Page 31 - bon-dia-aruba-20200424
P. 31

locAl           Friday 24 april 2020

            Keep on learning

            ORANJESTAD — It has been
            a  few  weeks  since  the  Learning  is  a  daily  adven-
            Center  for  Lifelong  Learn-  ture that should be carried
            ing  (CLL)  at  the  University  and  explored  throughout
            of  Aruba  (UA)  was  forced  life. Learning does not stop
            to cancel its activities due  just because school does.
            to Covid-19. We are not sit-  One  of  the  key  issues  in
            ting still and are busy work-  the strategic development
            ing on bringing you (online)  of  the  University  of  Aruba
            courses as soon as possible.  (UA) is the need to orient its
            In the meantime, we would  service  more  explicitly  to-
            like  to  encourage  you  to  wards the development of  tunities  throughout  life  to  Growth”.    This  growth  is  self  into  believing  you're
            "keep the doors of learning  the Aruban society. CLL ex-  various  stakeholders  in  our  achieved by means of pro-  only good at a few things.
            open" by making use of the  tends the mission and vision  society at the individual, or-  viding  continuous  educa-  It's  probable  that  you're
            free  online  resources  that  of  the  University  of  Aruba  ganizational as well as na-  tion  for  holistic  human  de-  good  at  many  things,  but
            have been made available  and  does  so  with  a  focus  tional level.                 velopment  and  personal  you won't know until you've
            to everyone.                 on offering learning oppor-  CLL has as motto “Enabling  growth.                       tried.

                                                                                                   Tips to learn                As  you  grow  you  develop
                                                                                                   TIP 1                        more  experience,  coordi-
                                                                                                   Determine  your  own  pre-   nation, responsiveness, and
                                                                                                   ferred learning style or styles  confidence that one expe-
                                                                                                   (example of learning styles  rience can't teach, but you
                                                                                                   are:  visual  learners,  audi-  can  apply  to  re-learning
                                                                                                   tory  learners,  kinesthetic  an old experience.  Things
                                                                                                   learners). Note what learn-  change as you mature, de-
                                                                                                   ing  techniques  are  most  velop,  and  adjust  to  new
                                                                                                   efficient  for  you  and  use  environments.
                                                                                                   them as much as is practi-
                                                                                                   cal, such as viewing online  Be  careful  not  to  let  past
                                                                                                   tutorials  on  websites  like  experiences cut off oppor-
                                                                                                   YouTube  if  you're  more  of  tunities for you now.q
                                                                                                   a visual learner. Most peo-
                                                                                                   ple  learn  through  multiple
                                                                                                   methods  but  favor  one  or   "I do not think much of
                                                                                                   two.  Use  your  preferences   a man who is not wiser
                                                                                                   to your advantage             today than he was yes-
                                                                                                   TIP 2                                Abraham Lincoln
                                                                                                   Try  many  different  things
                                                                                                   so that you don't box your-

               Your favorite hotel staff

               ORANJESTAD — We are far away but still con-
               nected through Aruba Today! We know many
               of you as our loyal readers and friends and we
               know you just love Aruba's hospitality. The most
               striking is that all of you mention the great ser-                                                            “We have been coming to Aru-
               vice and the bond with the waiter, the recep-                                                                 ba for 15 years and have stayed
               tionist or other staff in the hotel and restaurants.                                                          at The Barceló (formerly Occi-
                                                                                                                             dental).  Angela who works at
               We have asked you to send us a picture of that                                                                the Pool Bar is our favorite! You
                                                                                                                             become family when you stay
               favorite waiter or housekeeper or other hotel                                                                 at  that  resort.      We  have  tried
               staff together with a personal message to them                                                                a couple other hotels over the
               to publish this in our newspaper. We will also do                                                             years but always find ourselves
               our utmost to find this person and make sure    “We have been going to Aruba for 20 years,                    back  at  Barceló.  Angela  has
               she or he will get this message. Many of them   we love it so much we purchased a house                       worked for the resort for over 25
               may have lost their job or do not know when     across the street from the Marriott hotel. We                 years  and  always  has  a  smile
                                                                                                                             on  her  face  and  a  big  hug  to
               they will restart their work. They must miss you   visit 4-5 times a year and always wind up at               give when we arrive and sadly
               and the daily interaction that is why we would   the outdoor bar at the Marriott to see all of                when we leave. She even had
               like to reach out and make a connection.        our  friends,  Especially  Andrew,  he  has  be-              us over to her home on one of
               Send your text and picture to: news@arubato-    come  a great friend, and we consider him                     our  recent  visits  where  we  re-
                                                               our family! Always smiling and a great bar-
      You may also send us a PM on Face-     tender!  Hopefully  we  will  return  as  soon  as            ally  got  to  know  her  and  her
               book but pictures are best by email.            this Covid 19 thing ends! We really miss ev-                  beautiful  family.  We  can't  wait
                                                               eryone!”                                                      to return to visit our home away
                                                                                                                             from home and Angela!”
               Today  we  share  some  wonderful  message
               from Karen & Dan and Sarah & John:              Karen & Dan                                                   Sarah & John
                                                               Chicago, Illinois                                             New Jersey
                                                               United States of America
                                                                                                                             United States of America
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