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                                                                                                           LOCAL Tuesday 27 OcTOber 2020

            Covid-19 in Aruba- Moving forward to flattening the curve

            ORANJESTAD  —  After  being  completely  shut  gathering  on  public  parking  spaces  between
            down for 3.5 months due to the Covid-19 pan-    12am-5am.
            demic, Aruba was ready to reopen its border for  ●      Restaurants need to be closed at 11:00
            international visitors on July 1st. Firstly, the bor-  pm.
            ders were opened to the Caribbean (with the  ●          ‘Ambiance music’ only is allowed at the
            exception  of  Dominican  Republic  and  Haiti),  establishment. Loud music nor dancing is per-
            Europe, and Canada and since July 15th, tour-   mitted.
            ists  from  the  United  States  and  Canada  were  ●   Tables in restaurants cannot seat more
            welcomed.  What  a  joy  it  was  to  see  the  first  than  4  people,  excluding  children  under  12
            flight land and the first tourist touching Aruba’s  years of age.
            ground after such a long time.                  ●       Bars  (counter) at locations cannot ser-
                                                            vice, as there cannot be chairs at the bar to sit
            A month after opening the border we had the  down.
            first  active  Covid-19  cases  registered,  which  ●   Avoid  large  gatherings  at  the  work-
            marked the start of the 2nd wave of the pan-    place.                                          at the airport. The number of deaths related to
            demic.  We  were  all  conscious  that  we  might  ●    Avoid visiting family and family parties in  COVID-19 is now 36 (all residents). Sincere con-
            get affected by the virus once again, but we  groups of 4 people or more.                       dolences to the family of the deceased. There
            weren’t prepared for the strength in which this  ●      Masks  are  now  mandatory  in  all  loca-  are currently 12 persons hospitalized, of whom 1
            virus would manifest itself in the 2nd wave. To-  tions (interior) and also on public transport.  is in intensive care.
            tal cases were increasing at a high speed daily.  ●     Visits  and  admissions  to  elderly  care
            Due to this and especially to protect our visitors  homes are prohibited.                       Advice for travelers
            the  Government  of  Aruba  together  with  the  ●      Indoor and outdoor contact sports must  Prior to travel, visitors should download the Aru-
            department of Public Health had to implement  stop.                                             ba Department of Public Health’s Aruba Health
            strict  rules  and  protocols  again.  As  the  cases                                           App. A mobile resource for information on CO-
            were increasing the rules became stricter and  Latest update on cases- October 26, 2020         VID-19 health procedures in Aruba, facilitation
            as soon as the numbers decreased immensely  21 new cases of COVID-19 reported and 25 per-       of  the  airport  health  screening,  and  faster  re-
            the Government of Aruba was able to adapt  sons recovered. The total number of active CO-       sults for Molecular PCR COVID-19 tests taken in
            its rules according to the development of the  VID-19  coronavirus  cases  is  164  (159  residents  Aruba.
            Covid-19 situation on the island.               and 5 visitors). The total cases to date is 4.422  Also as of November 1, 2020 a flat premium of
            These are the decisions taken by the Govern-    (4.357 residents and 60 visitors).  The total recov-  $30 is applicable for new insurance policies for
            ment of Aruba up till today:                    ered is 4.222 (4.162 residents and 60 visitors). The  travelers over 14 years old. More information on
            ●      Curfew is no longer in effect, however  number  of  persons  tested,  including  visitors,  is  travel  and  health  requirements  can  be  found
            you are not allowed to be on the beach and  now 38.406 of which 17.881 were persons tested  on
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