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a8    local
               Saturday 7 September 2024

            Aruba Tourism Authority honored loyal visitors at Eagle Aruba Resort!

            The  Aruba  Tourism  Authority  recently  had  the
            great pleasure of recognizing Goodwill Ambas-
            sadors  of  Aruba.  The  honorees  were  respec-
            tively honored with a certificate for their years
            of visits, loyalty, and love for the island of Aruba.

            The honorary certification is presented on be-
            half of the Minister of Tourism as a token of ap-
            preciation and to say “Masha Danki” to guests
            who  have  visited  Aruba  10,  20,  or  35  years  or
            more consecutively.

            The three levels of honor are as follows:
            Distinguished Visitor (10>years consecutively vis-
            iting Aruba)
            Goodwill Ambassador (20>years consecutively
            visiting Aruba)
            Emerald  Ambassador  (35>years  consecutively
            visiting Aruba)                                 Aruba  Resort  bestowed  the  certificate  upon  •      Aruba is One Happy Place.
                                                            the  honorees,  presented  them  with  gifts,  and  •   Aruba’s weather.
            The honorees were:                              thanked them for choosing Aruba as their fa-    •       Aruba’s restaurants.
            Goodwill Ambassadors                            vorite vacation destination, as their home away  •      “The hospitality”
            Ms. Rhonda & Ms. Kim Waldon from Homestead      from home.
            Florida, United States.                                                                         On  behalf  of  the  Aruba  Tourism  Authority,  we
                                                            The top reasons for returning to Aruba provided  would like to express our sincere gratitude and
            Mr.  Jorgino  Willems  representing  the  Aruba   by the honorees were:                         appreciation  to  the  honorees  for  their  contin-
            Tourism Authority, and staff members of Eagle   •       Aruba’s people.                         ued visits to the “One Happy Island”.q

            How Aruban beaches came to be!

            (Oranjestad)—We’ve  talk-    the  development  of  Aru-   line  (which  consists  mainly  The sand that accumulates  Why north deep, but south
            ed about the best beaches  ban beaches.                   of  coral  reefs)  have  start-  around  a  torn  coral  reef  shallow?
            to visit on the island before,                            ed  to  wear  and  tear  the  is  swept  away  along  with  Ah!  Good  question…and
            but  have  you  ever  won-   How did Aruba get its white,  reefs  over  time,  resulting  the  debris  by  the  ocean  interesting phrasing.
            dered  how  Aruba  got  its  sandy beaches?               in  its  gradual  breakdown.  stream.  However,  in  areas
            white, sandy beaches, and  Aruba’s beaches have de-       Fish  that  feed  off  corals  where  it’s  shallow  and  the  Aruba  is  a  continental
            why  there’s  a  clear  differ-  veloped  over  the  span  of  also contribute to this, one  stream is weaker, the sand  island.  The  island  actu-
            ence between the northern  thousands of years. Waves  small  bite  at  a  time.  Over  tends  to  sick  to  the  bot-  ally  forms  part  of  South
            and southern shores? Here  crashing  on  the  rocky  for-  the  course  of  thousands  tom  faster.  This  is  why  the  America,  and  the  space
            are  some  fun  facts  about  mations  along  our  coast  of  years,  as  waves  contin-  beaches  in  the  south—the  between  Aruba  and  the
                                                                      ue  to  crash  and  fish  con-  areas  with  weaker  stream  South  American  continent
                                                                      tinue to eat off the corals,  and   shallower    ocean  is simply referred to as land
                                                                      sand  starts  to  accumulate  floors—has   sand    that  that runs under the ocean.
                                                                      around  the  area.    Howev-  stretches  for  miles.  In  con-  This  is  why  it  gets  gradu-
                                                                      er, whether the sand stays  trast,  the  northern  area,  ally  deeper  in  the  south,
                                                                      there  is  another  question  where  the  stream  is  much  whereas the ocean floor in
                                                                      to be answered, and this is  stronger  and  the  ocean  the north runs steeply to the
                                                                      where we highlight the big-  floor is much deeper, there  bottom. q
                                                                      gest  difference  between  is  no  sand  present—they
                                                                      the  northern  and  southern  were swept away with the     Source: archival document
                                                                      coast of the island.         current!                     provided by the National Ar-
                                                                                                                                   chive of Aruba (ANA).
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