Page 27 - AHATA
P. 27
Monday 26 March 2018
Ms. Canada & Students International School Support Ambiente Feliz
From the Inside Out
Another big supporter of the foundation is Michelle Be-
gin from Ottawa, Canada. She is a true loyal visitor of our
Happy Island for 38 years already and not the standard
tourist. Michelle alias Ms. Canada, has a heart for the peo-
ple of Aruba. She dedicates her time here to raise funds
for those who need support. “I love Aruba and its people
and it is in my nature to help. Especially the older people,
children and people with disabilities need support and
I am here to reach out.” Her slogan is to keep Aruba
beautiful from the inside out and by working together the
job gets done, says Begin. By organizing a beach Volley-
ball Tournament Ms Canada raised the funds for several
good causes in the island, among others AmbienteFeliz.
Besides of this she organized a Silent Auction with the help
of many local businesses and she sold raffle tickets. The
prices of the raffle tickets were handed out at the Hard
Rock Café last Saturday evening.
By Linda Reijnders Tecklenborg, director of CEDE Aruba, explains that his
ORANJESTAD - Lukee Croes is director of foundation Ambiente Feliz, meaning Happy organization promotes bringing together people and re-
Ambiance, and this is a residential home for mentally challenged adults. Last Friday sources for sustainable development. In that light CEDE
the press was invited to hear out on the achieved goals and new plans of this special Aruba supports the initiatives of Ms Canada. In the fight
place. Michelle alias Ms Canada, was present as contributor with her fundraising proj- against the socioeconomic and social problems in Aruba,
ect. Students of the Key Club International School elaborated about their support to the they bring the target groups into contact with each other
foundation and their upcoming event. Daniel Tecklenborg from CEDE Aruba (center for that can strengthen each other and whenever there is
social development Aruba) and Brian Marchena, owner of Print Media, participated in an opportunity for social and educational development.
the conference in their presence as support pillars for the foundation and Ms Canada Their goal is to contribute to a community where people
Charities. of all ages and backgrounds can develop themselves.
“We believe that sustainable development in the Aruban
community is feasible.”q
“We are a club of people that have a heart for our residents, we are family to them dur-
ing their stay here and we strive to help more in the future.” The foundation is proud to
exist for 31 years already, says director Croes. She is grateful to the community of Aruba
that always has been there to help out. “A good example is the Key Club of the Interna-
tional School. The students have been coming here since a while to work as a volunteer.
Now they will organize a Color Run at May 20 whereas all gathered funds will go to our
foundation.” One of the students is happy to share that they feel good by reaching out.
“It makes me happy inside to give the residents of Ambiente Feliz a happy moment. Last
week we even danced with them and it was really fun.”