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aruba to me
                                                                                      June 10, 2024
                                                                                      T: 582-7800
                                                                                                                         Page 9
                 Aruba’s ONLY English newspaper
                 A r u b a ’ s   O N L Y   E n g l i s h   n e w s p a p e r
            Some nationalities escape biden's sweeping asylum ban because

            deportation flights are scarce

            by eLLIot SPaGat
            associated Press
            SaN DIeGo (aP) — The Border Patrol arrested Ger-
            ardo Henao 14 hours after President Joe Biden sus-
            pended asylum processing at the U.S. border with
            Mexico this week. But instead of being summarily
            deported, he was dropped off by agents the next
            day at a San Diego bus stop, where he caught a
            train to the airport for a flight to Newark, New Jer-
            Henao,  who  said  he  left  his  jewelry  business  in
            Medellin,  Colombia,  because  of  constant  extor-
            tion attempts, had one thing working in his favor: a
            scarcity of deportation flights to that country. Lack
            of  resources,  diplomatic  limitations  and  logistical
            hurdles make it difficult for the Biden administration
            to impose its sweeping measure on a large scale.
            The policy, which took effect Wednesday, has an
            exception for "operational considerations," official
            language  acknowledging  the  government  lacks
            the money and authority to deport everyone sub-
            ject to the measure, especially people from coun-
            tries in South America, Asia, Africa and Europe who
            didn't start showing up at the border until recently.
            The Homeland Security Department said in a de-
            tailed  document  outlining  the  ban  that  "demo-
            graphics and nationalities encountered at the bor-  a volunteer instructs migrants released with notices to appear in immigration court to board a train to the
            der significantly impact" its ability to deport people.  San Diego International airport in San Diego, Calif., thursday, June 6, 2024.
                                                                                                                                            associated Press
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