Page 7 - aruba-today-20240103
P. 7

                                                                                                           local Wednesday 3 January 2024

            Visit the island’s hidden natural pools

            (Oranjestad)—Amongst  Conchi—also known “Cura  National  Park,  this  is  also
            the countless beaches sur-   di Turtuga (Turtle’s Cove) or  possible:  do  bring  plenty
            rounding the island that are  just Natural Pool—is reach-  of  protective  clothing  and
            well-known  and  frequently  able  with  any  4x4  vehicle  enough water and food—it
            visited,  there  are  an  addi-  or by foot if you’re up for a  could take you up to three
            tional two “hidden” natural  long hike. However, since it  hours to hike there!
            pools  that  are  situated  in  is part of the National Park,
            the northern coast of the is-  you must first get permission  However,  when  you  even-
            land, two ideal stops in your  from park management to  tually  do  get  there,  you
            tour itinerary.              enter.  You  would  have  to  will be greeted with crystal
                                         purchase a day pass, and  blue  water  surrounded  by
               Conchi (Natural Pool)     receive  a  wristband  as  a  natural  rock  formation
            For  many  years,  Conchi  proof  of  payment.  Once  that protects you from the  Because  it’s  still  so  new,  lagoon where wild northern
            was  the  only  natural  pool  you’ve  completed  that,  wild  waves  on  the  other  there is no official name for  waves crash into each oth-
            that we had on the island.  you are set!                  side. Though the pool is lo-  it, but most people just call  er. Sounds scary, but if you
            Located  in  the  Arikok  Na-                             cated on the northern side  it the cave pool.             look  down  on  your  right,
            tional Park, near Boca Keto  If  you  decide  to  hike  from  of the island (where the sea                          you’ll  see  a  calm,  crystal
            and  the  Daimari  Ranch,  the entrance of the Arikok  is largely rough and largely  Just  like  the  Conchi,  the  blue  little  pool  in  the  cor-
                                                                      no  suitable  for  swimming),  new natural pool is situated  ner. To get there, you have
                                                                      the pool itself is very calm.  on  the  northern  coast  of  to climb down some stairs.
                                                                      It’s  also  relatively  deep,  Aruba. However, this pool is  Be  careful  when  climbing
                                                                      and you can climb up the  much easier to reach with  down  and  follow  the  in-
                                                                      rocks and jump in!           any  type  of  vehicle,  and  structions of your tour guide
                                                                                                   there  is  no  hiking  needed.  if you have one.
                                                                              Cave Pool            This  spot has  also  become
                                                                      This relatively new pool ap-  a  regular  stop  for  touring  And  just  like  Conchi,  this
                                                                      peared  just  a  few  years  visitors.                    pool  also  has  a  jumping
                                                                      ago,  when  a  part  of  the                              spot,  and  a  rope  to  climb
                                                                      dried  up  coral  floor  broke  When you get there, may-  back up the boulder.
                                                                      off and created a partition  be  you  won’t  be  able  to
                                                                      between  the  ocean  and  spot the pool immediately,       Picture of cave pool is cred-
                                                                      what  is  now  the  natural  because you will probably        ited to RockaBeach Tours
                                                                      pool  that  is  hidden  there.  notice  the  moon-shaped

            Aruban snacks and where to find them

            ORANJESTAD  —  Want  to  taste  something  dif-  Pastechi House in the city center. These places
            ferent for a change? How about some Aruban  may also sell other snacks and sandwiches too,
            snacks that you can find all around the island?  perfect for on-the-road lunch break.
            Hop in your car, and go to these locations to
            find some of the most popular and tasty snacks  While  you’re  at  it,  why  not  accompany  your
            that are beloved by our locals.                 snack  with  a  refreshing  “batido”?  Batidos  are
                                                            fruit shakes, typically made with added milk for
            One of the staples of Aruban cuisine and snacks  some  creaminess.  However,  you  can  also  ask
            is  the  Pastechi.  Pastechi  is  a  Caribbean  fried  to hold the milk. Batidos are commonly found
            pastry  that  is  filled  with  cheese,  meat,  chick-  in snack shops too. You may find some batido
            en, veggies and sometimes  even fish! Or per-   shops  next  the  flee  markets  downtown,  or  if  Nicolas, on the way to Baby Beach.
            haps you might want to try a croquette, locally  you’re on your way to San Nicolas, at Mauchi  2.       Along the main road next to the airport
            called a “kroket,” which is a crusty fried snack  Smoothies and Juice Bar in Savaneta (located  field.
            with typically a meat and dough mix filling. The  at the side of the main road).                3.      At the California Light House.
            Aruban  kroket  is  based  on  its  Dutch  counter-                                             4.      At the Alto Vista Chapel.
            part, the “bitterbal”.                          If you are looking for something a bit more fresh
                                                            and  healthy,  why  not  try  some  coconuts,  or  These vendors may also sell other delights, like
            These two snacks are typically found in all local  shaved ice from local vendors? These vendors  the beloved coconut-based dessert “cocada”
            snack trucks, which can be found all over the  carry their little shop at the back of their truck,  or peanuts. All in all, in Aruba, you can always
            island, including on the side of the main road  so  they  are  ever-moving  around  the  island.  find some place to take a break and have a
            that  stretches  from  San  Nicolas  to  the  Hotel  However, there are a few spots where you can  bite of something local, you maybe just might
            Area. You can also find pastechis and krokets  almost always find a coconut/shaved ice ven-     have to look for them!
            at  local  bakeries  and  snack  shops,  like  Bright  dor:
            Bakery in Piedra Plat, Huchada in Santa Cruz or  1.     Right  next  to  the  Red  Anchor  in  San                 Photo credit:
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