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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Friday 24 april 2020
              Virus pushes US unemployment toward highest since Depression

              Continued from Front        virus  could  kill  more  than  king a second wave of in-  keep  my  family  safe,  my  death toll than other large
                                          300,000  people  in  Africa  fections. In Georgia, gyms,  children  safe,  but  every-  European countries.
              Just in New York City, with  and  push  30  million  into  hair  salons  and  bowling  thing  else  around  me  is  “We’re not living in the final
              a population of 8.6 million,  desperate poverty.        alleys  can  reopen  Friday.  falling  apart,”  Simon  said.  phase  of  the  pandemic,
              Health Commissioner Oxiris  Huge lines have formed at  Texas has reopened its sta-   “But they see it, no matter  but still at the beginning,”
              Barbot  said  as  many  as  1  food  banks  from  El  Paso,  te parks.               how much I try to hide my  Merkel  warned.  “It  would
              million may have been ex-   Texas, to the Paris suburbs,  Few  Americans  count  on  despair.”                   be  a  shame  if  premature
              posed.                      and food shortages are hit-  Trump  as  a  reliable  sour-  Corey Williams, 31, was laid  hope  ultimately  punishes
              In   Washington,    many  ting Africa especially hard.  ce  of  information  on  the  off from his warehouse job  us all.”
              House  lawmakers  wore  At a virtual summit, Europe-    outbreak,  according  to  in  Michigan  a  month  ago  Governments  are  bearing
              face  masks  and  bandan-   an  Union  leaders  agreed  a  survey  from  The  Associ-  and saw his rent, insurance  that  risk  in  mind  with  the
              nas — and some sat in the  to  set  up  a  massive  reco-  ated  Press-NORC  Center  and other bills pile up while  onset  of  Ramadan,  the
              otherwise  vacant  visitors  very  fund  to  help  rebuild  for Public Affairs Research.  he  anxiously  awaited  his  holy  month  of  daytime
              gallery  to  stay  away  from  the  27-nation  bloc’s  ra-  About 23% said they have  unemployment    benefits.  fasting,  overnight  festivi-
              others  —  as  they  deba-  vaged  economies.  While  high levels of trust in what  That    finally   happened  ties and communal prayer
              ted  a  nearly  $500  billion  no  figure  was  put  on  the  he  tells  the  public,  while  on  Wednesday,  and  he  that begins for the world’s
              measure  to  help  busines-  plan, officials said 1-1.5 tril-  21%  said  they  trust  him  a  quickly paid $1,700 in bills.  1.8 billion Muslims with the
              ses  and  hospitals  weather  lion  euros  ($1.1-1.6  trillion)  moderate amount.    “It was getting pretty tight,  new moon this week. Many
              the  crisis.  The  package  would be needed.            On  the  economic  front,  pretty  tight,”  he  said.  “It  Muslim  leaders  have  clo-
              was expected to win final  The  coronavirus  has  kil-  few  experts  foresee  a  was  definitely  stressful  for  sed  mosques  or  banned
              approval  later  in  the  day,  led  nearly  190,000  people  downturn  as  severe  as  the last few days.”      collective  evening  prayer
              then advance to President  worldwide, including more  the      Depression,   when  While  the  health  crisis  has  to ward off new infections.
              Donald Trump for his signa-  than 100,000 in Europe and  unemployment  remained  eased  in  places  like  Italy,  The  virus  has  already  dis-
              ture.                       about 47,000 in the United  above  14%  from  1931  to  Spain and France, experts  rupted  Christianity’s  Holy
              Abroad,  there  was  mixed  States, according to a tally  1940,  peaking  at  25%.  But  say it is far from over, and  Week, Passover, the Muslim
              news about the epidemic.  compiled by John Hopkins  unemployment is conside-         the  threat  of  new  out-  hajj  pilgrimage  and  other
              Some  countries,  including  University  from  official  go-  red likely to remain eleva-  breaks looms large.   major religious events.
              Greece,  Bangladesh  and  vernment  figures.  The  true  ted well into next year and  “The   question   is   not  Authorities  in  the  capi-
              Malaysia,  announced  ex-   numbers  are  almost  cer-  probably beyond, and will  whether there will be a se-   tal  of  Indonesia,  the  most
              tensions of their lockdowns.  tainly far higher.        surely top the 10% peak of  cond wave,” said Dr. Hans  populous  Muslim-majority
              Vietnam,  New  Zealand  In  the  U.S.,  the  economic  the 2008-09 recession.        Kluge,  the  head  of  the  nation,  extended  its  di-
              and  Croatia  were  among  consequences of the shut-    Janet  Simon,  laid  off  as  a  WHO’s Europe office. “The  sease-fighting  restrictions
              those  moving  to  end  or  downs have sparked angry  waitress at an IHOP restau-    question is whether we will  to  cover  all  of  Ramadan.
              ease such measures.         rallies  in  state  capitals  by  rant in Miami, said she has  take into account the big-  Turkey banned communal
              In  Africa,  COVID-19  ca-  protesters demanding that  just $200 in her name and is  gest lessons so far.”       eating during the holiday.
              ses surged 43% in the past  businesses  reopen,  and  getting  panic  attacks  be-   German  Chancellor  An-     Pakistani  Prime  Minister
              week to 26,000, according  Trump  has  expressed  im-   cause  of  uncertainty  over  gela   Merkel   criticized  Imran Khan bowed to the
              to  John  Nkengasong,  di-  patience  over  the  restric-  how  she  will  care  for  her  some  German  states  for  country’s  clerics,  refusing
              rector  of  the  Africa  Cen-  tions.                   three  children.  Simon,  33,  moving  too  briskly  in  try-  to close the mosques des-
              ters  for  Disease  Control  Some governors have be-    filed  for  unemployment  a  ing to reopen their econo-  pite  a  warning  from  doc-
              and Prevention. The figures  gun  easing  up  despite  month ago, and her appli-     mies.  Germany  has  been  tors  that  such  gatherings
              underscored a recent war-   warnings  from  health  aut-  cation is still listed as “pen-  praised  for  its  approach  could  further  spread  the
              ning  from  the  World  He-  horities that it may be too  ding.”                     to the pandemic and has  virus in a country with a fra-
              alth  Organization  that  the  soon to do so without spar-  “I’m  doing  everything  to  a  much  lower  reported  gile health care system.q

