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                                                                                         world news Diabierna 3 December 2021

                        Germany locks unvaccinated out of public life; mandate looms

            (AP)  —  Unvaccinated  cinated  against  COVID-19,
            people  across  Germany  and she backed the even more  There  have  been  large  pro-
            will  soon  be  excluded  contentious idea of imposing  tests  against  pandemic  mea-
            from  nonessential  stores,  a  general  vaccine  mandate.  sures in the past in Germany,
            restaurants and sports and  She  said  parliament  would  and  the  proposed  vaccine
            cultural  venues,  Chan-     debate the proposal with in-  mandate  is  likely  to  be  op-
            cellor  Angela  Merkel  an-  put  from  the  country’s  na-  posed by some, though opin-
            nounced  Thursday,  and  tional ethics committee. The  ion  polls  show  most  Ger-
            parliament will consider a  mandate could take effect as  mans are in favor.
            general  vaccine  mandate  early as February.
            as  part  of  efforts  to  curb                           Finance    Minister   Olaf
            coronavirus infections.      “In  light  of  this  situation,  I  Scholz, who is expected to be
                                         really  think  it’s  necessary  to  elected  chancellor  by  a  cen-
            Merkel announced the mea-    pass such a mandate,” Merkel  ter-left  coalition  next  week,
            sures  after  a  meeting  with  said,  adding  that  she  would  has also backed a general vac-
            federal  and  state  leaders,  have voted for it if she were  cine  mandate,  but  he  favors
            as  the  nation  again  topped  still a lawmaker.         letting lawmakers vote on the  from  COVID-19,  bringing  hospitals,  the  sale  of  fire-
            70,000 newly confirmed cas-                               issue according to their per-  the total since the start of the  works  traditionally  set  off
            es  in  a  24-hour  period.  She  Just months ago, Merkel sug-  sonal conscience rather than  pandemic to 102,178.  during  New  Year’s  in  Ger-
            said  the  steps  were  neces-  gested that a vaccine mandate  party lines.                                         many  will  be  banned.  Each
            sary to address concerns that  would  not  be  effective,  but                         The  discussion  over  new  year, hospitals treat hundreds
            hospitals could become over-  she did not rule out the pos-  “If we had a higher vaccina-  measures  has  been  compli-  of  people  with  serious  inju-
            loaded with patients suffering  sibility.                 tion rate, we wouldn’t be dis-  cated by Germany’s political  ries  because  of  mishandled
            from  COVID-19  infections,                               cussing this now,” he said.  structure, which leaves the 16  fireworks.
            which are much more likely  About  68.7%  of  the  popula-                             states  responsible  for  many
            to be serious in people who  tion in Germany is fully vac-  The  rise  in  COVID-19  regulations, and the ongoing  The new measures — which
            have not been vaccinated.    cinated,  far  below  the  gov-  cases  over  the  past  several  transition  between  the  old  are  considered  a  nationwide
                                         ernment’s minimum goal of  weeks  and  the  arrival  of  the  and new governments at the  minimum — will take effect
            “The situation in our country  75%.                       new  omicron  variant  have  federal level.               once  the  16  states  incorpo-
            is  serious,”  Merkel  told  re-                          prompted warnings from sci-                               rate them into existing rules,
            porters in Berlin, calling the  Austria,  which  recently  im-  entists  and  doctors  that  the  Scholz, whose Social Demo-  likely in the coming days.
            measures an “act of national  posed even stricter measures  country’s  medical  services  crats narrowly beat Merkel’s
            solidarity.”                 on  unvaccinated  people  as  could  become  overstretched  center-right  Union  bloc  in  Merkel,  who  took  part  in
                                         part  of  a  20-day  lockdown,  in  the  coming  weeks  unless  September, defended the lat-  what  is  likely  to  be  her  last
            She said officials also agreed  also  plans  to  have  a  vaccine  drastic action is taken. Some  est  steps  as  a  political  com-  news conference as chancel-
            on a nationwide requirement  mandate by February.         hospitals  in  the  south  and  promise.                  lor,  made  clear  her  displea-
            to wear masks, new limits on                              east  of  the  country  have  al-                         sure about leaving office at a
            private meetings and a goal of  In  Germany,  unvaccinated  ready  transferred  patients  to  “We  are  reacting  to  the  cur-  time  when  Germany  has  an
            30 million vaccinations by the  people  will  still  be  able  to  other  parts  of  Germany  be-  rent  situation  with  very  far-  infection  rate  of  almost  440
            end  of  the  year  —  an  effort  meet  in  private  settings,  but  cause of a shortage of inten-  reaching,  very  drastic  but  new weekly cases per 100,000
            that will be boosted by allow-  only  in  very  limited  num-  sive care beds.         precise  measures,”  he  told  inhabitants.
            ing dentists and pharmacists  bers.  A  household  with  an                            reporters. “Decisive action is
            to administer the shots.     unvaccinated person over 14  Germany’s  disease  control  being taken here and, what is  “If  we  had  an  average  inci-
                                         can meet with only two peo-  agency reported 73,209 new-  particularly important to me,  dence  of  130,  like  Italy,  or
            Merkel  said  authorities  plan  ple from another household;  ly confirmed cases Thursday.  by mutual agreement.”   150, then I’d feel much better
            to  require  staff  in  hospitals  the limit does not apply when  The  Robert  Koch  Institute                      about it,” she said. “I want to
            and nursing homes to be vac-  everyone is vaccinated.     also reported 388 new deaths  To  reduce  the  pressure  on  say this quite clearly.”

