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A28    u.s. news
                Diahuebs 4 November 2021

                              How Biden’s border plans went from hopeful to chaotic

                                                                      while  allowing  thousands  to  time and won’t happen over-  sistant  Homeland  Security
                                                                      remain  in  the  U.S.  Its  un-  night,” said spokesman Ved-  secretary  for  border  secu-
                                                                      even  response  after  months  ant  Patel.  “In  a  short  period  rity  and  immigration,  and
                                                                      of  rising  arrivals  sparked  of  time,  the  Biden  admin-  Roberta  Jacobson,  a  former
                                                                      sharp criticism from both the  istration  continues  to  make  U.S.  ambassador  to  Mexico
                                                                      right and left, illustrating the  considerable  progress  deliv-  and career diplomat in Latin
                                                                      consequences  of  scrapping  ering on its plan.”          America who agreed to serve
                                                                      Trump’s  policies  without  a                             100 days on the National Se-
                                                                      new asylum system in place.  Guatemala,  El  Salvador  and  curity Council as coordinator
                                                                                                   Honduras  accounted  for  for the Southwest border.
                                                                      Some    key   developments  about two of every three bor-
                                                                      could not have been predict-  der  arrests  and  people  who  Crossings  fell  sharply  after
                                                                      ed by any administration, and  came  in  families  made  up  Trump  expanded  the  policy
                                                                      pre-dating Biden was a major  more than half in the govern-  in  2019,  but  migrants  were
                                                                      structural problem of immi-  ment’s 2019 fiscal year, both  forced  to  wait  in  danger-
                                                                      gration  courts  taking  nearly  all-time  highs.  In  a  throw-  ous  and  unfamiliar  Mexican
            (AP)  —  For  about  four  Almost  immediately,  num-     four years on average to de-  back to earlier times, encoun-  border  cities  where  finding
            months  before  President  bers  of  migrants  exceeded  cide cases of immigrants not  ters with single adults soared  steady work was difficult and
            Joe Biden took office, ad-   expectations.  Plans  outlined  in custody.               during Trump’s final year in  finding  attorneys  was  nearly
            visers  engaged  in  intense  in a December document to                                office after the launch of Title  impossible.  Human  Rights
            internal debate about how  fully resume asylum process-   But a close review of the last  42  authority,  which  allowed  First,  an  advocacy  group,
            quickly they  should  undo  ing  at  land  crossings  were  year  —  based  on  internal  migrants to be expelled with-  documented  1,544  examples
            his predecessor’s hardline  soon overtaken by events.     documents obtained by The  out a chance to seek asylum  of  violent  assaults,  includ-
            border policies.                                          Associated  Press  and  AIM  on  the  basis  of  coronavirus.  ing murder, rape, torture and
                                         Children  traveling  alone  Media  Texas  and  dozens  of  They also faced no legal con-  kidnapping.
            The  answer,  almost  always,  shattered  previous  highs  in  interviews  with  current  and  sequences,  encouraging  re-
            was  that  Donald  Trump’s  March,  making  up  most  of  former U.S. and Mexican of-  peat attempts.               The  complicated  logistics
            mark couldn’t be erased soon  the  more  than  4,500  people  ficials, migrants, shelter man-                       of  allowing  up  to  26,000
            enough.                      housed  in  temporary  tents  agers, advocates and others —  Against  that  daunting  back-  asylum-seekers  with  active
                                         that  were  designed  for  250  shows how an administration  drop, Biden took office sur-  cases to return to the United
            Immigration  advocates  on  under COVID-19 standards.  stacked with seasoned immi-     rounded by immigration ex-   States and remain free while
            the transition team defiantly  The  Border  Patrol  encoun-  gration advocates was unpre-  perts  steeped  with  advocacy  their  cases  wound  through
            shot  down  a  detailed  memo  tered migrants in South Texas  pared for the huge increase in  backgrounds. Esther Olavar-  the courts was a high priority
            circulated  among  top  aides  more often than ever in June  people  seeking  refuge  at  the  ria,  an  immigration  attorney  in  the  administration’s  first
            that  called  for  turning  back  and  July,  dashing  expecta-  border.  Many  interviewed  who worked for former Sen.  weeks.
            some migrants who cross il-  tions for a common summer  for this reconstruction spoke  Ted Kennedy and the Obama
            legally by making them seek  slowdown.                    on  condition  of  anonymity  administration  but  spent  All  records  were  on  paper,
            protection in other countries.                            because they were not autho-  much of her career as a Mi-  with  few  working  phone
            They  pushed  back  against  In  September,  about  15,000  rized or comfortable discuss-  ami-based  organizer,  took  a  numbers or addresses listed,
            estimates  of  soaring  migra-  mostly Haitian refugees were  ing private deliberations.  top spot on the White House  posing  a  challenge  on  how
            tion flows if Trump’s policies  camped  under  a  bridge  in                           Domestic  Policy  Council  to  get  the  word  out.  U.S.
            were dismantled.             the small border town of Del  When presented with specif-  with  Tyler  Moran,  who  was  authorities,  working  closely
                                         Rio, Texas. The chaotic scene  ics of the reconstruction, the  then  executive  director  of  with  United  Nations  orga-
            In  the  end,  Biden  recog-  stretched on for days as mi-  White  House  defended  its  The  Immigration  Hub,  a  nizations,  worried  about  a
            nized  predictions  that  more  grants waded back and forth  record.                   group  of  pro-immigration  rush to the border exacerbat-
            migrants might come to the  across a river for supplies and                            strategists.                 ing public health and security
            border, but he was firm that  families slept in squalor. Im-  “After  four  years  of  the                          concerns -- and at the same
            policies instituted by Trump  ages  of  agents  on  horseback  Trump administration’s cha-  Influential,  more  enforce-  time,  sending  a  message  to
            were  cruel  and  inhumane  corralling refugees went viral.  os,  cruelty  and  misplaced  ment-minded   voices   in-  asylum-seekers  who  had  re-
            and had to be jettisoned.                                 priorities,  the  work  to  build  cluded  David  Shahoulian,  turned to Central America to
                                         The  administration  began  a  a  fair,  orderly  and  humane  who  resigned  last  month  make the dangerous journey
            Biden took office on Jan. 20.  massive expulsion of Haitians  immigration system will take  for  personal  reasons  as  as-  back north.

