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                                                                                                           LOCAL Tuesday 17 May 2022

            Local athlete Elliott Loonstra PLY faces a new challenge in Europe

                                                                      to  continue  within  the  top
                                                                      10  in  the  world.  Currently
                                                                      Loonstra is 8th in the world
                                                                      and  1st  in  the  Pan  Ameri-
                                                                      can  region.  Improving  his
                                                                      position  in  the  world  rank-
                                                                      ing will lead to direct quali-
                                                                      fication  for  the  Paris  2024
                                                                      Paralympic Games.

                                                                      We wish Elliott (Lefty) Loon-
            OranjEstad - a new chal-     do  Open  Championship,      stra PLY and his internation-
            lenge  for  our  Paralympic  which will be his first partici-  al  coach  Luciano  Mazzeo
            athlete  Elliott  Loonstra  PLY  pation in Europe.        the  greatest  success.  A
            who  traveled  to  Manches-                               big  thank  you  goes  to  the
            ter,  Great  Britain  to  com-  The  main  objective  is  the   people  of  Aruba  and  the
            pete in the prestigious 2022  acquiring  of  more  experi-  Loonstra family for their un-
            European  Para  taekwon-     ence and obtaining points    conditional support.q

            30th ‘ronde van aruba’ is going to start

                                                       tafette 4-person team). This year a record
                                                       amount of people have registered to run
                                                       the race individually. This is a total amount
                                                       of 20 men and women. The other partici-
                                                       pants  will  start  between  20.00  and  00.00
                                                       hrs. on Friday evening. Each minute a new
                                                       team or duo will start.

                                                       During  the  Corona  period  the  “Ronde
                                                       of Aruba” did take place in an adapted
                                                       form. This year it has been considered to
            OranjEstad - On the evening of the 20th    go back step by step to the ‘Ronde of Aru-
            of May 2022 the 30th edition of the ‘ronde   ba’ as most of the people were acquaint-
            van aruba’ is going to start.              ed to. Spectators are, as usual, more than
                                                       welcome  along  the  route  to  encourage
            The running event, organized by the Ma-    and cheer on the runners. In addition, mu-
            rine  Barracks  in  Savaneta,  already  exists   sic  will  be  played  at  all  eight  exchange
            since  1971.  Two  members  of  the  Marines   stations for the public and participants. q
            challenged themselves once, to run the is-
            land on a solo race. Since that moment this
            idea  has  grown to an  annual  event. The
            running  course  is  72  kilometers  long,  and
            largely  follows  the  coastline  of  the  island
            and is one of the toughest and longest run-
            ning courses of the Caribbean Region. The
            governor of Aruba, His Excellency Alfonso
            Boekhoudt, will give the starting shot.

            This year it is expected that approximately
            800 participants will register at the starting
            line. The 72 km long route can be run indi-
            vidually, as a duo, or with a relay team (es-
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