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A32    sports
                 Diahuebs 24 Februari 2022

                               Djokovic beats Khachanov in Dubai for 2nd win of year

                                                                                                                                bringing some positive emo-
                                                                                                                                tions and memories to people
                                                                                                                                that come to watch.”

                                                                                                                                Djokovic is a five-time win-
                                                                                                                                ner at the event. He will next
                                                                                                                                play Czech qualifier Jiri Vese-
                                                                                                                                ly, who advanced by beating
                                                                                                                                eighth-seeded  Roberto  Bau-
                                                                                                                                tista Agut 6-2, 6-4.

                                                                                                                                American  qualifier  Macken-
                                                                                                                                zie McDonald beat Filip Kra-
                                                                                                                                jinovic 6-4, 7-6 (7) to set up
                                                                                                                                a quarterfinal against second-
                                                                                                                                seeded  Andrey  Rublev  of
                                                                                                                                Russia. McDonald had upset
                                                                                                                                another  Russian,  seventh-
            (AP)  —  Top-ranked  No-     Dubai Championships.                                      years  almost,”  Djokovic  said  seeded Aslan Karatsev, in the
            vak  Djokovic  won  his                                   The  34-year-old  Serb  said  in his on-court interview af-  first round.
            second  match  —  and  Djokovic  couldn’t  defend  he’s missed playing competi-        ter beating his Russian oppo-
            first  tiebreaker  —  of  the  his Australian Open title last  tively.                 nent.                        Rublev,  who  won  the  Open
            year  when  he  beat  Karen  month  because  he  was  de-                                                           13  tournament  in  Marseille
            Khachanov 6-3, 7-6 (2) on  ported from the country for  “This is my life, this is what  “Professional  tennis  is  my  on Sunday, reached the quar-
            Wednesday  to  advance  to  not  being  vaccinated  against  I’ve  known  to  do  and  I  still  love. I enjoy traveling, I en-  terfinals by beating Soonwoo
            the  quarterfinals  of  the  the coronavirus.             keep on going for the last 20  joy playing, I enjoy hopefully  Kwon 4-6, 6-0, 6-3.

                               McKennie out 2 months with 2 broken bones in left foot

            (AP)  -  American  mid-      November’s  2-0  win  over  Dortmund  projected  Reyna  ing in two weeks, making it  be fit for the qualifiers.
            fielder  Weston  McKennie  Mexico  and  getting  the  go-  will be able to resume train-  uncertain whether he would
            has  two  broken  bones  in  ahead goal in the chilly Feb.
            his left foot and will miss  2  win  over  Honduras  at  St.
            the  United  States’  final  Paul, Minnesota.
            three  World  Cup  qualifi-
            ers next month.              The U.S. is second in North
                                         and Central America and the
            McKennie  got  hurt  while  Caribbean  with  21  points,
            playing  for  Juventus  in  a  one point behind Canada and
            Champions  League  second-   ahead of Mexico on goal dif-
            round,  first-leg  match  at  ference with three games left.
            Spain’s Villarreal on Tuesday  Panama  has  17  points  and
            night. Pervis Estupiñán made  Costa Rica 16.
            a  two-leg,  sweeping  sliding
            tackle  in  the  80th  minute,  The top three nations qualify
            and  McKennie  fell  to  the  and fourth place advances to
            field in pain.               a playoff, likely against New
            McKennie  tried  to  get  up,
            took five hops and fell down  The  U.S.  plays  at  Mexico
            again.  He  needed  assistance  on  March  24,  hosts  Panama
            from two people to leave the  three  days  later  in  Orlando,
            field, draping an arm over the  Florida,  and  closes  at  Costa
            shoulder of each.            Rica on March 30.

            Juventus  said  Wednesday  Because  of  injuries,  McK-
            that an exam revealed a com-  ennie,  Christian  Pulisic  and
            pound fracture of the second  Tyler Adams started together
            and  third  metatarsal  bones.  just once before this month,
            The  club  projected  his  re-  in  an  exhibition  against  Ec-
            covery  time  at  about  eight  uador  in  March  2019.  They
            weeks, which means he likely  were  all  in  the  lineup  for
            will miss the rest of the Serie  qualifiers this month against
            A season. Juventus closes on  El Salvador and Canada, and
            May 21 at Fiorentina.        Pulisic  was  held  out  of  the
                                         starting  lineup  against  Hon-
            A  23-year-old  from  Fort  duras.
            Lewis,  Washington,  McKen-
            nie has been among the most  Gio Reyna, a candidate to re-
            impressive players on a U.S.  place McKennie in the start-
            team trying to get back to the  ing lineup, was sidelined by a
            World Cup after missing the  right  hamstring  injury  from
            2018 tournament.             Sept. 2 until Feb. 6, and then
                                         hurt a leg Sunday in Borussia
            McKennie  has  nine  goals  in  Dortmund’s  match  against
            31 international appearances,  Borussia Mönchengladbach.
            scoring  the  second  goal  in
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