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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Friday 24 april 2020
            EU agrees budget, recovery plan

            needed to beat virus impact

                                                                                                    In this Aug. 16, 2019, photo, large Icebergs float away as the
                                                                                                    sun rises near Kulusuk, Greenland.
                                                                                                                                          Associated Press.
                                                                                                    Greenland ready to take US aid

                                                                                                    but won't accept conditions

                                                                                                    By JAN M. OLSEN Associated Press
                                                                                                    COPENHAGEN,  Denmark  (AP)  —  Greenlanders  said
                                                                                                    Thursday they welcome U.S. investment in their island,
                                                                                                    but the money has to come without conditions.
                                                                                                    The  U.S  administration  is  expected  to  announce  the
            European  Council  President  Charles  Michel,  right,  and  European  Commission  President  Ursula   opening  of  a  U.S.  Agency  for  International  Develop-
            von der Leyen participate in a media conference after a video conference with EU leaders in EU   ment office at the new American consulate in the cap-
            summit format at the European Council building in Brussels, Thursday, April 23, 2020.   ital, Nuuk, and confirm at least $12 million in new aid
                                                                                 Associated Press.  projects.
                                                                                                    The  announcement,  expected  Thursday  in  Washing-
            By LORNE COOK and            confidence  that  relatively  take, either grants or loans.  ton, will come less than a year after President Donald
            RAF CASERT                   wealthier northern EU part-  Von der Leyen said that the   Trump drew derision for expressing an interest in buying
            Associated Press             ners  like  Austria,  the  Neth-  budget "investment should   Greenland, which is part of the Danish Realm. Already,
            BRUSSELS  (AP)  —  Europe-   erlands or Germany — who  be front loaded in the first     suggestions  of  a  greater  U.S.  presence  in  Greenland
            an  Union  leaders  agreed  have suffered less from the  years  and  of  course  it  is   have been met with criticism in Greenland and in Den-
            Thursday  to  revamp  the  disease  —  are  willing  to  necessary  to  find  the  right   mark.
            EU's long-term budget and  take  swift,  sweeping  mea-   balance  between  grants      The Inuit government said in a statement preceding the
            set  up  a  massive  recovery  sures backed by real eco-  and loans."                   announcement that the U.S. government had decided
            fund  to  tackle  the  impact  nomic firepower.           When asked what amount        to allocate $12.1 million for projects in Greenland., fo-
            of  the  coronavirus  and  But  the  leaders  did  agree  of  money  might  be  found   cused on economic development including the min-
            help  rebuild  the  27-nation  to task the European Com-  with  some  adjustments,      eral industry, tourism and education. The local govern-
            bloc's ravaged economies,  mission with revamping the  she said: "we're not talking     ment said it had accepted the offer.
            but  deep  differences  re-  EU's  next  seven-year  bud-  about  billion,  we're  talking   "This good news confirms that our work on building a
            main over the best way to  get  —  due  to  enter  force  about trillion."              constructive relationship with the United States is fruit-
            achieve those goals.         on  Jan.  1  but  still  the  sub-  Even  before  these  new   ful," Greenland Premier Kim Kielsen said.
            With  more  than  100,000  ject of much disagreement  funds are agreed, the EU's        "It is positive that the increased cooperation between
            Europeans  known  to  have  —  and  devise  a  massive  institutions  and  member       Greenland and the U.S. is reflected in tangible results in
            died  from  the  virus,  ac-  recovery plan. While no fig-  countries  combined  have   the form of funding for projects in Greenland. "
            cording  to  the  European  ure  was  put  on  that  plan,  mobilized around 3.3 trillion   The funds are expected to be implemented primarily
            Centre for Disease Preven-   officials  believe  that  1-1.5  euros ($3.6 trillion) for over-  as  consultancy  and  advisory  assistance  from  U.S.  ex-
            tion and Control, and busi-  trillion euros ($1.1-1.6 trillion)  burdened  health  services,   perts,  as  well  as  through  existing  programs  under  the
            ness  only  slowly  starting  to  would be needed.        suffering  small  businesses,   U.S. State Department, the government said.
            open  in  some  countries,  "There  is  only  one  instru-  embattled airlines or wage   Aaja Chemnitz Larsen from the left-leaning IA opposi-
            the urgent need for funds in  ment  that  can  deliver  this  support  for  people  unable   tion party called it a "charm offensive."
            hard-hit  countries  like  Italy  magnitude  of  task  behind  to work.                 "The Americans are welcome if they want to invest in
            and Spain has never been  the  recovery  and  that  Despite  knowing  that  the         Greenland," she told The Associated Press. "But it is im-
            starker.                     is  the  European  budget  revamp will cost her coun-      portant to make sure that Greenland doesn't owe any-
            "This  pandemic  is  putting  clearly linked to the recov-  try  more  money,  German   thing back to the United States. We are skeptical about
            our  societies  under  seri-  ery  fund,"  European  Com-  Chancellor  Angela  Merkel   what they really want besides influence."q
            ous  strain.  The  well-being  mission President Ursula von  endorsed  the  plan,  saying
            of  each  EU  member  state  der Leyen said.              "of course this means Ger-
            depends on the well-being  "The  budget  is  time  test-  many  must  calculate  with
            of the whole of the EU. We  ed.  Everybody  knows  it.  It  higher contributions for the
            are all in this together," Eu-  is  trusted  by  all  member  next  budget  ...  but  that's
            ropean  Council  President  states."                      right and good." In normal
            Charles Michel told report-  Northern  European  coun-    times, the seven-year bud-
            ers after chairing the lead-  tries,  like  the  Netherlands  get totals around 1% of EU
            ers' video-conference sum-   and  Germany,  generally  gross  national  income,  or
            mit.                         remain  reluctant  to  share  just over 1 trillion euros.
            The  uneven  impact  of  the  too much debt out of fear  French President Emmanu-
            virus on countries with very  of having to foot the bill for  el  Macron  welcomed  that
            different budgetary means  others,  and  debate  raged  the  summit  found  "a  con-
            has eroded trust, with Italy  Thursday  over  what  form  sensus  on  a  fast  response
            and  Spain  notably  lacking  some of the funding should  and a strong one."q
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