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A30    world news
                Diahuebs 4 November 2021

                               Officials tell AP that Iran seized Vietnamese oil tanker

                                                                                                   U.S.  Navy’s  Mideast-based  showing  an  Iranian  sur-
                                                                                                   5th Fleet. State TV sought to  veillance  drone  monitor-
                                                                                                   cast the incident as an act of  ing  a  hulking  red  tanker  in
                                                                                                   American  aggression  against  the  Gulf  of  Oman.  Heavily
                                                                                                   Iran  in  the  Gulf  of  Oman,  armed  Iranian  commandos
                                                                                                   with the U.S. Navy detaining  then rappelled onto the boat
                                                                                                   a  tanker  carrying  Iranian  oil  from  a  helicopter  as  small
                                                                                                   and the Guard freeing it and  speedboats  surrounded  the
                                                                                                   bringing it back to the Islamic  vessel and an Iranian catama-
                                                                                                   Republic.                    ran ship patrolled the waters.
                                                                                                                                The video appeared to show
                                                                                                   The  U.S.  officials  dismissed  Iranian  Guard  troops  point-
                                                                                                   Iran’s version of events. Teh-  ing  uncovered  deck-mount-
                                                                                                   ran also did not provide de-  ed machine guns at the USS
                                                                                                   tails of the ship’s name, nor  The  Sullivans,  an  Arleigh
                                                                                                   any  explanation  of  why  the  Burke-class  guided  missile
                                                                                                   Navy  might  target  it.  Iran’s  destroyer.  Photos  released
                                                                                                   mission  to  the  United  Na-  by  the  U.S.  military  show
                                                                                                   tions  did  not  immediately  The Sullivans recently in the
                                                                                                   respond to a request for com-  Arabian Sea near the Gulf of
                                                                                                   ment.                        Oman.
            (AP) — Iran seized a Viet-   as  the  vessel  sailed  into  Ira-  be  made  public  amid  ongo-
            namese-flagged oil tanker  nian waters.                   ing  attempts  to  restart  talks  The deluge of Iranian claims  The  status  and  makeup  of
            in  the  Gulf  of  Oman  last                             over Iran’s tattered 2015 nu-  came as the Islamic Republic  the  Sothys’  crew  wasn’t  im-
            month and still holds the  A motive for the seizure re-   clear deal with world powers.  prepared  to  mark  the  42nd  mediately known. A shipping
            vessel,  two  U.S.  officials  mains  unclear.  Officials  at  Negotiations  have  stalled  in  anniversary of the 1979 take-  database  showed  the  ves-
            told The Associated Press  the  Vietnamese  Embassy  in  Vienna  since  the  election  of  over of the U.S. Embassy in  sel’s last registered owner as
            on  Wednesday,  revealing  Washington  did  not  imme-    hard-line President Ebrahim  Tehran,  which  triggered  the  OPEC Petrol Transportation
            the  latest  provocation  in  diately  respond  to  a  request  Raisi  in  June,  allowing  Iran  444-day  hostage  crisis  and  Co., a firm with a Hanoi ad-
            Mideast waters as tensions  for  comment.  Ship-tracking  to press ahead with its nucle-  bred decades of acrimony.  dress.  A  telephone  number
            escalate between Iran and  data analyzed by the AP from  ar program and raising alarm                               for  the  company  could  not
            the  United  States  over  showed  in Western capitals. Iran’s top  Iranian officials heralded the  immediately be found.
            Tehran’s nuclear program.    the  vessel  still  off  Iran’s  nuclear  negotiator  said  last  ship’s  impoundment  as  a
                                         southern port of Bandar Ab-  week that talks would resume  heroic  act,  with  Raisi  laud-  Iran’s seizure of the Southys
            One of the officials said that  bas  on  Tuesday.  A  satellite  in November, but didn’t pro-  ing the Revolutionary Guard  would be the latest in a string
            Iran’s  powerful  paramili-  photo from Planet Labs Inc.  vide a specific date.        on  Twitter.  The  country’s  of  hijackings  and  explosions
            tary  Revolutionary  Guard  also  showed  the  vessel  off                             oil  minister,  Javad  Owji,  to  roil  the  Gulf  of  Oman,
            troops  took  control  of  the  Bandar Abbas in recent days.  The officials spoke to AP af-  thanked the Guard for “res-  which  sits  near  the  Strait  of
            MV  Southys  on  Oct.  24  at                             ter Iranian state television of-  cuing  the  Iranian  oil  tanker  Hormuz, the narrow mouth
            gunpoint.  U.S.  forces  had  The two U.S. officials spoke  fered a series of contradictory  from American pirates.”  of  the  Persian  Gulf  through
            monitored  the  seizure,  but  on  condition  of  anonymity  reports about a confrontation                          which a fifth of all traded oil
            ultimately  didn’t  take  action  as the information had yet to  between  the  Guard  and  the  State  TV  released  footage  passes.

