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                                                                                         world news Diabierna 13 augustus 2021

                         Migrants find themselves stranded abroad by new U.S policy

            (AP)  —  Karla  Leiva  sat  ic-related ban.               Grande Valley.
            on the patio of a migrant
            shelter near the Guatema-    Leiva said she was not asked  “If  in  fact  they  are  turned
            la-Mexico  border  Thurs-    by U.S. or Mexican authori-  around  and  placed  in  the
            day  with  her  5-year-old  ties if she feared returning to  northern part of Mexico, it is
            daughter  Zoe.  They  had  her country.                   too facile, too easy for them
            been in three countries in                                to return and try an illegal en-
            the past 24 hours, none of  At  the  Mexico-Guatemala  try again,” he said. “And so in
            them their own.              border,  they  were  told  to  response  to  that  recidivism,
                                         walk  into  Guatemala  and  to deter and prevent that re-
            Leiva, 32, from Yoro in north-  look for the shelter. No one  cidivism from occurring, we
            central  Honduras,  had  ar-  registered their entrance into  are  expelling  them  further
            rived at the shelter in El Ce-  Guatemala.  They  were  not  into  the  interior  of  Mexico,
            ibo  on  Wednesday.  She  and  asked for evidence of a nega-  which is far more difficult to
            her daughter had started that  tive COVID-19 test required  try again.”
            day 1,000 miles to the north  of  all  foreigners  entering
            in Brownsville, Texas, where  Guatemala.                  He  said  the  Biden  adminis-
            they were put on a plane by                               tration  has  made  changes  to
            the  U.S.  government  with  “No  one  told  me  anything.  border  policy,  including  al-
            dozens  of  others  mothers  They  never  heard  my  case  lowing unaccompanied chil-  in Mexican border cities for  didn’t manage to cross.
            and children without know-   and why I went to the Unit-  dren  into  the  country,  but  hearings in U.S. immigration
            ing where it was going.      ed  States,”  Leiva  said.  “I  said  people  without  a  legal  court.                U.S.  authorities  took  Leiva
                                         couldn’t  tell  them  that  they  claim to residency would be                          and Zoe to Brownsville. Two
            The  rumor  running  among  were  extorting  me  and  that  removed under the law.     Biden  also  scrapped  agree-  days  later  they  were  put  on
            the  migrants  was  that  they  they threatened to kidnap my                           ments  with  Central  Ameri-  the plane. On Thursday, they
            were  being  sent  to  Califor-  little  daughter  and  take  my  On  Wednesday,  five  United  can nations for asylum-seek-  both  still  wore  the  identify-
            nia.  Eventually,  while  in  the  adolescent  sons  to  join  the  Nations  agencies,  including  ers  from  third  countries  to  ing wrist bands U.S. authori-
            air, they were told the plane  gang.  That’s  why  I  left  the  the  High  Commissioner  for  be  sent  there  to  have  their  ties gave them.
            would land in Villahermosa,  country.”                    Refugees, expressed concern  claims  heard,  denying  any
            in southern Mexico’s Tabas-                               over the U.S. policy and re-  prospect  of  settling  in  the  The  orange-painted  hilltop
            co state. There, Mexican au-  Responding  to  reporters’  peated their call for the Biden  United States.           shelter  here  has  been  filling
            thorities  hustled  them  onto  questions on Thursday, U.S.  administration to lift the so-                         this  week  as  more  migrants
            buses  that  drove  them  the  Homeland Security Secretary  called Title 42 restriction on  The  Biden  administration  are  dropped  at  the  border
            three-plus hours to the Gua-  Alejandro  Mayorkas  made  asylum.                       has said it wants to focus on  daily. There’s little else in this
            temalan border.              his  department’s  first  public                          addressing  the  root  causes  remote  border  outpost  sur-
                                         acknowledgement  that  it  is  Mayorkas said the people be-  of  migration  from  Central  rounded by jungle.
            Leiva and her daughter were  expelling  Central  Americans  ing expelled to the interior of  America. Vice President Ka-
            swept  up  in  the  latest  U.S.  on  the  flights  to  southern  Mexico  have  been  expelled  mala  Harris  has  led  that  ef-  Leiva  was  still  trying  to  un-
            government  effort  to  deter  Mexico.  The  Mexican  gov-  under Title 42.            fort,  visiting  Mexico  and  derstand what had happened
            migrants and asylum-seekers  ernment  has  been  publicly                              Guatemala  to  discuss  how  and  what  would  come  next.
            from  arriving  at  its  south-  silent.                  For  years,  the  U.S.  govern-  the U.S. can help while en-  She said she could not return
            ern  border.  While  still  de-                           ment    has   intermittently  couraging  people  not  to  to Honduras and she fretted
            livering  some  migrants  on  Mayorkas  said  the  U.S.  was  flown deported Mexican mi-  come.  But  those  are  at  best  over the $3,000 she had paid
            flights directly to their Cen-  coordinating with the Mexi-  grants back to the interior to  medium-term   solutions,  the smuggler.
            tral  American  nations,  the  can  government  on  flights  make it more difficult to try  while at the U.S. border, the
            U.S. government has started  that  include  Central  Ameri-  to cross the border again, but  number  of  encounters  be-  “No  one  signed  any  depor-
            supplementing with flights to  cans  and  ensuring  that  they  this  appears  to  be  the  first  tween  U.S.  authorities  and  tation.  I  didn’t  sign,”  she
            southern  Mexican  cities  like  comply  with  international  time  it  has  flown  Central  migrants keeps rising.  said. “They tricked us. They
            Villahermosa and Tapachula,  law to provide humanitarian  Americans to Mexico instead                               didn’t even give me a paper.”
            where  Mexican  authorities  protection  when  warranted.  of their home countries.    Leiva had left Yoro on July 27  The bracelets are the only ev-
            carry them the rest of the way  He didn’t elaborate.                                   with her daughter and three  idence they were ever briefly
            to  Guatemala’s  border,  even                            The move comes after Presi-  older sons. Twelve days later,  in the U.S.
            if they’re not Guatemalan.   The flights to the interior of  dent  Joe  Biden  jettisoned  she and her daughter crossed
                                         Mexico are part of efforts to  many  of  his  predecessor’s  the Rio Grande on a raft into  Leiva’s only choice, she said,
            Since last year, the U.S. has  discourage  returns  by  mi-  hardline  immigration  poli-  Texas  with  a  smuggler  and  was  to  try  making  her  way
            not  been  allowing  migrants  grants apprehended along the  cies, describing them as cruel  were  quickly  apprehended.  north  again.  Her  two  sons
            to solicit asylum at the south-  Southwest border, Mayorkas  or unwise, including one that  She said her sons were sup-  and  older  daughter  were
            ern border under a pandem-   said during a visit to the Rio  made  asylum-seekers  wait  posed  to  have  followed,  but  waiting in northern Mexico.

