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Tuesday 19 december 2017
An Event Not To Be Missed:
Chabad Invites All to the Chanukah Live Concert Tonight!
PALM BEACH - Chabad in- night of the eight day fes- Concert. All are invited to candelabra lit on Chanu- ancient Israel and sought
vites all to celebrate the tival of Chanukah will be the concert which will take kah). The concert is free to impose restrictions on
lights with a night of Music celebrated in Aruba with a place at the Hyatt Regency and open to all. VIP tickets the Jewish way of life and
and celebration. The last magnificent Chanukah Live Parking lot on Tuesday Dec can be purchased on our prohibit religious freedom.
19th starting at 7pm. website www.jewisharuba. They also desecrated and
com/chanukah defiled the Temple and
The concert will feature Avi Thank you to our generous the oils prepared for the
Perets from New York who sponsors who have made lighting of the menorah,
will entertain the audience this concert possible: CMB- which was part of the daily
with popular Jewish musical the Caribbean Mercantile service. Upon recapturing
hits and everyone is bound Bank; Diamonds Interna- the Temple only one jar of
to enjoy the free latkes and tional Aruba; AHATA - Aru- undefiled oil was found,
donuts (Chanukah special- ba Hotels and Tourism Asso- enough to burn only one
ties). Every participant will ciation; The Hyatt Regency day, but it lasted miracu-
be entered into a raffle for Aruba Resort; The Playa lously for eight.
a vacation package at the Linda Beach Resort; Brickel In commemoration Jews
Playa Linda Beach Resort! Bay Beach Club; Cigar Em- celebrate Hanukkah for
After a week of fantastic porium eight days by lighting an
celebrations on the Island, eight-branched candela-
with Menorah lightings at ABOUT CHANUKAH bra known as a menorah.
the Ritz-Carlton, Aruba, Riu Chanukah (Hanukkah), the Today, people of all faiths
Palace, Playa Linda Resort, Festival of Lights, began consider the holiday a sym-
Eagle Beach and Marri- this year on the evening of bol and message of the tri-
ott Surf Club, Rabbi Ahron Tuesday, December 12 and umph of freedom over op-
Blasberg of Chabad Aruba concludes the evening of pression, of spirit over mat-
will open the night by invit- Wednesday, December 20. ter, of light over darkness.
ing eight special guests to It recalls the victory of a mil- Additional information
each light one of the eight itarily weak Jewish people about the Hanukkah holi-
candles on the Chanukah who defeated the Syrian day is available at www.
Menorah (eight branched Greeks who had overrun JewishAruba/Hanukkah.q
Big Smiles from Felipe for
Maryan at Tango Restaurant
PALM BEACH - The smiles that flew from Felipe to
Maryan and back were many, many volts strong -
they lit up Tango Argentine Grill. Bank manager Fe-
lipe and Air Canada’s Maryan were celebrating her
birthday at the wonderful restaurant in the Arawak
Garden. On the island for the first time, this couple
in love from Toronto, Canada, enjoys every single
moment together, the delicious food at Tango, the
entertainment at the Garden and the ambiance.
As there is live music every night of the week as well
as various very good restaurants to sample, they will
surely be back.
Happy Holidays and come back soon, please!q