Page 10 - AAA 24 OCT 2015
P. 10

                                                                                                                                     Saturday 24 October 2015

American Airlines 3Q profit soars high on cheaper jet fuel 

DAVID KOENIG                      to provide more details.       plans as executives dis-       profits — before they re-                                             span the globe.
AP Airlines Writer                Kirby also said that Ameri-    cussed the company’s re-       covered most of the loss.                                             But discounters, which in-
FORT WORTH, Texas (AP) —          can will change its AAd-       cord-breaking third-quarter    Spirit’s stock took a bigger                                          clude Mexico’s Volaris and
American Airlines plans to        vantage frequent-flier pro-    profit.                        hit — it fell 9 percent dur-                                          Norwegian Air Shuttle, are
offer a version of the low-       gram next year, but he         American Airlines Group        ing intraday trading. Fron-                                           growing rapidly by appeal-
fare, no-frills approach to                                                                                                                                           ing to consumers who want
flying that is boosting profit    This photo shows the tails of four American Airlines passenger planes parked at Miami Interna-                                      to fly as cheaply as pos-
margins at discount carri-        tional Airport, in Miami. American Airlines reported quarterly financial results Friday, Oct. 23, 2015.                             sible.
ers.                                                                                                                                                                  Spirit has been possibly the
Officials at American, the                                                                                                                      (AP Photo/Alan Diaz)  most successful of the so-
world’s biggest airline, say                                                                                                                                          called ultra-low-cost carri-
they need to fight back           declined to give details       Inc. reported that net in-     tier shares are not publicly                                          ers in the U.S. It draws the
against small but fast-grow-      on that either. Other air-     come jumped 80 percent         traded.                                                               highest rate of complaints
ing rivals including Spirit Air-  lines have changed their       to $1.69 billion thanks to a   Big airlines like American,                                           among airlines tracked by
lines and Frontier Airlines,      plans from miles to points     huge drop in fuel spending.    Delta and United chase                                                the federal government —
which are known for cheap         — a way of rewarding high      But American’s shares fell     high-dollar  business  trav-                                          followed closely by Frontier,
fares, lots of extra fees, and    spenders at the expense of     4.7 percent — apparently       elers with amenities such                                             which began imitating Spir-
poor service.                     customers who buy cheap        on concern that price-cut-     as lie-flat seats and fancy                                           it’s no-frills approach last
American has many fre-            tickets.                       ting to compete with Spirit    food in premium cabins                                                year — but has had higher
quent fliers who will pay         American disclosed its         and Frontier might erode       and route networks that                                               profit margins than the gi-
more for premium service,                                                                                                                                             ants.
said Scott Kirby, the airline’s                                                                                                                                       When other airlines decid-
president.                                                                                                                                                            ed not to match Spirit’s low
But 87 percent — account-                                                                                                                                             fares, it grew to become
ing for half of American’s                                                                                                                                            bigger than United or Del-
revenue — fly the airline                                                                                                                                             ta in Dallas-Fort Worth and
no more than once a year,                                                                                                                                             bigger than Delta in Chica-
and they buy airline tickets                                                                                                                                          go, Kirby said.
based on price, he said.                                                                                                                                              American isn’t the only big
“We have to compete                                                                                                                                                   airline worried about the
for them,” Kirby said. “We                                                                                                                                            low-cost outfits. Late last
can’t just walk away from                                                                                                                                             year, Delta Air Lines began
that size of the business.”                                                                                                                                           selling a “basic economy”
So beginning next year                                                                                                                                                ticket that doesn’t allow
American will offer tickets                                                                                                                                           seat selection or ticket
with “less frills” but a “re-                                                                                                                                         changes and may not offer
ally cheap price” where                                                                                                                                               full frequent-flier benefits.
it competes on nonstop                                                                                                                                                It was introduced in a few
flights with discount carri-                                                                                                                                          markets and seen as a re-
ers, Kirby said. He declined                                                                                                                                          sponse to Spirit.q

Twitter CEO gives up $200M in stock for company employees 

MICHAEL LIEDTKE                   San Francisco company.         Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey speaks in St. Louis. According to                                     social networking service
AP Technology Writer              “I’d rather have a smaller     a Friday, Oct. 23, 2015 regulatory filing, Dorsey is relinquishing                                   has 1.5 billion users, even
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — Af-          part of something big than     stock worth more than $200 million so the messaging service                                          though it is only two years
ter laying off more than 300      a bigger part of something     can award the shares to its employees.                                                               older than Twitter.
workers, Twitter CEO Jack         small,” Dorsey tweeted                                                                                                              Dorsey was Twitter’s origi-
Dorsey is trying to lift the      about surrendering some                                  (Robert Cohen/St. Louis Post-Dispatch via AP)                              nal CEO, but was ousted
spirits of the remaining em-      of his stock. “I’m confident                                                                                                        because the company’s
ployees by giving them 6.8        we can make Twitter big!”      Dorsey, one of its co-found-   vice more appealing be-                                               board didn’t think he was
million shares of the stock       Twitter said Dorsey’s shares   ers, as its CEO in hopes that  yond its core audience of                                             the right leader at that
he owns in the online mes-        will be earmarked for stock    he can figure out a way to     about 300 million users. By                                           time.
saging service.                   issued to employees next       make the messaging ser-        comparison, Facebook’s                                                While he tries to re-tool Twit-
Dorsey is giving up the           year under the company’s                                                                                                            ter, Dorsey is also serving as
stock, currently worth more       incentive plan.                                                                                                                     CEO of Square, a payment
than $200 million, so Twitter     Dorsey will still own 15 mil-                                                                                                       processor that is preparing
can award the shares to           lion Twitter shares worth                                                                                                           to price an initial public of-
its employees, according          about $460 million, based                                                                                                           fering of its stock.
to documents filed Friday         on Twitter’s current market                                                                                                         Dorsey has given back
with the Securities and Ex-       value.                                                                                                                              nearly 15.1 million shares
change Commission.                Twitter’s stock gained                                                                                                              of Square stock during the
The gesture comes a week          $1.13, or nearly 4 percent,                                                                                                         past two years, too, ac-
after Dorsey laid off 8 per-      to close Friday at $30.28.                                                                                                          cording to Square’s IPO
cent of Twitter’s workforce       The shares have declined                                                                                                            documents. He remains by
in an effort to make the          by 40 percent in the past                                                                                                           far Square’s largest share-
company profitable for            six months amid concerns                                                                                                            holder with a 24 percent
the first time in its nine-year   about Twitter’s slowing                                                                                                             stake in that San Francisco
history. The gift represents      user growth and inability to                                                                                                        company, which is located
nearly one-third of the           make money.                                                                                                                         a block away from Twitter’s
stock Dorsey owns in the          Twitter Inc. brought back                                                                                                           headquarters.q
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