                         UN report says Ethiopia’s war marked by ‘extreme brutality’

            (AP) — All sides in Ethio-   laboration  by  the  U.N.  hu-  gained much of their region,  Bekele  said  the  investiga-  Among  the  investigation’s
            pia’s  yearlong  war  in  the  man  rights  office  with  the  but it failed to visit some of  tion didn’t identify violations  findings:  Several  Ethiopian
            Tigray  region  have  com-   government-created  Ethio-   the deadliest sites of the war,  amounting to genocide.   military camps were used to
            mitted  abuses  marked  pian  Human  Rights  Com-         including  the  city  of  Axum,                           torture captured Tigray forces
            by  “extreme  brutality”  mission,  was  hampered  by  because of security and other  Michelle Bachelet, the U.N.  or civilians suspected of sup-
            that could amount to war  authorities’ intimidation and  obstacles. Notably, the report  high  commissioner  for  hu-  porting  them.  Others  were
            crimes and crimes against  restrictions,  and  didn’t  visit  said,  obstacles  included  the  man  rights,  acknowledged  detained in “secret locations”
            humanity,  the  U.N.  hu-    some  of  the  war’s  worst-af-  Ethiopian government’s fail-  the  investigators  didn’t  turn  and military camps across the
            man  rights  chief  said  fected locations.               ure to release satellite phones  up enough evidence to char-  country,  with  detentions  ar-
            Wednesday,  noting  “the                                  procured  for  the  investiga-  acterize  “disturbing  sugges-  bitrary in many cases. Tigray
            big numbers of violations”  The  U.N.  told  The  Associ-  tion — crucial tools as phone  tions of ethnically motivated  forces  detained  some  ethnic
            are  linked  to  Ethiopian  ated  Press  the  collaboration  and  internet  service  are  cut  violence” as signs of possible  Amhara  civilians  in  western
            forces  and  those  from  was necessary for its team to  off in Tigray.                genocide, but did say such al-  Tigray in the early days of the
            neighboring Eritrea.         gain access to a troubled re-                             legations  warranted  further  war on suspicion of support-
                                         gion  that  Ethiopian  authori-  The investigation breaks little  investigation.       ing the military, and in some
            The  conflict  that  has  killed  ties  have  largely  prevented  new ground and confirms in                        cases tortured them.
            thousands began in Novem-    journalists, rights groups and  general the abuses described
            ber 2020 after a political fall-  other  observers  from  enter-  by witnesses throughout the
            ing-out  between  the  Tigray  ing.                       war.  But  it  gives  little  sense
            forces  that  long  dominated                             of scale, saying only that the
            the national government and  The report was released a day  more than 1,300 rapes report-
            Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed’s  before the first anniversary of  ed to authorities are likely far
            current  government.  Ethnic  the start of the war and as Af-  fewer than the real number.
            Tigrayans across the country  rica’s second most populous
            have reported being targeted  country enters a new state of  Despite  the  report’s  short-
            with  arbitrary  detentions,  emergency, with rival Tigray  comings,  Abiy’s  office  said
            while civilians in Tigray have  forces threatening the capital,  in a statement that it “clear-
            described  gang  rapes,  hu-  Addis Ababa.                ly  established  the  claim  of
            man-caused famine and mass                                genocide as false and utterly
            expulsions.                  The  joint  investigation  cov-  lacking of any factual basis.”
                                         ers events up until late June  Ethiopian  Human  Rights
            The investigation, a rare col-  when  the  Tigray  forces  re-  Commission  chief  Daniel
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