Page 27 - ATA
P. 27

Diasabra, 14 April 2018                                        AWEMainta                                                                    13

                   Prome Minister Evelyn Wever-Croes:

       Gobierno a delibera cu KVK

             riba retonan economico

                                                                                               DURANTE  un  reunion  cu  e  directiva  di

                                                                                               Camara di Comercio, KVK, Prome Minister

                                                                                               Evelyn Wever-Croes acompaña pa Chief In-
                                                                                               novation Officer, Varelie Croes, a delibera cu

                                                                                               KVK riba e retonan economico di nos pais.

                                                                                               Prome Minister a duna un introduccion riba
                                                                                               e situacion financiero di pais Aruba y a splica

                                                                                               ampliamente e motibo pa cua Gobierno di

                                                                                               Aruba mester a yega asina leu pa anuncia e
                                                                                               Crisisheffing. Na mes momento a papia tam-

                                                                                               be di e desafionan financiero cu pais Aruba
                                 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL
          Food Truck Concession at Taxi Staging Area Located on the                            ta confronta.

          premises of AEROPUERTOINTERNACIONAL REINA BEATRIX                                    E mandatario a splica cu awo cu e tema fi-
                                                                                               nanciero ta atendi cune, ta momento pa en-
                                                                                               foca tur energia riba e futuro economico di

          The Aruba Airport Authority N.V. (“AAA”) hereby invites all parties interested in    nos pais. Den esaki tur gremio lo hunga un
          the Concession to operate a Food Truck at the Taxi Staging Area located on the
          Westside premises of the Main Terminal Building of  “Aeropuerto Internacional        papel importante. Prome Minister a laga sa
                       Reina Beatrix” to submit a proposal here for to AAA.                    cu esaki tawata e motibo pa cua a invita Ca-

                                                                                               mara di Comercio pa e reunion aki, pa scu-
          Detailed information on the proposal requirements are provided in the Request
          for Proposal document “Food Truck Concession at Taxi Staging Area located on         cha di nan kico tawata e desafio y retonan cu
          the premises of Aeropuerto Internacional Reina Beatrix”. This document can be        nan ta encontra. Mas ainda ta importante pa
         requested via email from the time of the publica-
          tion of this announcement until Wednesday, April 18, 2018 on or before 12.00         scucha di Camara di Comercio den ki direc-
         hrs. local time. The RFP document will then be sent to those that have requested      cion nan ta mira cu mester desaroya econo-
                           this via email on Wednesday, April 18, 2018.                        mia.

         AAA reserves the right not to contact all entities directly who has expressed their   Prome Minister a bisa cu e reunion aki tawa-
        interest in this type of operation at the airport in the past. However, those entities   ta sumamente fructifero na unda Camara di
        who have shown interest in the past who have not been contacted directly on this
        Request for Proposal are expressly invited to obtain the RFP document and submit       Comercio a comparti varios idea cu Minister
                                  a proposal as requested herein.                              President. Na final di e reunion, e Premier a

                                                                                               anuncia cu esaki ta un di e prome encuentro-
                                   Aruba Airport Authority N.V.
                                            April 2018                                         nan cu Camara di Comercio pa intercambia
                                                                                               opinion riba e futuro economico na caminda

                                                                                               pa un cumbre economico den luna di juni pa
                                                                                               fiha e maneho economico di pais Aruba.
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