Page 5 - AHATA
P. 5
LOCAL Saturday 7 September 2024
Aruba Tourism Authority honored a loyal visitor at Aruba Beach Club Resort!
The Aruba Tourism Authority recently had the United States.
great pleasure of recognizing Emerald Ambas-
sador of Aruba. The honoree was respectively Mr. Jorgino Willems representing the Aruba
honored with a certificate for his years of visits, Tourism Authority, and staff members of Aruba
loyalty, and love for the island of Aruba. Beach Club Resort bestowed the certificate
upon the honoree, presented him with gifts,
The honorary certification is presented on be- and thanked him for choosing Aruba as his fa-
half of the Minister of Tourism as a token of ap- vorite vacation destination, as his home away
preciation and to say “Masha Danki” to guests from home.
who have visited Aruba 10, 20, or 35 years or
more consecutively. The top reasons for returning to Aruba provided
by the honoree was:
The three levels of honor are as follows: • Aruba’s people & culture.
Distinguished Visitor (10>years consecutively vis- • Aruba’s beaches.
iting Aruba) • Aruba’s weather.
Goodwill Ambassador (20>years consecutively • “Friendships”
visiting Aruba) • “Relaxation”
Emerald Ambassador (35>years consecutively
visiting Aruba) On behalf of the Aruba Tourism Authority, we
would like to express our sincere gratitude and
The honoree was: appreciation to the honoree for his continued
Emerald Ambassador visits to the “One Happy Island”.q
Mr. Jose Luis Guzman Jr from Congers New York,
Planning on snorkeling? Get to know our Candelchi!
(Oranjestad)—If you’re ever plan- their names in Papiamento.
ning on snorkeling during your
vacation on Aruba, you may spot Candelchi, Squirrelfish, Holocen-
fish that you can’t recognize. One trus adscensionis:
of these may be the “Candelchi” Candelchi actually refers to the
(Squirrelfish), a common, yet shy entire squirrelfish family or, as some
fish that swims all year long in the say, when we say candelchi, we
waters of Aruba. mean several different species but
without distinguishing them by spe-
Let's talk about the names of fish. cies. In this picture, we are show-
Do you know your fish? The Depart- ing the most common one in our
ment of Department of Agriculture, waters, which is called squirrelfish
Livestock, and Fisheries, known as in English or scientifically known as
Santa Rosa, offers this informative Holocentrus adscensionis. along the body. They have hard
article that illustrate some fish and fins and are always armed. Over at In Aruba:
Under candelchi, we in Aruba our sister island Curaçao, they are Candelchi are found on reefs or
generally refer to all the different called "bari di clabo" (nail barrel) areas with structure in the water
species of squirrelfish. They all look for that reason. where they can hide. Although
alike and it's really difficult to distin- they prefer to hunt for food at night,
guish between them. In our waters, there are 7 to 8 types they are also active during the
or species present and they are day. They are edible and delicious
The squirrelfish family is distinguished sometimes caught and seen occa- when prepared dry and crispy with
by the following characteristics. sionally. They can be distinguished lime. It is particularly challenging to
They are heart-shaped with pink by different marks such as color on scale the fish, which is why it is not
or red hues and often show heart- the dorsal spine or marks on the one of the favorites among fisher-
shaped streaks between the scales body. men. They often live in groups.q