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obituario Diamars 31 mei 2022
Seaside towns offer
free beach passes to
Native Americans
BOSTON (AP) — Seaside communities in
En toch telkens weer zullen we je Lagrima y flornan por seca, su New England are providing free beach access
tegenkomen. recuerdonan y tur loke el a hasi y to Native Americans as the summer season
Zeg nooit: “Het is voorbij.” significa pa nos, cu lo keda graba pa kicks off this Memorial Day weekend.
Slechts je lichaam werd ons semper den nos mente y curazon.
ontnomen, “Cerca Dios mi alma ta na paz, ta di
Niet wie je was en ook niet wat je DJ’E mi salbacion ta bin” Officials in Narragansett, Rhode Island, earlier
zei. Samo 62:1 this month approved free seasonal beach passes for
anyone with a valid identification card from the
Op de gezegende leeftijd van 93 A fayece Christianamente: Narragansett Indian tribe.
jaar is overleden onze lieve Vader, On Cape Cod in Massachusetts, the towns of Tru-
Schoonvader, Opa en Oom ro and Wellfleet are also extending a similar benefit
Armand Van Trigt Gertruida Rasmijn to any Native American with proof of tribal affilia-
Cariñosamente jama “Opa/Opita/Opilin”. mihor conoci como: “Tutu” tion when beach permits are required in late June.
14-09-1928 te Paramaribo, Suriname *16-11-1931 - †24-05-2022 The moves come after Eastham, another Cape
†28-05-2022 te Oranjestad, Aruba
Na nomber di su: Cod town, began offering free seasonal stickers
Sinds †28-05-1983 weduwnaar van Ladis Lucila Van Mayornan: to indigenous people in 2020 as part of its efforts
Trigt-Correa †Sarafina Rasmijn Ridderstap to mark the 400th anniversary of the arrival of the
†Dominico Rasmijn Pilgrims aboard The Mayflower.
Den nomber di su Yuinan, Nieta/Nieto, Bisnieto, Brian Weeden, chairman of the Mashpee Wampa-
Sobrino/Sobrina, y dimas familiar na Aruba, Suriname, Yiu:
Hulanda y Merca. Gertrudis “Trudy” Smith & Alfonso Boekhoudt noag tribe on Cape Cod that traces its ancestry to
Nieto: the Native Americans that encountered the Pil-
Tata di: Jonathan Smith grims, commended the towns for taking the "sym-
†Armand Calixto Rumannan: bolic steps" to recognize the importance of the
†Lucil Francis †Mario & †Damiana Rasmijn Boekhoudt ocean to their tribe's heritage.
†Odille Yvonne †Rita Rasmijn
Milly & Mo Bagheri – Van Trigt †Rosendo “Buchi” Rasmijn & †Ramona Rasmijn Leal "In our creation stories, we say the first Wampa-
Sandy & Lisette Van Trigt – Van der Biezen †Ana Maria Rasmijn noag boy was actually made out of the foam of the
Subrino y subrinanan: sea and therefore we come from the land and the
Bisabuelo di: Diana “Sandra” Rasmijn y yiunan water," he said. "We are sea-faring people and we
Djanoah Flohr †Michael & Reineta Rasmijn Croes y yiunan need the ocean to survive. It's been our sustenance
Jordani Jones Mario “Nico” & Gladys Rasmijn Maduro y yiunan
Joshua Jones Angel Roberto “Robby” Rasmijn for hundreds and thousands of years."
Franklin & Semiramis Rasmijn Zuñiga y yiunan Jesse Pugh, the town council president in Narra-
Manera nieta: Nathalie “Bep” & Thomas “Tommy” Maduro Rasmijn gansett, hopes his proposal sparks broader discus-
Shekinah y Alliah †Carlos “Yuri” Rasmijn y yiu sions between town officials and the town's name-
Baby Juliette Guido & Gloria Rasmijn Restrepo y yiunan
Angelique Rasmijn y yiunan sake tribe.
Opa di: Xiomara & Reginald “Toy” de Windt Rasmijn & yiunan "We're not acting like we're doing the biggest favor
Nichole Bagheri Janine Rutmila Rasmijn & yiu to the tribe," he said. "This is just something that
Angelique Bagheri Lilian “Lili” Engelhardt Rasmijn we thought was right and that we can do. Hope-
Najesca Jones – Van Trigt Roxanna Rasmijn y yiunan fully it adds momentum to some kind of relation-
Monique Bagheri Robert da Costa
Svetlaine Van Trigt Maikel Rasmijn ship with the tribe."
