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                  Tuesday 27 OcTOber 2020
            Coronavirus deaths are rising again in the US, as feared

            By  LISA  MARIE  PANE  and                                                                                          more relief anytime soon —
            MIKE STOBBE                                                                                                         sent  stocks  into  a  slump  in
            Associated Press                                                                                                    afternoon  trading  on  Wall
            BOISE, Idaho (AP) — Deaths                                                                                          Street.  The  S&P  500  was
            per day from the coronavi-                                                                                          2.3% lower and on track for
            rus in the U.S. are on the rise                                                                                     its worst day in more than a
            again, just as health experts                                                                                       month.  The  Dow  Jones  In-
            had feared, and cases are                                                                                           dustrial Average was down
            climbing  in  practically  ev-                                                                                      more than 800 points, or al-
            ery state, despite assuranc-                                                                                        most 3%.
            es  from  President  Donald                                                                                         In the Texas border city of El
            Trump  over  the  weekend                                                                                           Paso,  authorities  instructed
            that  "we're  rounding  the                                                                                         people  to  stay  home  for
            turn, we're doing great."                                                                                           two weeks and imposed a
            With Election Day just over                                                                                         10-p.m.-to-5-a.m.   curfew
            a  week  away,  average                                                                                             because  of  a  surge  that
            deaths per day across the                                                                                           has  overwhelmed  hospi-
            country  are  up  10%  over                                                                                         tals. The state is converting
            the  past  two  weeks,  from                                                                                        part of the city's civic cen-
            721 to nearly 794 as of Sun-                                                                                        ter into a hospital.
            day,  according  to  data                                                                                           Violators  of  the  curfew
            from Johns Hopkins Univer-                                                                                          are  subject  to  $500  fines,
            sity.  Confirmed  infections                                                                                        though the order does not
            per  day  are  rising  in  47   Divine Ayong seals a test in a biohazard bag after collecting a sample Monday, Sept. 21, 2020, at   apply  to  people  who  are
            states,  and  deaths  are  up   The University of Texas at El Paso's Fox Fine Arts building in El Paso, Texas.      going  to  or  from  work  or
            in 34.                                                                                             Associated Press  are  out  for  other  essential
            Health experts had warned  people  who  are  weary  the world.                         more than 80,000 new cas-    reasons, such as food shop-
            that it was only a matter of  of  hunkering  down  and  Deaths  are  still  well  below  es on both Friday and Sat-  ping and medical care.
            time  before  deaths  turned  are  venturing  out  more;  the U.S. peak of over 2,200  urday — the highest marks  "We are in a crisis stage," El
            upward,  given  the  record-  "pandemic  anger"  among  per day in late April. But ex-  ever — though testing has  Paso  County  Judge  Ricar-
            breaking surge in cases en-  those are don't believe the  perts are warning of a grim  expanded      dramatically  do  Samaniego,  the  coun-
            gulfing the country. Deaths  scourge  is  a  real  threat;  fall and winter, with a wide-  over the course of the out-  ty's top elected official, as
            are  a  lagging  indicator  —  and cold weather, which is  ly  cited  model  from  the  break, making direct com-   he issued the stay-at-home
            that is, it generally takes a  forcing more Americans in-  University  of  Washington  parisons problematic.        order over the weekend.
            few  weeks  for  people  to  doors, where the virus can  projecting  about  386,000  The  true  number  of  infec-  On  Monday,  the  county
            sicken  and  die  from  the  spread more easily.          dead by Feb. 1. A vaccine  tions  is  thought  to  be  far  reported  a  record  high
            coronavirus.                 "When you put those three  is unlikely to become wide-    higher   because     many  in  daily  cases,  with  1,443.
            Michael  Osterholm,  a  Uni-  together,  we  shouldn't  be  ly available until mid-2021.  Americans  have  not  been  The  county  had  853  pa-
            versity of Minnesota expert  surprised  what  we're  see-  The seven-day rolling aver-  tested, and studies suggest  tients hospitalized because
            on infectious diseases who  ing," Osterholm said.         age for daily new cases hit  people  can  be  infected  of the virus, up from 786 a
            warned  over  the  summer  The virus is blamed for more  a record high on Sunday of  without feeling sick.          day  earlier.  The  state  has
            of  a  fall  surge,  said  what's  than  8.6  million  confirmed  68,767, according to Johns  Fears  about  the  virus's  toll  provided over 900 medical
            happening  now  is  a  con-  infections and over 225,000  Hopkins,  eclipsing  the  pre-  on  the  economy  —  and  personnel to El Paso, some
            fluence  of  three  factors:  deaths in the U.S., the high-  vious mark of 67,293, set in  fading hopes that Washing-  of whom will staff the con-
            "pandemic fatigue" among  est such totals anywhere in  mid-July. The U.S. recorded  ton  will  be  able  to  deliver  vention center site.q

            Kushner says Black people must ‘want to be successful’

                                                                      ner said Monday that Presi-  follow through and work to  folks  who  have  suffered
                                                                      dent  Donald  Trump  wants  find  ways  to  improve  the  and endured systemic rac-
                                                                      to  help  Black  people  in  lives  of  Black  people  in  ism and historic tokenism."
                                                                      America, but they have to  America.                       White  House  press  secre-
                                                                      "want to be successful" for  "You  saw  a  lot  of  people  tary   Kayleigh   McEnany
                                                                      his policies to work.        who were just virtue signal-  defended  Kushner,  saying
                                                                      "President  Trump's  policies  ing — they go on Instagram  that  "internet  trolls"  took
                                                                      are  the  policies  that  can  and cry, or they would, you  Kushner's words out of con-
                                                                      help  people  break  out  of  know, put a slogan on their  text. She said they were try-
                                                                      the  problems  that  they're  jersey or write something on  ing to distract from Trump's
                                                                      complaining  about,  but  a  basketball  court,"  Kush-   "undeniable  record  of  ac-
                                                                      he  can't  want  them  to  ner said. "Quite frankly, that  complishment"  for  Black
                                                                      be  successful  more  than  was doing more to polarize  people.
                                                                      they  want  to  be  success-  the  country  than  it  was  to  Trump,  who  has  been  try-
                                                                      ful," Kushner said on "Fox &  bring  people  forward.  You  ing to appeal to the Black
                                                                      Friends."                    solve  problems  with  solu-  community, has been pro-
                                                                      Kushner, who is also Trump's  tions."                     moting  his  attempts  to  set
                                                                      son-in-law,  also  criticized  Rep.  Don  Beyer,  D-Va.,  up   economic     opportu-
            White  House  senior  adviser  Jared  Kushner  does  a  television   prominent   people   who  accused  Kushner  of  "ca-  nity  zones,  provide  steady
            interview  at  the  White  House,  Monday,  Oct.  26,  2020,  in   raised their voices after the  sual racism." Former Demo-  funding for historically Black
            Washington.                                               killing  of  George  Floyd,  a  cratic National Committee  colleges  and  universities,
                                                     Associated Press  Black man who died in po-   Chair  Donna  Brazile  wrote  and institute criminal justice
            WASHINGTON (AP) — Presi-     dential adviser Jared Kush-  lice custody, but then didn't  on  Twitter:  "He's  talking  to  reforms.q
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