Page 16 - MIN SOC JULY 10
P. 16
Friday 10 July 2015
During Art Rule Aruba 2016:
Culinary Arts to be Taught By Local Celebrity Chefs
ORANJESTAD - For this sum- In view of the quest for most common every days ba, is to elevate the pro- land to teach art in several
mer’s edition of Art Rules excellence, the culinary dishes, super healthy! Chef gram to a higher advanced disciplines. Starting with 6
Aruba, young aspiring art- arts program has recruited Urvin Croes of the Kitchen level, where students get to disciplines six years ago,
ists will again get the op- the island’s top chefs who Table and White Modern experience more intensive Art Rules has since grown
portunity to experience an will be sharing their valu- Cuisine will introduce Veg- training, and produce more into offering seven art dis-
outstanding educational able time and valuable etarian and Vegan Cook- Art during the two weeks of ciplines this year thanks to
arts program with Art Rules knowledge with students. ing Principals; Chef Ste- instruction this summer. generous local sponsors in-
Aruba 2016, kicking off on Chef Miguel Garcia, of phen Toevs of the Ritz Carl- Over the course of the last cluding RBC Royal Bank.
July 20th the Aruba Marriott Resort ton Aruba will demonstrate five years, the program has Art Rules Aruba wishes to
Art Rules Aruba, is introduc- will teach the History of Fish & Meat Butchery and enrolled more than 700 as- remind students that this
ing a new team of teachers Culinary Arts; Chef Ervin the basics skills necessary to piring artists, all local teen- year’s registration deadline
this time, calling this year’s Husken, of Screaming Ea- tackle beef and seafood, agers between the ages of is July 10th and the pro-
summer program for artistic gle Restaurant will present while Chef Dora Wang of 13 and 26, who possess a gram will kick off on July
teens, the MASTER Edition, the Principals and Practices the Ritz Carlton will elabo- passion for the Arts and the 20th at the Academy of
with seven art disciplines of Ice cream making, cov- rate on Pastry Baking and will to develop their person- Arts & Design Aruba. For
taught including: Creative ering both ice creams and Pastry Principals. al talents. Since 2010, Art more information visit www.
Writing, Creative Media, sorbets; Chef Matt Boland, Organizer Ayra Kip, of the Rules Aruba has brought or like Art Rules
Dance, Theater, Music & of Divi Resorts will discuss Pancake Gallery, explains more than 65 international on Facebook/artrulesa-
Performance, DJ and Culi- healthy Cooking Principals that the goal with this Mas- artists and teachers from ruba Instagram @Artrules-
nary Arts. and help kids make their ter Edition, of Art Rule Aru- around the world to the Is- flicks Twitter@ArtrulesU.q