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                                                                                                       sports Diabierna 3 December 2021

                              Manfred, Clark divergent views point to lengthy lockout

            (AP)  —  Hours  into  Ma-    sport’s  five-year  collective  achieve  free  agency  earlier.
            jor   League     Baseball’s  bargaining agreement.        They  will  not  agree  to  any-
            first  work  stoppage  in  26                             thing that would allow play-
            years,  Commissioner  Rob  “If you play without an agree-  ers  to  have  additional  ways
            Manfred  and  union  head  ment, you are vulnerable to a  to get service time to combat
            Tony Clark presented dia-    strike  at  any  point  in  time,”  service-time  manipulation.
            metrically  opposed  views  Manfred  said.  “What  hap-   They told us on all of those
            of  each  side’s  negotiating  pened  in  1994  is  the  MLB-  things they will not agree.”
            positions  that  point  to  a  PA  picked  August,  when
            lengthy lockout.             we  were  most  vulnerable  Since  1976,  players  can  be-
                                         because  of  the  proximity  of  come free agents after six sea-
            In separate news conferences  the large revenue dollars as-  sons of major league service.
            less than half a day into base-  sociated with the postseason.  The players’ association pro-
            ball’s  ninth  work  stoppage,  We  wanted  to  take  that  op-  posed starting with the 2023-
            Manfred  said  the  union’s  tion away and try to force the  24  offseason  that  it  changes
            proposal  for  greater  free  parties to deal with the issues  to six years or five years and
            agency and wider salary arbi-  and get an agreement now.”  age 30.5, with the age in the
            tration would damage small-                               second  option  dropping  to
            market teams.                Players gained salary arbitra-  29.5 starting in 2025-26.
                                         tion in 1974 and free agency
            Clark, the first former player  two  years  later,  and  most  of  Players want arbitration eligi-
            to  head  the  union,  accused  the  previous  disputes  cen-  bility to decrease to two years
            Manfred  of  “misrepresen-   tered on the rise of big salaries  of  service,  its  level  until  the
            tations”  in  his  letter  to  fans  caused  by  both,  along  with  mid-1980s.
            explaining  the  lockout,  and  demands,  mostly  by  small-
            said “it would have been ben-  and  middle-market  owners,  Central  to  the  strife  is  the
            eficial to the process to have  to control costs and increase  union’s  anger  over  a  larger
            spent as much time negotiat-  their competitive ability.  number  of  teams  in  recent
            ing in the room as it appeared                            seasons  jettisoning  veterans
            it was spent on the letter.”  Management gained an ever-  in  favor  of  rebuilding  while
                                         increasing series of restraints  accumulating   prospects.
            “It’s  unnecessary  to  contin-  over  the  last  two  decades,  Teams  sometimes  conclude
            ue  the  dialogue,”  Clark  said  such as a luxury tax on high  rebuilding — the players call
            of  the  lockout.  “At  the  first  payrolls, leading to a decrease  it  tanking  —  is  a  preferred
            instance  in  some  time  of  a  in  average  salary  during  the  strategy  for  long-term  suc-
            bumpy  water,  the  recourse  latter years of the most recent  cess, even though it can ran-
            was  a  strategic  decision  to  labor deal.              kle their fans.
            lock players out.”
                                         Now players want more lib-   “We feel our proposals would  on Wednesday, including six  Feb. 16 and opening day on
            In  many  ways,  after  26  1/2  eralized free agency and arbi-  positively  affect  competitive  nine-figure  agreements  that  March 31.
            years of labor peace the sides  tration, leading to a confron-  balance,  competitive  integ-  raised the total to nine in the
            have  reverted  to  the  bitter  tation.                  rity,”  Meyer  said.  “We’ve  all  last month and total spending  “The  players’  association,  as
            squabbling that marked eight                              seen in recent years the prob-  to $2.5 billion since Oct. 1.  is  their  right,  made  an  ag-
            work  stoppages  from  1972-  “It’s a whole list of topics that  lem  with  teams  that  don’t                      gressive  set  of  proposals  in
            95, including a 7 1/2-month  they’ve told us they will not  seem to be trying their hard-  “The fact that this year there  May,  and  they  have  refused
            strike that wiped out the 1994  negotiate,”  said  Bruce  Mey-  est to win games or put the  seems  to  be  more  activ-  to  budge  from  the  core  of
            World Series.                er,  the  players’  chief  lawyer.  best teams on the field.”  ity  sooner  by  clubs  in  free  those  proposals,”  Manfred
                                         “They will not agree, for ex-                             agency  than  a  normal  year  said. “Things like a shortened
            Owners  locked  out  players  ample,  to  expand  salary  arb  In the signing scramble ahead  raises  more  questions  than  reserve period, a $100 million
            at  12:01  a.m.  Thursday  fol-  eligibility. They will not agree  of  the  lockout,  teams  com-  it answers about all the oth-  reduction in revenue sharing
            lowing  the  expiration  of  the  to any path for any player to  mitted $1 billion to contracts  er  years,”  Meyer  said.  “One  and salary arbitration for the
                                                                                                   good  week  of  free  agency  whole two-year class are bad
                                                                                                   doesn’t address all the nega-  for the sport, bad for the fans
                                                                                                   tive trends that we’ve seen.”  and bad for competitive bal-
                                                                                                   MLB  would  keep  existing
                                                                                                   free-agency   provision   or  An  agreement  by  early-to-
                                                                                                   change eligibility to age 29.5.  mid-March  is  needed  for  a
                                                                                                                                full season.
                                                                                                   “We  already  have  teams  in
                                                                                                   smaller markets that struggle  “Speculating about drop dead
                                                                                                   to  compete,”  Manfred  said  deadlines  at  this  point,  not
                                                                                                   at  the  Texas  Rangers’  ball-  productive,”  Manfred  said.
                                                                                                   park,  not  far  from  the  hotel  “So I’m not going to do it.”
                                                                                                   where negotiations broke off.
                                                                                                   “Shortening  the  period  of  Negotiations have made little
                                                                                                   time that they control players  to no progress since they be-
                                                                                                   makes it even harder for them  gan last spring. Manfred said
                                                                                                   to compete. It’s also bad for  a lockout was management’s
                                                                                                   fans  in  those  markets.  The  only  tool  to  speed  the  pro-
                                                                                                   most  negative  reaction  we  cess.
                                                                                                   have is when a player leaves
                                                                                                   via free agency. We don’t see  “People need pressure some-
                                                                                                   that, making it earlier, avail-  times to get to an agreement,”
                                                                                                   able earlier, we don’t see that  Manfred said. “Candidly, we
                                                                                                   as a positive.”              didn’t feel that sense of pres-
                                                                                                                                sure from the other side dur-
                                                                                                   The  dispute  threatens  the  ing the course of this week.”
                                                                                                   start  of  spring  training  on
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