            11,000 deaths: Ravaged nursing homes plead for more testing

            BERNARD CONDON,                                                                                                     that  can  help  isolate  the
            MATT SEDENSKY AND                                                                                                   sick  and  stop  the  spread.
            JIM MUSTIAN                                                                                                         And  homes  that  do  man-
            Associated Press                                                                                                    age  to  get  a  hold  of  tests
            NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  After                                                                                           often rely on luck and con-
            two months and more than                                                                                            tacts. "It just shows that the
            11,000  deaths  that  have                                                                                          longer  that  states  lapse  in
            made  the  nation's  nursing                                                                                        universal  testing  of  all  resi-
            homes some of the most ter-                                                                                         dents  and  staff,  we're  go-
            rifying  places  to  be  during                                                                                     ing  to  see  these  kinds  of
            the  coronavirus  crisis,  most                                                                                     stories for a very long time,"
            of them still don't have ac-                                                                                        said  Brian  Lee  of  the  ad-
            cess to enough tests to help                                                                                        vocacy  group  Families  for
            control  outbreaks  among                                                                                           Better Care.
            their  frail,  elderly  residents.                                                                                  "Once  it's  in,  there's  no
            Neither  the  federal  gov-                                                                                         stopping it and by the time
            ernment  nor  the  leader  in                                                                                       you're  aware  with  testing,
            nursing home deaths, New                                                                                            too  many  people  have  it.
            York, has mandated testing                                                                                          And bodies keep piling up."
            for  all  residents  and  staff.                                                                                    That became clear in some
            An industry group says only   In this Friday, April 17, 2020, photo, Dr. Gabrielle Beger, left, prepares to take a nose-swab sample   of the nation's biggest nurs-
                                         from Lawrence McGee, as she works with a team of University of Washington medical providers
            about a third of the 15,000   conducting  testing  for  the  new  coronavirus  at  Queen  Anne  Healthcare,  a  skilled  nursing  and   ing home outbreaks.
            nursing  homes  in  the  U.S.   rehabilitation facility in Seattle.
            have ready access to tests                                                                        Associated Press.        Continued on Page 26
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