                           Island turns into open-air lab for tech-savvy volcanologists

            (AP)  —  They  come  with  watermelons  that  one  of  volcanic eruption happening  happens  in  the  underworld
            eagle-eyed  drones  and  nature’s  most  powerful  just an hour’s drive from an  where  magma  is  formed  Volcanic eruptions are a one
            high-precision      instru-  forces  hurl  as  incandes-  international airport and the  and  melts  any  human-made  or,  at  most,  twice-in-a-gen-
            ments. Aided by satellites,  cent projectiles.            safety  of  being  able  to  work  equipment. The deepest that  eration  event  in  the  Canary
            they analyze gas emissions                                under  the  escort  of  military  humans  have  been  able  to  Islands  archipelago,  which
            and  the  flows  of  molten  Scientists  from  around  the  brigades.  They  are  applying  drill  into  the  planet’s  crust  lies 100 kilometers (62 miles)
            rock. On the ground, they  world  are  flocking  to  La  cutting-edge    technologies  has  been  just  over  12  kilo-  northwest of Africa. Some of
            collect  everything  from  Palma,  one  of  Spain’s  Ca-  to  scrutinize  a  rare  volcanic  meters (7.6 miles), a feat that  the  Canary  Islands  are  still
            the  tiniest  particles  to  nary  Islands  in  the  Atlantic  eruption  from  the  land,  the  Soviet  scientists  achieved  in  growing  due  to  magma  ac-
            “lava  bombs”  the  size  of  Ocean, to take advantage of a  sea, the air — and even space.  1989.                  cumulating  underneath  and,
                                                                                                                                as is happening in La Palma,
                                                                      As  in  the  two  dozen  other  “There has been a lot of prog-  by  forming  lava  peninsulas
                                                                      major  live  eruptions  across  ress in the last 30 or 40 years  beyond the coastline.
                                                                      the  planet,  from  Hawaii  to  in the understanding of geo-
                                                                      Indonesia,  the  ultimate  goal  logical and evolutionary pro-  The  last  eruption,  a  decade
                                                                      on La Palma is to use a unique  cesses, but it’s still difficult to  ago  on  the  southern  island
                                                                      window  of  opportunity  to  know for sure what happens  of  El  Hierro,  happened  just
                                                                      better  understand  volcanic  at  40  to  80  kilometers  (25  off the coast, which made it
                                                                      eruptions:  how  they  form,  to  50  miles)  of  depth,”  said  more difficult for volcanolo-
                                                                      develop and, even more cru-  Pedro  Hernández,  an  expert  gists trying to collect samples.
                                                                      cially  for  the  islanders,  how  with the Canary Islands’ vol-  The  previous  land  volcano
                                                                      and when they end.           canology institute, Involcan.  erupted in La Palma in 1971,
                                                                                                                                the year when Valentin Troll,
                                                                      But  despite  recent  techno-  “We  are  probably  beginning  an expert in rocks with Swe-
                                                                      logical  and  scientific  leaps,  to know the stars better than  den’s Uppsala University and
                                                                      the  researchers  can  only  do  what  happens  under  our  co-author of a geology study
                                                                      a  lot  of  estimating  of  what  feet,” he said.         of the archipelago, was born.
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