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                                                                                                           LOCAL Saturday 14 april 2018

            Congrats to a Goodwill Ambassadors Family

            EAGLE  BEACH  -  Recently  turquoise  water,  the  kind  and  spent  the  rest  of  their
            the Aruba Tourism Authority  and welcoming locals and  week there.  They enjoyed
            honored  Goodwill  Ambas-    the absolute relaxation.     Eagle Beach so much that
            sadors  visitors  of  Aruba  as                           they  purchased  a  double
            a token of appreciation for  Family Richard’s story:      unit  for  one  week  at  La
            visiting  the  island  for  more  In  1995,  Josie  was  going  Cabana  that  same  week.
            than 20 and more consec-     through  a  difficult  time  af-  Little  did  they  know  that
            utive years. Honorees were:  ter  losing  two  of  her  sisters  this was just the beginning.
            Remy & Josie Richard resi-   to  cancer,  and  a  third  sis-  The following year they re-
            dent  of  Canada  Chester  ter  had  what  turned  out  turned to Aruba and while
            Basin                        to  be  less  than  two  years  walking  along  the  beach
            Nathalie Richard resident of  to live.  Her husband Remy  one  morning,  Josie  spot-
            Halifax Canada               felt  she  was  in  dire  need  ted Costa Linda and knew
                                         of  a  getaway  and  started  she  had  to  show  her  new
            Ms.  Darline  de  Cuba  rep-  to  think  about  where  he  find to her husband.  They
            resenting  the  Aruba  Tour-  could whisk her off to from  were  both  immediately
            ism Authority, together with  their home in Halifax, Can-  impressed  and  bought  a
            Gloria  Janga,  Miriam  Ro-  ada.    They  had  already  week there as well!
            driquez  and  Lina  at  Costa  spent  winter  vacations  in  In 1997, their daughter Na-
            Linda  bestowed  the  cer-   many  other  Caribbean  is-  thalie  came  to  Aruba  for
            tificate of the Ambassadors  lands and Remy was look-     the first time as her univer-
            and  handed  some  pres-     ing  for  a  place  they  have  sity  graduation  gift.    Right  on  three  separate  occa-  while  here,  Josie  is  joyfully
            ents  to  the  honorees  and  not  been  to.  Having  just  away,   she   understood  sions,  guests  they  have  celebrating  her  75th  birth-
            thanked  them  for  choos-   recently watched Miss Uni-   how her parents had fallen  brought  to  Aruba  have  day with friends and family.
            ing Aruba as their vacation  verse,  and  admiring  Miss  in  love  with  the  island  so  also  purchased  their  own  Later  this  year,  Remy  and
            destination  and  as  their  Aruba’s beauty, he decid-    quickly!  Since then, she has  weeks!    Remy  and  Josie  Josie  will  also  celebrate
            home away from home for  ed  that  they  would  check  returned  to  Aruba  yearly  are  now  proud  owners  of  their  50th  wedding  anni-
            so  many  years  on  behalf  out  this  island.  Upon  arriv-  and  has  been  sharing  her  four weeks in one of Costa  versary  -  an  eventful  year
            of the Government of Aru-    ing to Aruba, they weren’t  island  photos  with  people  Linda’s  gorgeous  brand  indeed!
            ba.  The  visitors  love  Aruba  too pleased with the hotel  from all around the world.  new Frangipani Suites.  Not
            for  the  perfect  vacation  they  had  originally  select-  Over  the  years,  they  slow-  only is 2018 a special year  Congratulations   for   this
            weather,    the   gorgeous  ed  and  within  two  days,  ly  purchased  additional  in terms of their new weeks  special  family  from  Aruba
            white  sand,  the  refreshing  they moved to La Cabana  weeks at Costa Linda and  in the Frangipani Suite but,  Today’s team. q
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