P. 8

              Thursday 11 January 2018
            ‘Father’ of Parke Curason: George Forbes

                                                                                                   chat  with  Forbes.  “I  work  BMX training spot
                                                                                                   here  since  13  years  and  Jaymer  Carolina,  BMX-er,
                                                                                                   I  love  everything  about  confirms the importance of
                                                                                                   my  job.  I  am  supervisor  the  park  to  his  sport:  “The
                                                                                                   and  security.  The  people  park  is  my  training  field.  I
                                                                                                   come here every day and  train  here  6  times  a  week
                                                                                                   the  connection  with  them  from 5 to 7pm.” His club is
                                                                                                   makes me happy.”             called Rough Riders Aruba
                                                                                                    He explains that for a day  where he rides in the 17-24
                                                                                                   the  park  gets  about  150  age  category.  “But  next
                                                                                                   visitors.  “That  is  the  aver-  season  I  am  planning  to
                                                                                                   age, it can be more in the  race  elite,  the  pros.  It’s  all
                                                                                                   weekend.” All nations and  about  adrenaline,  speed,
                                                                                                   all  ages  are  represented,  style and also trying to work
                                                                                                   indeed  a  multicultural  all-  your  way  up  to  the  first
                                                                                                   generation park.             place.” Not only is the park
                                                                                                   The  park  he  believes  ex-  a  home  to  BMX  groups,
                                                                                                   ists  14  years  now,  so  he  also basketball teams, foot-
                                                                                                   was  here  from  almost  the  ball groups, skateboard fa-
                                                                                                   beginning.    “The  park  at  natics, little children, bikers,
                                                                                                   that time  looked  amazing,  runners  and  walkers  find
                                                                                                   everything  was  new  and  their way. And after all it is
                                                                                                   in  good  shape.  More  and  also a social gathering spot.
             George Forbes.                                                                        more  people  are  coming  Like Daniel Tromp says: “This
                                                                                                   now,  the  Aruban  people  park allows me to practice
            By Linda Reijnders
            JABURIBARI  -  For  years  Face of the Place
            I  have  been  practicing  You  have  people  that  just
            sports  at  the  actual  only  do their job and there are
            real  sport  park  of  Aruba.  people that make a differ-
            Parke  Curason  at  Jaburi-  ence  in  the  way  they  do
            bari  is  a  fenced  park  with  their  job.  Forbes  makes  a
            covered  basketball  court,  difference  when  you  visit
            football  field,  BMX  racing  Parke  Curason.  He  greets
            track,  skateboard  park,  visitors,  walks  around  to
            workout stations, kid’s play  take off helping a kid pump
            garden and a paved walk-     his  football  or  pointing  out
            ing/running/biking  path  of  a  bump  in  the  runway  to
            750  meter.  It  is  located  in  a  jogger.  He  even  is  con-
            the  neighborhood  Jaburi-   cerned  with  the  cars  that
            bari  and  is  a  popular  spot  enter  and  directs  them  to
            for locals. If you would like  an  available  parking  spot.
            to ‘meet the locals’, join in  He  is  to  most  people  of
            on some basketball games  the  park  ‘the  face  of  the
            and  sniff  some  ‘couleure  place’ and many times we
            local’, this is the place. But,  forget to thank people like
            for me, the extra cherry on  him to stand out like this.
            the pie is the dedication of
            the ‘father’ of the park to his  150 daily visitors
            job: George Forbes.          Aruba  Today  had  a  little   BMX group Rough Riders Aruba with Jaymer Carolina (left).

                                                                                                   love  sports  more  now  and  my sports, BMX, and there-
                                                                                                   that is good. Comparing to  fore I can race abroad. But
                                                                                                   the past it got better, that  this is also where I meet my
                                                                                                   is  why  we  need  to  focus  friends.  The  park  is  in  high
                                                                                                   on  maintaining  the  park”,  need of maintenance and I
                                                                                                   George explains. He likes to  hope this will be done soon
                                                                                                   do sports himself, and he is  and the government takes
                                                                                                   always  walking  around  to  her responsibility in this.” This
                                                                                                   help young and old.          opinion is shared by Sharit-
                                                                                                   “I  am  not  somebody  that  za  Henriquez  who  likes  to
                                                                                                   sits  in  a  corner  making  my  walk in the park. “There is a
                                                                                                   money.  There  are  a  lot  of  lot of lacked maintenance
                                                                                                   things  we  need  to  take  like  the  workout  stations.”
                                                                                                   care  of  to  prevent  ac-   For  George  this  is  nothing
                                                                                                   cidents.”  For  George,  his  new,  he  sees  his  park  ev-
                                                                                                   goal is to continue making  ery  day  and  is  concerned
                                                                                                   the people happy and see  about  the  state  of  it.  “I
                                                                                                   the park fixed up.           welcome  more  and  more
                                                                                                   “I  hope  that  the  promised  people every time which is
                                                                                                   maintenance will  come to  positive, but we need to fix
                                                                                                   reality  very  soon.  It  is  very  things.”
                                                                                                   important as this park has a  Parke Curason is open dai-
            BMX-ers with Daniel Tromp (right).                                                     crucial role.”               ly from 5am – 8:45pm.q
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