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Friday 7 June 2024
Planning on snorkeling? Get to know our Candelchi!
and they are sometimes
Under candelchi, we in Aru- caught and seen occa-
ba generally refer to all the sionally. They can be distin-
different species of squir- guished by different marks
relfish. They all look alike such as color on the dorsal
and it's really difficult to dis- spine or marks on the body.
tinguish between them.
In Aruba:
The squirrelfish family is dis- Candelchi are found on
tinguished by the following reefs or areas with structure
characteristics. They are in the water where they
heart-shaped with pink or can hide. Although they
(Oranjestad)—If you’re of fish. Do you know your the entire squirrelfish family red hues and often show prefer to hunt for food at
ever planning on snorkel- fish? The Department of or, as some say, when we heart-shaped streaks be- night, they are also active
ing during your vacation on Department of Agriculture, say candelchi, we mean tween the scales along during the day. They are
Aruba, you may spot fish Livestock, and Fisheries, several different species the body. They have hard edible and delicious when
that you can’t recognize. known as Santa Rosa, offers but without distinguishing fins and are always armed. prepared dry and crispy
One of these may be the this informative article that them by species. In this Over at our sister island Cu- with lime. It is particularly
“Candelchi” (Squirrelfish), illustrate some fish and their picture, we are showing raçao, they are called "bari challenging to scale the
a common, yet shy fish that names in Papiamento. the most common one in di clabo" (nail barrel) for fish, which is why it is not
swims all year long in the our waters, which is called that reason. one of the favorites among
waters of Aruba. Candelchi, Squirrelfish, Ho- squirrelfish in English or sci- fishermen. They often live in
locentrus adscensionis: entifically known as Holo- In our waters, there are 7 to groups.q
Let's talk about the names Candelchi actually refers to centrus adscensionis. 8 types or species present
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