Page 30 - bon-dia-aruba-20220730
P. 30

A30    world news
                      Diasabra 30 Juli 2022

                          Spanish PM Sanchez opens Balkan tour with visit to Serbia

                                                                                                                                Spain is among a handful of
                                                                                                   Serbia  remains  a  rare  Euro-  EU  nations  who  have  not
                                                                                                   pean  country  that  has  kept  recognized the independence
                                                                                                   friendly ties with Russia de-  of Serbia's former province of
                                                                                                   spite its invasion of Ukraine  Kosovo,  which  has  won  the
                                                                                                   and  refused  to  join  Western  backing of the United States
                                                                                                   sanctions against Russia.    and most EU countries.

                                                                                                   Sanchez  said  the  war  in  Kosovo  declared  indepen-
                                                                                                   Ukraine  has  prompted  the  dence in 2008, a decade after
                                                                                                   EU  to  rethink  its  enlarge-  its  ethnic  Albanian  majority
                                                                                                   ment  policies  and  open  its  launched  a  rebellion  against
                                                                                                   doors to countries in Eastern  Serbia's  rule,  triggering  a
                                                                                                   Europe — Ukraine and Mol-    brutal  crackdown  by  Bel-
                                                                                                   dova  recently  formally  be-  grade.  The  conflict  claimed
                                                                                                   came membership candidates  more than 10,000 lives before
                                                                                                   — and the Western Balkans.   NATO  bombed  Serbia  to
                                                                                                   Sanchez  said  his  tour  seeks  force it to cede control over
                                                                                                   to send a message that Serbia  the territory.
                                                                                                   and  the  rest  of  the  Western
                                                                                                   Balkans  "belonged  in  Eu-  With Spain facing own sepa-
                                                                                                   rope."                       ratist  movements,  Sanchez
                                                                                                                                said his government believes
                                                                                                   "You  have  an  ally  in  Spain  in  the  respect  of  territorial
                                                                                                   who will support you in your  integrity. He called for a reso-
            (AP)  —  Spain's  prime  Prime  Minister  Pedro  San-     The  Balkan  nations  are  all  effort  to  join  the  European  lution of the Kosovo dispute
            minister on Friday kicked  chez held talks with Serbia's  in different stages of the EU  Union,"  Sanchez  said  at  a  through an ongoing EU-me-
            off  a  tour  of  the  Western  President  Aleksandar  Vucic  accession  process.  EU  offi-  joint  press  conference  with  diated dialogue.
            Balkans with a visit to Ser-  in Belgrade ahead of his vis-  cials have recently sought to  Vucic. He described relations
            bia, offering his country's  its  to  Bosnia-Herzegovina,  encourage  governments  in  with Serbia as "excellent."  The  two  leaders  also  an-
            support  for  the  integra-  Montenegro,  North  Mace-    the  region  to  move  on  with                           nounced plans for Serbia and
            tion of the volatile region  donia  and  Albania  in  the  reforms  amid  concerns  over  Vucic said "Serbia sees Spain  Spain to hold a business fo-
            into the European Union.     coming days.                 Russia's  efforts  to  boost  its  as a true friend, one of its big-  rum in October.
                                                                      influence in the Balkans.    gest friends in the world."

                         Lebanon doubts Ukraine claim of stolen grain on Syrian ship

            (AP) — Lebanon appeared Friday  According to the Ukrainian Embas-       The  Ukrainian  Embassy  said  it  was  would "harm bilateral ties," according
            to reject claims by the Ukrainian  sy,  the  Laodicea  is  among  scores  of  going to ask Lebanese authorities to  to an embassy statement.
            Embassy  in  Beirut  that  a  Syrian  vessels  that  Kyiv  alleges  transported  implement  a  Ukrainian  court  order  Kyiv had previously praised Lebanon
            ship docked in a Lebanese port is  grain  stolen  by  Russia.  An  embassy  and  take  possession  of  the  vessel.  for condemning Russia for its war on
            carrying  Ukrainian  grain  stolen  statement  Friday  said  the  ship  had  Lebanese  government  officials  de-  Ukraine, which upset Hezbollah and
            by  Russia,  following  an  inspec-  turned off its AIS tracking system in  clined  to  publicly  comment  on  the  allies who say they were not consult-
            tion  by  Lebanese  customs  offi-  the Black Sea for 10 days, after dock-  matter, pending the investigation.  ed on the matter - as well as Russia.
            cials.                              ing earlier this month in Russia-con-  Lebanon  is  scrambling  to  improve  Ukraine  had  also  recently  promised
                                                trolled Crimea's port of Feodosia.  ties  with  the  West  as  the  cash-  to export flour to Lebanon, struggling
            A  senior  Lebanese  customs  official  There, the embassy said, it was "load-  strapped nation appeals for financial  with a wheat shortage and food secu-
            told The Associated Press that there  ed with barley and wheat flour ille-  assistance to help with its economic  rity crisis.
            was "nothing wrong" with the cargo  gally exported from the territories of  recovery. Western countries and Gulf
            of the Laodicea, which docked in the  Zaporizhzhia,  Mykolaiv  and  Kher-  Arab states are irked by the political  Russia's war on Ukraine, now in its
            Lebanese  port  of  Tripoli  on  Thurs-  son"  in  Ukraine  —  areas  taken  by  power  and  influence  that  the  Leba-  sixth  month,  has  prevented  grain
            day, and that its papers were in order.  Russia in the war.             nese  militant  Hezbollah  group  —  a  from leaving the "breadbasket of the
            The  official  spoke  on  condition  of                                 major ally of Iran and Syria — wields  world," making food more expensive
            anonymity because he was not autho-  Marine Traffic, which monitors ves-  in Lebanese politics.             across  the  globe  and  threatening  to
            rized to talk to the media.         sel  traffic  and  location  of  ships  on                              worsen  shortages,  hunger  and  po-
            The  controversy  surrounding  the  seas, said the vessel was initially head-  Ihor  Ostash,  Ukraine's  ambassador,  litical instability in developing coun-
            ship has underscored how Lebanon,  ing to Tartus Port in Syria, and had  met with Lebanese President Michel  tries.  Together,  Russia  and  Ukraine
            a  tiny  Mediterranean  country  bor-  been expected to arrive there earlier  Aoun on Thursday, warning him that  export  nearly  a  third  of  the  world's
            dering  Syria,  has  been  in  the  cross-  this week. It was unknown why it had  purchasing stolen goods from Russia  wheat and barley.
            hairs of Russia's months-long war in  rerouted to Lebanon.
                                                There were no signs that its cargo was
            The  Laodicea  is  carrying  5,000  tons  being unloaded and the customs offi-
            of flour and 5,000 tons of barley that  cial who spoke to the AP said the ship
            Ukraine's Embassy in Beirut says was  will remained docked until "the own-
            illegally  taken  by  Russia.  After  the  er decides what to do with the cargo."
            embassy  raised  the  alarm,  Lebanese  Also Friday, Lebanon's acting Foreign
            authorities initiated an investigation.  Minister  Abdallah  Bou  Habib  said
                                                Lebanon had received "a number of
            The  Russian  Embassy,  meanwhile,  protests and warnings from a number
            has  told  Lebanese  media  that  the  of  Western  countries  following  the
            Ukrainian claim was "baseless."     arrival" of the Syrian-flagged ship in
            The U.S. Department of the Treasury  Tripoli. The British Embassy in Bei-
            had sanctioned the Laodicea in 2015  rut told the AP that it had also raised
            for its affiliation with the Syrian gov-  concerns with Bou Habib about the
            ernment of President Bashar Assad.  ship.
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