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A2 u.s. news
Wednesday 3 January 2024
Trump appeals Maine ruling barring him from ballot under the
Constitution's insurrection clause
By NICHOLAS RICCARDI Democratic secretary of to also ask the U.S. Supreme
Associated Press state barring him from the Court to rule on his eligibility
Former President Donald ballot over his role in the Jan. to return to the presidency
Trump on Tuesday ap- 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. in a related Colorado case.
pealed a ruling by Maine's Capitol. He was expected The Republican candidate
Former President Donald Trump speaks during a commit to
caucus rally, Dec. 19, 2023, in Waterloo, Iowa.
Associated Press
appealed the Maine de- Trump. Critics warned that it
cision by Shenna Bellows, was an overreach and that
who became the first sec- the court could not simply
retary of state in history to declare that the Jan. 6 at-
bar someone from running tack was an "insurrection"
for the presidency under the without a more established
rarely used Section 3 of the judicial process.
14th Amendment. That pro- A week after Colorado's rul-
vision prohibits those who ing, Bellows issued her own.
"engaged in insurrection" Critics warned it was even
from holding office. more perilous because it
The appeal now goes to could pave the way for
Maine's Superior Court. partisan election officials to
Trump was also expected simply disqualify candidates
to appeal a similar ruling they oppose. Bellows, a for-
by the Colorado Supreme mer head of Maine's branch
Court directly to the U.S. of the American Civil Liber-
Supreme Court. ties Union, has previously
The nation's highest court criticized Trump and his be-
has never issued a decision havior on Jan. 6.
on Section 3, and the Colo- Bellows said her own views
rado court's 4-3 ruling that had nothing to do with her
it applied to Trump was the ruling, which sought to ap-
first time in history the provi- ply the law. She acknowl-
sion was used to bar a presi- edged the Supreme Court
dential contender from the would probably have the
ballot. final say after the Colo-
Trump's critics have filed rado case but said she still
dozens of lawsuits seeking had a responsibility to act.
to disqualify him from the She was the first top elec-
ballot in multiple states. tion official to do so. Many
None succeeded until a slim others, Democrats and Re-
majority of Colorado's seven publicans had told activists
justices — all of whom were urging them to strike Trump
appointed by Democratic from the ballot that they did
governors — ruled against not have that power.q