Page 14 - AM210804
P. 14
The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh Despues di a gosa profundamente di bida,
me to lie down in green pastures; he leadeth me beside a fayece inespera
the still waters. He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the
paths of righteousness for his name’s sake. Psalm 23
With great sorrow but grateful for everything
she did for us; we announce the passing of:
“Señor ta mi wardador, mi’n tin falta di nada
Den cunucu di yerba berde e ta ponemi sosega.
E ta hibami na awa trankil,
Pa mi bolbe haña forsa”.
Salmo: 23
Jennifer Joseph Nos ta anuncia fayecimento di:
*29-07-1965 - †18-07-2021
Calvin Julien Ruby Lucia van Blarcum
Asha Julien *02-11-1942 - †30-07-2021
Grandson: Na nomber di su:
Calden Julien Rumannan:
Marlene van Blarcum
Sisters: †Richard van Blarcum Rigoberto Agustin Tromp
Rose Etienne Villana (Lelia) y Ygmar Wiel-van Blarcum Mihor conoci como: “Rigo, Pachi of Rigoleto”
Mary Joseph Karen van Blarcum *04-01-1941 - †02-08-2021
Sandra Williams
Sobrinanan: Shaina y Keisha Wiel Acto di entiero lo wordo anuncia despues.
Julian Joseph Primo, Primanan y demas famia na: Merca, Corsou,
Michael Joseph Hulanda, Surinam, Sto. Domingo.
Brother-in-law: Coleganan di Botica del Pueblo, Amigo y Amiganan,
Cliff Williams Grupo di Carnaval Los Laga Bai, Bisiña y Conocinan.
Nieces: Ta invita tur famia, amigo, colega, bisiña y conocirnan pa
Samantha Williams, Yakima Peters, Dorcia Williams bin celebra hunto cu nos Ruby su bida, diaranson 4 di
augustus 2021 di 7’or pa 9’or di anochi na Aurora Funeral
Nephews: Home.
Anthony Frampton, Curt Joseph, Tony Joseph Nos ta pidi pa bin bisti cu paña colorido y festivo.
Grandnieces: Despedida lo tuma lugar diahuebs 5 di augustus 2021 di Gradicimento/ Invitacion
Armani Hogan, Ajani Hogan, Zane Frampton 2’or pa 4’or di atardi na Aurora Funeral Home.
Cremacion ta tuma luga den seno familiar.
Aunties: Un danki di curason na tur famia, amigo y conocirnan cu
a compaña nos durante malesa, morto y entiero di nos
Agnes “Peppy” Peters Enbez di krans of flor lo tin un caha disponibel pa haci defunto stima
Mary McPherson donacion pa un bon causa.
Uncles: Lo por presencia e acto di despedida via facebook page
Nodine PcPherson di Obituary Aruba.
Hypolite Peters
Leandra Smith, Shirley, Vanessa, Michelle, Lester, Winfred
Winston, Wendy, Carine, Sharon, Shernelle, Angelica,
Gifford, Jannie
Rest of family members: Delia Bardouille, Elaine Williams,
Dagma Charles, Chrissia Benoit, Carmisha Benoit, Anthony Frank Lauffer
Close friends: Celia Wilson, Valda Sweeney, Evette Raffoul,
Michael, and names too numerous to mention. Masha danki pa tur e yamadanan, whatsapp, mensahe
riba facebook, carchinan y flor. Boso sosten tabata
un gran consuelo. Masha danki na dr. Choudhry,
The funeral will take place on Wednesday August 4 ,
2021, at the Birgen di Fatima Church in Dakota from 2 pm fysiotherapeut Marlon Maduro, Wit Gele Kruis, tambe
to 4 pm, then taking to her final resting place in the central stichting H.O.P.E. cu a yuda pa un tempo cortico.
cemetery at Sabana Basora.
Ricibi un invitacion pa 3 Santo Sacrificio di Misa diaranson
4 di augustus, diabierna 6 di augustus pa 7 or di anochi
y diadomingo 8 di augustus pa 6.30 or atardi na misa
Inmaculada Concepcion na Sta. Cruz.