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Tuesday 22 March 2022 locAl

            Urgent Care vs. Emergency Room: Where should you go?

            Imagine yourself arriving on                                                                                        with  a  proper  diagnosis
            the beautiful island of Aru-                                                                                        and treatment since we will
            ba. You've scheduled your                                                                                           also provide you with a pre-
            days with exciting activities                                                                                       scription if deemed neces-
            or to relax by the beach or                                                                                         sary.  Our mission is to have
            pool.  Of  course,  the  least                                                                                      you back on your vacation;
            you would expect is to get                                                                                          that is why we offer quick,
            sick or become in need of                                                                                           reliable, and efficient medi-
            medical  assistance.  Be-                                                                                           cal service.
            cause  honestly,  who  does                                                                                         Please  view  our  compari-
            that while on vacation?                                                                                             son  information  chart:  Ur-
                                                                                                                                gent  Care  vs.  Emergency
            But  when  that  happens,                                                                                           Room.
            you need to know who and                                                                                            Contact  us  for  more  infor-
            where  to  visit.  So,  the  first                                                                                  mation  at  +297  5860448.
            step is to assess your medi-                                                                                        WhatsApp  +297  5975549,
            cal need and its urgency.                                                                                 ,     or
            At Urgent Care Aruba, we                                                                                            visit  our  website  at  www.
            offer  medical  assistance  pm, Saturday from 8 am to  as the alternative option.      Appointment),  and  Gyne- or visit us at
            for  non-life-threatening  ill-  4 pm, Sunday/Holiday from  Other  services  offered  at  cology  Services  (With  Ap-  Noord  63,  Noord  Medical
            nesses and injuries. We ac-  10  am  to  2  pm.  Therefore,  the  Urgent  Care  Aruba  is  pointment).              Center.
            cept walk-ins from Monday  receive a better cost value  X-Ray  (Without  Appoint-      Visit us to assess your symp-  Rate   our   service   on
            to  Friday  from  8  am  to  8  than the Emergency Room  ment),  Ultrasound  (With  toms, and we'll provide you  Google!q

            Aruba acts to protect endangered coral reefs

            ORANJESTAD — Less than a year after announc-    becomes sufficiently mature to be transplanted
            ing a total ban on the use of single-use plastic,  onto the coral reef by Scubble Bubble divers.
            Aruba  has  intensified  its  measures  to  protect  In 2017, the island’s authority banned the use of
            its endangered coral reefs. In what is claimed  all single-use plastic bags, a measure that was
            to be “the biggest voluntarism project” on the  extended the following year to include plastic
            island over a thousand volunteers - locals and  cups, straws and Styrofoam boxes. The ban will
            visitors alike – will congregate on the beaches  be transitioned in until 2020. At the same time,
            of  the  Dutch  Caribbean  island  for  the  Aruba  sunscreens  with  oxybenzone,  which  damage
            Reef Care Project on 19 September.              the coral, will also be banished from the island.
                                                            Aruba intends to be fossil-free by the year 2020
            The volunteers efforts to clean both snorkel and  in its continued efforts to preserve the island’s
            dive sites, and beaches, is now supplemented  natural  environment  and  preserve  its  endan-
            by a coral nursery, funded by Aloe Aruba, which  gered coral reefs.
            was recently unveiled in Savaneta. Historically,  Since  1995,  the  Aruba  Reef  Care  Project  has
            Savaneta was the island’s capital up to 1797.   been perhaps the best known as well as largest  nual National Coastal Clean-Up Day is carried
            Aloe  Aruba,  which  also  produces  coral-safe  volunteer environmental initiative on the island,  out  each  November,  during  which  volunteers
            sunscreen,  is  partnering  local  youth  diving  raising awareness of the need to preserve the  make a clean sweep of Aruba beaches.q
            group Scubble Bubbles, to help restore the is-  sea environment. If you are interested in volun-
            land’s coral reefs.                             teering for the organization, email Castro Perez    Credits: Facebook & website Travel begins at 40
            In its effort to save the coral reefs, the nursery will  at
            be used to rehabilitate fragmented reef until it  If you can’t make the September date, an an-

                                                                                                          Price comparison

                                                                                                          ORANJESTAD  -  The  Department  of  Economic  Af-
                                                                                                          fairs regularly carries out price comparison in vari-
                                                                                                          ous supermarkets on Aruba and publishes this in-
                                                                                                          formation in the local newspapers.

                                                                                                          The  purpose  of  this  price  observation  is,  among
                                                                                                          others, to give the consumer an overview of the
                                                                                                          price differences of various basic consumer goods
                                                                                                          on the island that can be purchased at different
                                                                                                          supermarkets and minimarkets throughout the Is-

                                                                                                          Every location may have a different price, with this
                                                                                                          list  the  different  prices  are  compiled  and  show-
                                                                                                          cased for a general view of the differences. In the
                                                                                                          price comparison, the fact that the quality of the
                                                                                                          products varies in the supermarkets and minimar-
                                                                                                          kets is not taken into consideration.

                                                                                                          All prices are in Aruban florins.
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