  tion,  in  part  because  they  brought  by  Gambia  and  not  and the nature of straw.”
            to  adjudicate  the  merits  of  torching thousands of homes  say  Gambia  was  acting  as  a  the  Organization  of  Islamic
            this  dispute,”  Gambia’s  At-  as  more  than  700,000  Ro-  mouthpiece for an organiza-  Cooperation.             Pro-democracy     advocates
            torney  General  and  Justice  hingya fled into neighboring  tion of Muslim nations.                                have  harshly  criticized  the
            Minister  Dawda  Jallow  told  Bangladesh.                                             “We are no one’s proxy,” Jal-  U.N. court for allowing the
            judges  at  the  International                            Myanmar’s legal team was led  low told the court.         military  government  to  rep-
            Court of Justice.            The African nation of Gam-   by Ko Ko Hlaing, the minister                             resent  Myanmar  in  a  case
                                                                                                   “This is very much a dispute  focusing  on  alleged  atroci-
            Lawyer Paul S. Reichler said                                                           between  the  Gambia  and  ties  by  the  country’s  armed
            the military takeover of pow-                                                          Myanmar,” he added in a di-  forces.
            er in Myanmar last year made                                                           rect  rebuttal  of  Myanmar’s
            the case all the more impor-                                                           argument that Gambia’s case  “It is outrageous for the ICJ
            tant as the country’s new rul-                                                         was  really  brought  by  the  to  proceed  with  these  hear-
            ers  are  alleged  to  be  behind                                                      Muslim  organization  and  ings on the basis of junta rep-
            the   atrocities   committed                                                           that the court can only hear  resentation. The junta is not
            against the Rohingya.                                                                  cases between nations.       the government of Myanmar,
                                                                                                                                it does not represent the state
            “If they can escape the court’s                                                        Judges will likely take months  of  Myanmar,  and  it  is  dan-
            jurisdiction, they will be ac-                                                         to  rule  on  Myanmar’s  pre-  gerous for the court to allow
            countable  to  no  one  and                                                            liminary  objections.  If  they  it  to  present  itself  as  such,”
            there  will  be  no  constraints                                                       reject them, the case will go  said  Chris  Sidoti  of  advo-
            on their persecution and ul-                                                           ahead and likely take years to  cacy  group  Special  Advisory
            timate destruction of the Ro-                                                          reach a conclusion.          Council for Myanmar.
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