Xsyran Van Trigt Yshel & Edberto “Ady” Thijsen Rasmijn y yiunan Narragansett's new policy allows valid tribe mem-
Maroushka & Roque Tabares Rasmijn y yiunan bers, regardless where they reside, to get a free sea-
Conocirnan serka: Sheriana Rasmijn sonal pass. The passes otherwise cost $25 and are
Liliana Quintero y Famia Ramshare Rasmijn y yiunan only available to town residents. The daily rate for
Amparo Sandoval y Freddy Gutierrez Tantanan:
Ina v/d Hilst Catrine Hernandez y famia non-resident beachgoers is $12 and are required
Adriana & Miguel Arrebola Maria (Ija) & Shon Fi Angela Rasmijn for anyone over the age of 12.
Ana “Chi-chi” Panneflek y famia Tribe members looking to park at the beach lots
Rumanan: Omonan: would still have to pay the separate parking fees.
†Tweeling zus; Cornellie (Nelly) y famia Jabbar Dominico “Cochi” Rasmijn y famia Pugh stressed no other additional rights or excep-
†Arthur y Famia Paulus Rasmijn y famia
†Elfje Amigonan di cas: tions to beach rules are conferred. Open fires, for
†Gisela & Famia Goedhoop Beulah Nicolaas example, remain prohibited.
†Stanley y Famia Chida Jansen Brown The policy is only in place for this season so far.
Fernando “Nandito” Hodge During council meetings, some residents spoke
Sua y Cuña nan: Ex coleganan di Princes Wilhelmina School up against granting the free passes to nonresidents
†Humberto Correa y Famia Comer y amiga stima:
†David Correa y Famia †Ruby Illidge Samson and worried about the new policy's impact on
Zenaida & Raffael Cuentas-Correa y famia Ihanan overcrowding at the beaches.
Antonio & Angela Correa-Wernet y famia Cuidadora: Pugh said Narragansett beaches are funded by
†Eliecer Correa Angela Gonzales Garcia y yiu Stephanie Winterdaal revenues generated from beach fees, so they aren't
Demas famia y conocirnan: famia Gomez covered by local taxpayers in the traditional sense.
Van Trigt, Bagheri, v/d Biezen, Correa, Goedhoop, Sno, famia Reemnet And less than a dozen tribe members have so far
Jones, Jabbar, Wernet, Cuentas, Limoen, Ellis, Ramada, Demas famia: Rasmijn, Ridderstap, de Windt, T rinidad, claimed the passes, which will be required starting
V/d Hilst, Labega, Pineda, Quintero y Arrebola. Engelhardt, Maduro, Wong, Giel, Smith, May 28, according to the town's parks and recre-
Thijsen, Lopez, Strick, Tabares, Eustatia, da
Pa medio di esaki, nos ta invitabo pa e ceremonia di Costa, Hernandez, Angela, Everon, ation department.
despedida, cual lo tuma lugar riba Diaranson, 1 di Juni Panneflek, Gonzales, Anthony, Solognier,Illidge, Hodge, The tribe, which didn't respond to emails seeking
2022 na Aurora Funeral Home entre 9:00am y 11:00am. Molina y demas famia na Corsow, Hulanda, y Colombia comment this week, has roughly 3,000 enrolled
Despues di e despedida, no lo tuma bishita na kas. E acto Kier a invita tur amigo y conocir pa e acto di entiero cual members, but a significant number are likely chil-
di cremacion lo tuma lugar despues den circulo familiar. lo tuma lugar Diahuebs 02 juni 2022 di 2or pa 4or na dren under the age of 12 who would already be
Pray funeral Home na San Nicolaas y despues sali pa
Un gradicimento special ta bai pa: santana Catholico na San Nicolaas free to enter town beaches, Pugh said.
- Dr. Joaquin Van Trigt Oportunidad pa condolencia lo ta Diamars 31 mei 2022 Weeden, of the Mashpee Wampanoag tribe, hopes
- Verzorgster Carmen Pineda di 7or pa 9or na Pray funeral home San Nicolaas. Massachusetts and other states can take broader ef-
Si den caso di nos tristeza nos por a lubida un of otro forts to codify beach access rights for tribes, rather
Nos ta pidi disculpa si den nos tristeza por a lubida algun miembro di famia nos kier a extende nos mas sincero than piecemeal efforts by individual communities.
nomber. disculpa pa cu esaki. He says securing beach access is a small way to
Nos ta lamenta cu despues di entiero nos no lo ricibi make sure tribes' "aboriginal rights" to waterways
bishita di condolencia na cas. are respected.