Page 30 - bon-dia-aruba-20220912
P. 30
A30 world news
Dialuna 12 September 2022
What's next for the UK as Queen Elizabeth II laid to rest
(AP) — The death of House of Lords. — The king and Camilla
Queen Elizabeth II set in — The royal couple then will visit Northern Ireland,
motion a tightly choreo- fly to Edinburgh where they where they meet politicians
graphed series of ceremo- attend a service of remem- and faith leaders and attend a
nial and constitutional brance for the queen, visit the service of remembrance at St.
steps, as Britain under- Scottish Parliament and meet Anne's Cathedral.
goes a period of national senior officials.
mourning and enters the — The queen's coffin, ac- Wednesday, Sept. 14
reign of King Charles III. companied by the king and — The coffin is transported
queen consort, will travel to from Buckingham Palace to
A long-established 10-day Edinburgh's St. Giles' Cathe- Parliament on a gun carriage,
plan, code-named Operation dral where it will stay for 24 with the king and other roy-
London Bridge, covers ar- hours so the public can pay als walking behind.
rangements for the queen's their respects. Members of — It is placed in Parliament's
final journey to London and the royal family will hold a medieval Westminster Hall,
state funeral. Here is a look at vigil by the coffin in the eve- where the archbishop of
what will happen in the com- ning. Canterbury conducts a short
ing days: service. The queen will then Friday, Sept. 16 for a state funeral that begins
Tuesday Sept. 13 lie in state for four days, until — The king and queen con- at 11 a.m. Leaders and digni-
Monday, Sept. 12 — The queen's coffin is tak- the morning of her funeral. sort will visit Wales. taries from around the world
— King Charles II and Ca- en by hearse to Edinburgh Members of the public will are expected to attend.
milla, the Queen Consort, Airport. It will be flown by be able to pay their respects Monday, Sept. 19 — The funeral marks the end
will visit Parliament to re- the Royal Air Force to Lon- and troops will keep a round- — The queen's coffin will be of 10 days of national morn-
ceive condolences from the don and taken to Bucking- the-clock vigil. taken from Westminster Hall ing, and the day will be a pub-
House of Commons and the ham Palace. to nearby Westminster Abbey lic holiday across the U.K.
Russian forces retreat amid Ukrainian counteroffensive
(AP) — Ukrainian troops officials said. demonstrating the best that it
on Sunday successfully can do — showing its back."
pressed their swift coun- Kyiv's action to reclaim He posted a video of Ukrai-
teroffensive in the north- Russia-occupied areas in the nian soldiers hoisting the na-
eastern part of the coun- Kharkiv region forced Mos- tional flag over Chkalovske,
try, even as a nuclear pow- cow to withdraw its troops another town reclaimed in
er plant in the Russia-oc- to prevent them from being the counteroffensive.
cupied south completely surrounded, leaving behind
shut down in a bid to pre- significant numbers of weap- Yuriy Kochevenko, of the
vent a radiation disaster as ons and munitions in a hasty 95th brigade of the Armed
fighting raged nearby. retreat as the war marked its Forces of Ukraine, tweeted a
200th day on Sunday. video from what appeared to
But Russia struck back at be the city center of Izyum.
Ukraine's infrastructure Ukrainian President Volody- The city was considered an
Sunday night, causing wide- myr Zelenskyy mocked the important command and
spread blackouts, with the Russians in a video address supply hub for Russia's
Kharkiv and Donetsk regions Saturday night, saying "the northern front.
among those without power, Russian army in these days is
Greek leader says armed conflict with Turkey won’t happen
(AP) — Greece's prime Prime Minister Kyriakos nomic policy goals. prelude to an armed conflict, unequivocal support for
minister says that he can- Mitsotakis spoke at a press Mitsotakis replied negatively. Ukraine to concerns that,
not imagine that tensions conference Sunday at the Asked by The Associated "I don't believe this will ever if Russia prevails, it could
with neighboring NATO Thessaloniki International Press whether a recent esca- happen. And if, God forbid, serve as an example to other
ally Turkey could ever es- Fair, where he gave the key- lation in rhetoric from Tur- it happened, Turkey would countries with expansionist
calate into armed conflict. note speech Saturday out- key, led by President Recep receive an absolutely devas- designs.
lining his government's eco- Tayyip Erdogan, could be the tating response. And I think
they know it very well. Tur- "There is a dividing line be-
key knows the competence of tween the countries that re-
the Greek (armed) forces," he spect the inviolability of bor-
said. ders (and) the rules of inter-
national law and those who
Erdogan has accused Greece believe that, based on the law
of occupying supposedly de- of the strongest, they can tar-
militarized islands in the Ae- get countries they believe are
gean Sea and has threatened weaker and change the bor-
that Turkey would take ac- ders on a whim," Mitsotakis
tion. said.
Mitsotakis added that, de-
spite Erdogan's "unaccept- Mitsotakis added "it is very
able" comments, he was still important to give Ukraine
open to dialogue and a meet- the chance to negotiate a
ing with him. peace with Russia on its own
terms and certainly not as the
Mitsotakis linked Greece's loser in this war."