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P. 12
Thursday 7 June 2018
Zika and its link to microcephaly
By SARAH DiLORENZO Almost as quickly as they could be that an increase
SAO PAULO (AP) — spiked, cases of Zika and was overlooked, or the
Three years ago, Brazil microcephaly plummeted. outbreaks weren't large
experienced a major Zika In 2017, there were fewer enough to produce a
outbreak that led to the than 18,000 Zika cases and noticeable uptick in brain
revelation that the virus can fewer than 300 cases of abnormalities. One study
cause severe birth defects microcephaly. So far this has suggested that a
in babies whose mothers year, Brazil has seen about more recent mutation to
were infected during 2,200 cases of Zika and the virus may have made
pregnancy. Here's a look at 20 cases of microcephaly it more likely to lead to
what scientists know today and other developmental microcephaly.
about Zika and its effect on abnormalities. "This may not be the whole
developing fetuses. WHAT CAUSES story," said Mochida,
THE OUTBREAK MICROCEPHALY? the neurologist. "I don't
Zika began spreading in Many infections, like think that this explains
Brazil in April 2015 and rubella and HIV, can cause In this May 3, 2018 photo, 2-year-old Luiz Mauricio, who was born everything."
with the Zika-caused microcephaly birth defect, is reflected in a
the country saw more microcephaly. Exposure mirror held by Dr. Liana Ventura during an ophthalmology exam WHAT DOES
than 260,000 probable to toxic chemicals and at the Altino Ventura Institute, in Recife, Brazil. MICROCEPHALY MEAN FOR
cases in 2016, according genetic abnormalities can Associated Press CHILDREN?
to the Health Ministry. also cause it. Since the On the most severe end
Cases of microcephaly, 2015 outbreak, a panel of than it did in other places, related to Zika, Zika may of the spectrum, children
an abnormally small experts convened by the and they are still not sure be more likely to cause with microcephaly have
head in babies, and other World Health Organization why, said Ganeshwaran microcephaly in her baby. significant neurological
developmental deficits has concluded that Zika is H. Mochida, a pediatric LINK BETWEEN ZIKA AND disabilities that affect vision
linked to Zika began also a cause. But scientists neurologist and researcher MICROCEPHALY? and hearing and they may
surging in 2015, when more have been puzzled by the at Boston Children's Scientists are not sure why a not ever walk or speak.
than 960 were confirmed; fact that Zika appeared to Hospital. One hypothesis is spike in microcephaly cases Scientists are still studying
the next year saw more lead to microcephaly more that if a mother has already wasn't reported during the effects of less severe
than 1,800. often in northeastern Brazil had dengue, which is previous Zika outbreaks. It cases. q
How to slow an invasive species? Turn it into gourmet food
By PATRICK WHITTLE cookbook to plans for using because the crabs are a
Associated Press green crabs as bait, food growing problem along
PORTLAND, Maine (AP) — If supplements and gourmet the state's coast. They
we eat them, will they go foods. first arrived in the state
away? Brunswick chef Ali Waks- more than 100 years ago,
Unfortunately for foes of the Adams came armed with and emerged as a major
green crabs that plague rhubarb and green crab problem in 2012, a year of
New England shellfish, the kimchi, a Korean-inspired warm temperatures.
answer is probably "no." But dish, and popcorn green The crabs' rise has
that's not stopping a group crab pakora, modeled coincided with the decline
of scientists, fishermen, after a fried snack from of the Maine soft-shell clam
chefs and others from India. industry, which had its
getting together in Maine "The idea is it's not going smallest harvest since the
to try to brainstorm uses for to go away. How do you 1930s last year, due in part
the pesky crustaceans. A green crab is seen, Wednesday, June 6, 2018, in Portland, monetize it?" Waks-Adams to an increase in predators,
The invasive crabs, native Maine. said, prepping food near like crabs.
to Europe, are a problem Associated Press two bins full of crawling There are billions of the
for New England's beloved critters. "Reach out to crabs off New England's
shellfish industry because the waters of the Gulf of But the Green Crab other chefs and make it coast, and finding new
they are relentless predators Maine are warming fast. Working Summit, taking an exportable product. uses for them is worthwhile
of marketable species, The little crabs also are place in Portland on Create the demand for yet since they never will be
such as clams. And they've nearly useless themselves Wednesday and Thursday, one more product coming eliminated, said Brian
become a bigger threat in because there is little is full of ideas for changing out of Maine." Beal, a professor of marine
recent years because they commercial market for that, ranging from creating Maine fishery regulators ecology at the University
thrive in warm water, and them. the world's first green crab are hungry for a solution of Maine at Machias. The
state's shellfish industry also
can find strategies to avoid
them, such as farming, he
"We can eat them, but
we're never going to eat
them to death. We can
trap them, but we're never
going to trap them to
death," Beal said at the
summit. "So what do you
do? We can adapt."q