Page 8 - AHATA
P. 8
LOCAL Saturday 17 February 2024
Aruba’s Bocas: home to the rarest fossil reefs on the planet!
(Oranjestad)—If you’ve Prof. dr. Gianfranco Scic- were also able to track the
been to the northern coast chitano, from the University fluctuation of sea levels
of Aruba already, you’ve of Bari Aldo Moro, present- during the past hundred or
probably noticed how the ed their research on these even thousands of years,
ground differs entirely from fossilized coral reefs at the and the effects that this
the sandy beaches on the University of Aruba. Their fluctuation has had on the
southern part of the island. focus for their research in- coral reefs of the windward
These hard surfaces, with cluded studying the health side of Aruba.
sharp bumps and holes and formation patterns of
are actually fossilized coral these coral reefs, and to These findings can certainly
reefs, of which its growth investigate how these reefs put things into perspective.
and changes can be have responded and can The ground on which we rare remnant of geologi- able to take concrete ac-
traced back to the last gla- respond to fluctuating sea have walked many times cal history, as they provide tion in protecting and pre-
cial period. levels or extreme weather, in the northern part of the a clear view of how these serving our coral reefs. So, if
like hurricanes and tsuna- island hold such rich history, reefs have formed. you are ever visiting one of
On May 30 2023, geosci- mis. history that dates back to the bocas or driving along
entists, Dr. Patrick Boyden Through underwater and a time that most of us can- This research is also im- the northern part of the is-
from the Marum research land surveillance, and 3D not even imagine. As the portant for the future of land, please be conscious
faculty at the University of models of the reefs, they scientists themselves have coral reefs on the island. to help protect our natural
Bremen, Prof. dr. Alessio were able to narrow down pointed out, these fossilized By studying rising sea lev- historical remnant. Oh, and
Rovere from the Ca' Fosc- when these formations reefs on the windward side els and climate impact on wear (coral-friendly) sun-
ari University of Venice and started to take place. They are truly an incredible and these coral reefs, we are screen!
Aruba Tourism Authority honors loyal visitors at
Bucuti & Tara Beach Resort!
The Aruba Tourism Authority recently had the Mr. Dennis & Mrs. Kim Weihs from New York, Unit- with gifts, and also thanked them for choosing
great pleasure of recognizing Distinguished ed States. Aruba as their favorite vacation destination, as
Visitors and Goodwill Ambassadors of Aruba. their home away from home.
These visitors were respectively honored with Goodwill Ambassadors
certificates acknowledging their years of visits, Mr. David & Mrs. Bernice Squires from New- Top reasons for returning to Aruba, provided by
loyalty, and love for the island of Aruba. foundland and Labrador, Canada. the Weihs were:
• Aruba’s beauty.
The honor certification is presented on behalf of Ms. Marouska Heyliger representing the Aru- • Aruba’s cleanliness.
the Minister of Tourism as a token of apprecia- ba Tourism Authority, and staff members of • Aruba’s fantastic weather.
tion and to say “Masha Danki” to guests who the Bucuti & Tara Beach Resort bestowed the • “The Bucuti & Tara Beach Resort!”
have visited Aruba 10, 20, or 35 years or more certificates to the honorees, presented them • “Friends we have made throughout the
consecutively. years.”
The three honoring levels are as follows: Top reasons for returning to Aruba, provided by
the Squires were:
Distinguished Visitor (10>years consecutively • Aruba’s great people.
visiting Aruba) • Aruba’s warm sunny weather.
Goodwill Ambassador (20>years consecutively • Aruba’s restaurants.
visiting Aruba) • Aruba’s safety.
Emerald Ambassador (35>years consecutively • Aruba’s turquoise beaches.
visiting Aruba)
On behalf of the Aruba Tourism Authority, we
The honorees were: would like to express our sincere gratitude and
appreciation to the honorees for their contin-
Distinguished Visitors ued visits to the “One Happy Island”.