                             Greek wildfires a major ecological catastrophe, PM says

            (AP) — Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mit-       “We managed to save lives, but we lost forests and  season during which fires break out is over, he said.
            sotakis on Thursday described the devastat-     property,” Mitsotakis said, describing the wildfires
            ing wildfires that burned across the country  as  “the  greatest  ecological  catastrophe  of  the  last  “The climate crisis — I’d like to use this term, and
            for more than a week as the greatest ecologi-   few decades.”                                   not climate change — the climate crisis is here, and
            cal catastrophe Greece had seen in decades.                                                     it shows us everything needs to change” he said,
                                                            Speaking during a news conference in Athens, his  adding he was ready to make the “bold changes”
            The fires broke out as the country roasted during  first since the fires broke out, Mitsotakis said au-  needed.
            the most intense and protracted heat wave experi-  thorities had faced around 100 active blazes each
            enced since 1987. Hundreds of wildfires erupted  day.  By  Thursday,  the  situation  was  much  im-  “This is a common crisis for all of us,” he said.
            across the country, stretching Greece’s firefighting  proved, with most large wildfires on the wane.
            capabilities  to  the  limit  and  leading  the  govern-                                        Several Mediterranean countries have suffered in-
            ment to appeal for help from abroad. Hundreds of  But the prime minister warned the danger of more  tense heat and quickly spreading wildfires in recent
            firefighters, along with planes, helicopters and ve-  blazes was still present.                 weeks, including Turkey, where at least eight peo-
            hicles, arrived from 24 European and Middle East-                                               ple have died, and Italy. In Algeria, wildfires in the
            ern countries to assist.                        “We are in the middle of August and it’s clear we  mountains have killed at least 69 people.
                                                            will have difficult days ahead of us” until the main
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