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                       Monday 29 May 2023

               Casa Del Mar Beach Resort Aruba offers Exclusive Vacation Ownership
                  Opportunity with Lifelong Ownership, Affordable Maintenance Fees,

                                                     and Luxurious Renovated Suites

             Casa  del  Mar  Beach  Resort  Aruba  is  thrilled   future  generations.  This  means  that  families   and  delectable  dining  options.  Owners  can
             to  announce  an  incredible  opportunity  for   can create a legacy of cherished vacations,    immerse themselves in the beauty of the Ca-
             discerning travelers seeking a lifetime of un-  ensuring that each generation can enjoy the     ribbean  while  enjoying  the  comforts  of  their
             forgettable vacations. The resort offers an ex-  beauty of Aruba for years to come.             own home away from home.
             clusive vacation ownership program, offering
             lifelong  ownership,  with  a  transferable  deed   In  addition  to  lifelong  ownership,  Casa  del   For  those  seeking  a  flexible  vacation  experi-
             to beneficiaries, the lowest maintenance fees   Mar  Beach  Resort  Aruba  boasts  the  lowest   ence, Casa Del Mar Beach Resort Aruba also
             in Aruba based on size and number of bed-       maintenance fees in Aruba based on size and     provides  the  option  to  exchange  vacation
             rooms, and newly renovated bathrooms that       number of  bedrooms. This  exceptional  value   weeks through external exchange programs.
             epitomize luxury and relaxation.                ensures that owners can enjoy their vacation    Due to the high exchange value of the resort,
                                                             without breaking the bank. The resort is com-   it  allows  owners  to  explore  new  destinations
             Vacation  ownership  has  revolutionized  the   mitted to providing a superior ownership expe-  worldwide  and  indulge  in  different  cultural
             way people experience travel, and Casa del      rience by offering transparent and affordable   experiences while still maintaining the security
             Mar Beach Resort Aruba is at the forefront of   maintenance  fees,  allowing  owners  to  maxi-  and comfort of their home resort.
             this  exciting  trend.  With  the  vacation  owner-  mize their investment while minimizing costs.
             ship program offered, individuals can secure                                                    Interested  individuals  are  invited  to  discover
             their “own piece of Aruba” and enjoy a life-    Furthermore, Casa del Mar Beach Resort Aru-     the  unparalleled  benefits  of  vacation  own-
             time  of  memorable  vacations  in  one  of  the   ba  is  currently  undergoing  a  lavish  renova-  ership at Casa  del  Mar Beach Resort Aruba.
             most  breathtaking  destinations  in  the  Carib-  tion of its Presidential Suites bathrooms. These   To  learn  more  about  this  exclusive  opportu-
             bean.                                           newly  renovated  bathrooms  exemplify  the     nity and secure your own piece of paradise,
             The benefits of vacation ownership are numer-   epitome of luxury and relaxation. Featuring el-  please  contact
             ous  and  enticing.  By  investing  in  a  vacation   egant fixtures, spacious showers, and stunning   or  visit  their  recently  renewed  website  www.
             ownership at Casa del Mar Beach Resort Aru-     accents, the bathrooms offer a truly indulgent
             ba, owners gain exclusive access to luxurious   retreat  for  owners  and  guests.  The  resort’s
             accommodations, personalized services, and      commitment to continuous improvement en-        About Casa del Mar Beach Resort Aruba:
             world-class  amenities.  This  ensures  a  consis-  sures that owners can enjoy the latest in mod-  Casa del Mar Beach Resort Aruba is a premier
             tently exceptional vacation experience, year    ern comforts and aesthetics, enhancing their    beachfront resort since 1986 and located at
             after year, without the hassle of searching for   vacation experience to new heights.           Aruba’s stunning Eagle Beach. With 40 1-bed-
             accommodations or dealing with fluctuating                                                      room Ambassador suites, which sleep 4, and
             rental prices.                                  Casa del Mar Beach Resort Aruba is renowned     107  two-bedroom  Presidential  Suites,  which
                                                             for its idyllic location in the low-rise area of Aru-  sleep 6, the resort offers luxurious spacious ac-
             One of the key advantages of vacation own-      ba located at Eagle Beach Aruba – recently      commodations, world-class amenities, and a
             ership at Casa del Mar Beach Resort Aruba is    chosen as the #1 in the Caribbean and #2 in     range  of  recreational  activities  for  an  unfor-
             the lifelong ownership. Unlike traditional time-  the  world  by  TripAdvisor  for  its  pristine  white   gettable  vacation  experience.  With  a  com-
             shares,  which  may  come  with  limitations  or   sandy  beaches,  and  crystal-clear  turquoise   mitment to excellence, Casa del Mar Beach
             expiration dates, Casa del Mar Beach Resort     waters. The resort offers an array of amenities,   Resort  Aruba  provides  exceptional  service
             Aruba offers an in perpetuity program, allow-   including multiple swimming pools, a renovat-   and continues to be a favorite destination for
             ing  owners  to  pass  their  ownership  down  to   ed  fitness  center,  world-class  spa,  activities,   travelers from around the world.q
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