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Diabierna, 20 December 2024                                    AWEMainta                                                  LOCAL            11

                                                   Canadian Bank Note Company:

       Clarification on Court of Audit Report

                  ‘op afstand, maar toch dichtbij’

                                ON June 13, 2024, the             and CBNA in 2012. In reality, the contract provided for total transparency
                                Aruba Court  of Audit             and quarterly business updates, which were always provided.
                                published a report enti-

                                tled “Op afstand, maar            With respect to the statements referred to above, the report does not come
                                toch dichtbij”  on the            close to meeting the standard of care that one would expect of an auditor.
                                remote institutions of            The Court of Audit has nonetheless refused the request of CBN and CBNA
                                the Country of Aruba.             to clarify that it made these statements without ever having looked at the

                                                                  CBNA or CBN books, which are audited annually by a reputable accounting
       The Court of Audit included in its report                  firm. Indeed no one from the Court of Audit spoke with anyone at CBN or
       an analysis of Fundacion Lotto pa Deporte                  CBNA before issuing its report.
       Foundation (‘FLPD’). The report included

       statements  regarding  Canadian  Bank  Note                CBN, and its Aruban staff at CBNA, are justly proud of their success in
       Company,  Limited  (‘CBN’),  Canadian  Bank                raising tens of millions of Florins for the FLPD and its mandate to support
       Note (Aruba) N.V. (‘CBNA’) and the manage-                 sports in Aruba throughout the term to which the Court of Audit report
       ment  agreement  between  CBN,  CBNA  and                  refers.

       FLPD in force at that time. The Court of Audit
       did not verify these statements with CBN or                Gordon McKechnie
       CBNA.                                                      Executive President
                                                                  Canadian Bank Note Company, Limtited

       The report leaves the impression that the fees
       paid  by  FLPD  to  CBN  were  unfair.  A  reader
       would conclude  that those fees were net,
       when in fact they covered the entire operating

       cost of the operation of the lottery, such as the
       employee salaries, rent, marketing, and tech-
       nology. It is unfortunate that an institution
       such as the Court of Audit would make such                                           Bon Pasco y

       statements without auditing their veracity.                                            Feliz Aña Nobo!

       The Court of Audit report leaves the impres-
       sion to readers that CBN’s fees were excessive

       and caused sports to be underfunded. In fact,                                                    En conexion cu e dianan di fiesta
       the contrary is true. The lottery and the reve-                                                                nos oficina lo ta cera:
       nues available for sports have grown dramat-                                                  dialuna 23 di december 2024, te cu
                                                                                                              diabierna 3 di januari, 2025.
       ically  under  the  management  of  CBN  and

       CBNA. Neither company is responsible for the
       application of those funds to the good causes                                                 Nos lo ta habri bek pa duna servicio
       for which they  are intended. That responsi-                                                               segun nos orario regular:
       bility lies with the FLPD and the sports organi-                                                         dialuna, 6 di januari 2025.

       zations it funds.

       The  report also  erroneously  states  that the
       loss of visibility and control over the spending

       of funds by the FLPD was partly caused by the
       outsourcing  of  business  operations  to  CBN
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