Page 7 - DESPA
P. 7
Saturday 12 December 2015
NYC’s SantaCon aims to put an
Classifiedsend to naughty-or-nice debate
JENNIFER PELTZ in windows of businesses in TIMESHARE FOR SALE Dr. Sneek
Associated Press Manhattan’s East Village, Tel. 587-7100
NEW YORK (AP) — Could and some officials are see- RENAISSANCE
this be the year of Santa- ing red. EMERGENCIA
Con without SantaContro- A dozen state and city pol- Week room price
versy? iticians this week pressed 911
After several years of de- SantaCon to “self-police” wk 38 room 529 $4,750
fending the massive, cos- participants and asked the
tumed Christmastime bar State Liquor Authority to wk 40 room 336 $3,750
hop against a bad-Santa station investigators along
rap, organizers are making the route. wk 40 room 105 $5,000
new efforts to convey that “Try spending an after-
the SantaCon coming to noon in some of our neigh- wk 42 room 338 $4,000
town Saturday is growing borhoods where the event
— not throwing — up. is occurring, and you’ll find wk 43 room 329 $3,250 POLICE 100
For the first time, they pub- incidents of disruptive and
licly released the planned boorish behavior,” says wk 49 room 144 $5,500 ORANJESTAD 527-3140
route days before their state Sen. Brad Hoylman,
romp through Brooklyn who represents Manhat- wk 50 room 546 $6,000 NOORD 527-3200
and downtown Manhat- tan areas on the route. He
tan bars. Organizers, who said he was glad to see wk 49 room 2571 $3,750 STA. CRUZ 527-2900
once shied from official- such changes as the route
dom, started planning with disclosure, but he’s still wk 48 room 517 $3,750 SAN NICOLAS 584-5000
police over a month ago, concerned the format en- POLICE TIPLINE 11141
got a permit to assemble courages binge drinking. wk 48 or 49 room 119 $4,750
in a park and even agreed The agency and SantaCon FIRE DEPT. 115
to tweet police messages said they already planned wk 48 or 49 room 551 $5,500 FIRE DEPT.
about pedestrian safety. to do what was asked. 582-1108
Performance art to some, SantaCon grew from a wk 49 or 50 room 203 $5,500 HOSPITAL 527-4000
pub crawl to others, Santa- 1994 San Francisco “Sant-
Con is trying to evolve as archy” that satirized Christ- wk 21 or 22 room 347 $4,000 DENTAL CLINIC 587-9850
organizers face pressure to mas consumerism into
take more responsibility for bashes in over 300 cities. wk 51 room 347 $12,500 AMBULANCE 582-1234
revelry. It has ballooned in New York’s is generally
size to thousands of peo- acknowledged as the big- Contact Brian Cell: 593-0200 CENTRO MEDICO 523-8833
ple and now is coming at gest.
a time of heightened con- Enthusiasts paint Santa-
cern about security and Con as a creative take
public gatherings. on holiday traditions of ________________________2_0_36_6_7 PHARMACY
“There’s a transition to a festive dress, good cheer
more positive SantaCon,” and charity. Organizers Time Share For Sale by Owner Oranjestad: Kibrahacha Tel: 582-2007
said Norman Siegel, a say they raise tens of thou- Divi Golf
civil rights lawyer who has sands of dollars for various week 51, x-mas wk, unit 4206, 2 San Nicolas: Centro Medico Tel: 584-5794
worked with the group causes. rm
since last year. But some New York- suite, lock off master. sleep 4, 2 INFORMATION 118
Still, mixed feelings are as ers came to see Santa- baths, elegant furnishing, granite TAXI-TAS 587-5900
evident as dueling pro- Con as the fright before kitchen, washer dryer, steps to PROF. TAXI 588-0035
and anti-Santacon signs Christmas.q affinity pool 2016-7 special TAXI D.T.S. 587-2300
assessment, priced below SERVICE ARUBA 583-3232
market, $5900 26 wks left on
contract, equity value $13,500 CRUISESHIP
local 565-9394 after 12/11 or 508 651 0016 December 13
______________________20_4_20_1_ Mein Schiff 3
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