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                                                                                                           LOCAL Monday 10 June 2024

            Aruba to me

                                                                                                   ting photos, text or any oth-  with  my  family.    I  brought
                                                                                                   er  materials,  you  give  per-  my  family  for  a  week  to
                                                                                                   mission to The Aruba Today  Aruba.    We  enjoyed  snor-
                                                                                                   Newspaper,      Caribbean  keling,  saw  the  National
                                                                                                   Speed  Printers  and  any  of  Park,  lighthouse,  explor-
                                                                                                   its  affiliated  companies  to  ing  Oranjestad  and  shop-
                                                                                                   use  said  materials,  as  well  ping!  While shopping I was
                                                                                                   as names, likeness, etc. for  overcome by the heat and
                                                                                                   promotional purposes with-   passed out.  The shop own-
                                                                                                   out compensation.            ers  got  water,  juice,  and
                                                                                                                                other  items  to  me.  People
                                                                                                   Last  but  not  least:  check  from  around  found  my
                                                                                                   out our website, Instagram  family  with  the  orange  t-
                                                                                                   and    Facebook     page!  shirts  (thank  goodness  we
                                                                                                   Thank  you  for  supporting  were  wearing  them!)  and
                                                                                                   our  free  newspaper,  we  other kind individuals iden-
                                                                                                   strive to make you a happy  tified as nurse helped con-
                                                                                                   reader every day again.      sole  me  as  I  was  recover-
                                                                                                   For  today  we  received  a  ing. Thank you shop owner
                                                                                                   lovely  message  from  our  and friendly Aruba!!
            ORANJESTAD  —  You  are                           lovely visitors.
            back and we would like to  Complete  the  sentence:  and  we  will  publish  your                                   Thank you for sending us this
            portrait you! By inviting you  Aruba  to  me  is  …….  Send  vacation   memory.   Isn’t  They  wrote  to  us  saying:  wonderful message sharing
            to send us your favorite va-  your  picture  with  that  text  that a special way to keep  Aruba  to  me  is  beautiful  what Aruba means to you
            cation picture while enjoy-  (including  your  name  and  your  best  moments  alive?  turquoise  water,  friendly  with us and our readers!q
            ing our Happy Island.        where  you  are  from)  to:  Please do note: By submit-   and  best  vacation  place

            Visit the island’s hidden natural pools

            (Oranjestad)—Amongst the  also known “Cura di Turtuga  National  Park,  this  is  also
            countless beaches surround-  (Turtle’s Cove) or just Natu-  possible:  do  bring  plenty
            ing the island that are well-  ral Pool—is reachable with  of  protective  clothing  and
            known and frequently visited,  any  4x4  vehicle  or  by  foot  enough water and food—it
            there are an additional two  if you’re up for a long hike.  could take you up to three
            “hidden” natural pools that  However, since it is part of  hours to hike there!
            are situated in the northern  the National Park, you must  However, when you eventu-
            coast of the island, two ideal  first get permission from park  ally do get there, you will be
            stops in your tour itinerary.   management to enter. You  greeted with crystal blue wa-
                                         would  have  to  purchase  ter surrounded by a natural
               Conchi (Natural Pool)     a day pass, and receive a  rock formation that protects
            For many years, Conchi was  wristband as proof of pay-    you from the wild waves on
            the only natural pool that we  ment.  Once  you’ve  com-  the other side. Though the   so  new,  there  is  no  official  lagoon where wild northern
            had on the island. Located  pleted that, you are set!     pool is located on the north-  name for it, but most people  waves crash into each other.
            in the Arikok National Park,                              ern side of the island (where   just call it the cave pool.   Sounds scary, but if you look
            near  Boca  Keto  and  the  If  you  decide  to  hike  from  the sea is largely rough and                           down on your right, you’ll see
            Daimari  Ranch,  Conchi—     the entrance of the Arikok  largely no suitable for swim-  Just like the Conchi, the new  a calm, crystal blue little pool
                                                                      ming), the pool itself is very   natural  pool  is  situated  on  in the corner. To get there,
                                                                      calm.  It’s  also  relatively   the northern coast of Aruba.  you  have  to  climb  down
                                                                      deep,  and  you  can  climb   However, this pool is much  some stairs. Be careful when
                                                                      up the rocks and jump in!    easier to reach with any type  climbing  down  and  follow
                                                                                                   of vehicle, and there is no  the instructions of your tour
                                                                              Cave Pool            hiking needed. This spot has  guide if you have one.
                                                                      This relatively new pool ap-  also become a regular stop
                                                                      peared just a few years ago,   for touring visitors.      And just like Conchi, this pool
                                                                      when a part of the dried up                               also has a jumping spot, and
                                                                      coral floor broke off and cre-  When you get there, may-  a rope to climb back up the
                                                                      ated  a  partition  between   be  you  won’t  be  able  to  boulder.
                                                                      the ocean and what is now    spot the pool immediately,
                                                                      the natural pool that is hid-  because you will probably    Picture of cave pool is cred-
                                                                      den there. Because it’s still   notice  the  moon-shaped      ited to RockaBeach Tours
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