                         GOP’s Carey, Democrats’ Brown win US House seats in Ohio

            (AP) — Republican Mike Carey,  policy  consultant,  in  the  15th  Con-  She said she is ready to get to work.  Brown’s election marks a win for es-
            a  Trump-backed  coal  lobbyist,  gressional  District,  after  the  most                                   tablishment Democrats, who sought
            bested a two-term state lawmak-     competitive race there in years. The  Both winners will fill the remainder  to defend the district against a take-
            er to win an open U.S. House seat  previous  officeholder,  Republican  of  their  predecessors’  terms,  which  over  by  progressives.  Her  backers
            in central Ohio on Tuesday, while  Steve  Stivers,  resigned  in  April  to  run  until  January  2023.  They  must  included Hillary Clinton, U.S. Rep.
            Democrat  Shontel  Brown  coast-    become CEO of the Ohio Chamber  face reelection again next year under  Jim Clyburn and several labor unions.
            ed to victory in a second up-for-   of Commerce after a decade in Con-  a congressional map that’s being re-
            grabs congressional district in the  gress.                             drawn to hold onto the seat.        But victory may be short-lived.
            Cleveland area.
                                                Brown,  46,  a  Cuyahoga  County  Former President Donald Trump en-
            The election results will leave Dem-  Council member who also chairs the  dorsed  Carey,  calling  him  a  “coura-
            ocrats  with  a  221-213  advantage  county  Democratic  Party,  won  the  geous fighter” and visiting the state to
            over  Republicans  in  Congress,  with  Cleveland-area  House  seat  formerly  campaign for him, as did former Vice
            Brown  and  Carey  each  retaining  a  held by Marcia Fudge, who stepped  President  Mike  Pence.  Trump  con-
            seat for their respective party. A third  down to become housing and urban  gratulated Carey in a statement Tues-
            open  congressional  seat  in  Florida,  development  secretary  in  the  Biden  day, saying he was proud to have en-
            where  primaries  were  being  held  administration.                    dorsed him “early and strongly” and
            Tuesday, also is very likely to remain                                  saying he would be “a great congress-
            status quo and in Democratic hands.  Brown defeated Republican Laverne  man!” President Joe Biden endorsed
                                                Gore, a business owner and activist,  Russo, who raised more money in the
            Carey, 50, defeated Democratic state  in the heavily Democratic district that  district than any Democrat in history.
            Rep.  Allison  Russo,  a  public  health  stretches  from  Cleveland  to  Akron.
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