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Tuesday 17 May 2022 locAl

            The Central Bureau of Statistics presents the most important

            findings for the Foreign Trade of the 1st quarter 2022

            Oranjestad  -  The  total  im-                                                                                      circulation  area  of  Aruba.
            port,  in  terms  of  weight,                                                                                       The  largest  increases  are
            registered  an  increase  of                                                                                        observed  for  the  sections
            60.6% in the first quarter of                                                                                       “Works  of  stone,    gypsum,
            2022  (158.9 mln. kg) com-                                                                                          cement, asbestos” (0.8 mln.
            pared  to  the  same  pe-                                                                                           kg),  “Base  metals  and  de-
            riod in 2021 (99.0 mln. kg),                                                                                        rivated works” (0.7,
            while, in terms of value, the                                                                                       “Transport equipment” (0.1
            total  import  increased  by                                                                                        kg)  and  “Food    products”
            42.2%,  from  Afl.  397.7  mln.                                                                                     (0.1 kg).
            to Afl. 565.5 mln. Import to
            the free circulation area of                                                                                        The  largest  decreases  are
            Aruba* (weight)                                                                                                     observed  for  the  sections
                                                                                                                                “Machinery & electrotech-
            Import  to  the  free  circula-                                                                                     nical  equipment  (new  &
            tion area of Aruba, in terms                                                                                        renewed)”  (-0.1  mln.  kg),
            of  weight,  registered  an                                                                                         “Artificial  plastic  elements”
            increase  of  60.9%    in  the                                                                                      (-0.1 mln. kg) and “Works of
            first  quarter  of  2022  (156.7                                                                                    art,  collectors  pieces  and
            mln. kg), compared to the                                                                                           antiques” (-0.1 mln. kg).
            same  period  in  2021  (97.4
            mln. kg).  During this period,   registered  an  increase  of  436.5 mln.              companies refers to the fol-  Export from the free circula-
            eighteen (18) of the twen-   43.8%  in  the  first  quarter  2. Import to the free circula-  lowing companies: Valero,   tion area of Aruba* (value)
            ty-one  (21)  sections  regis-  of 2022  (2.3  mln. kg) com-  tion area of Aruba* by Air   Arugas,  Web,  Elmar  and   Export  from  the  free  cir-
            tered increases in terms  of   pared to the same period in  Import by Air to the free cir-  Setar                   culation  area  of  Aruba,  in
            weight in import to the free   2022 (1.6 mln. kg), while, in  culation  area  of  Aruba,  in                        terms  of  value,  registered
            circulation  area  of  Aruba.   terms  of value, it increased  terms of weight, increased  The  total  export,  in  terms   an  increase  of  14.3%  in
            The  largest  increases  are   by 81.5% from Afl. 16.4 mln.  by 13.1% from  0.6 mln. kg  of weight, registered an in-  the  first  quarter  of  2022
            observed  for    the  sections   to Afl. 29.7 mln.        in the first quarter of 2021 to  crease  of  47.9%  in  the  first   (Afl.    13.5  mln.)  compared
            “Mineral  products”  (52.3                                0.7 mln. kg in the first quar-  quarter  of  2022  (7.2  mln.   to the same period in 2021

            mln.  kg),  “Food  products”   The  abovementioned  Im-   ter  of  2022,  while,  in  terms  kg) compared to the same     (Afl. 11.8 mln.). Twelve (12)
            (2.1 mln. kg), and “Works of     port (to the free calculation  of value, the import by Air  period of 2021 (4.9 mln. kg),   of the twenty-one (21) sec-
            stone, gypsum, cement, as-   area of Aruba) is the result  increased  by  44.5%  from  while, in terms of value, the   tions,  registered  increases
            bestos” (1.3 mln. kg).       of Import by Sea  and        Afl. 68.7 mln. to Afl. 99.2 mln.  total  export  increased  by   in  terms  of  value  in  the
                                                                      Import  to  the  free  circu-  79.3% from Afl. 21.6 mln. to   export  from  the  free  cir-
            The  largest  decreases  are   Import  by  Air,  which  had  lation  area  of  Aruba*  by  Afl. 38.7 mln.           culation  area  of  Aruba.
            observed  for  the  sections   the   following   develop-  Large companies**                                        The  largest  increases  are
            “Vegetable products” (-0.4   ments:                       Import  by  “Large  compa-   Export  from  the  free  cir-  observed  for  the  sections
            mln. kg) and “Fats  and oils”   1. Import to the free circula-  nies”, in terms of weight, in-  culation  area  of  Aruba*   “Transport    equipment”
            (-0.1 mln. kg).              tion area of Aruba* by Sea   creased by 12.1% from 20.1  (weight)                      (Afl.  1.6  mln.),  “Optical  in-
                                         Import  by  Sea  to  the  free  mln. kg in the  first quarter of  Export  from  the  free  cir-  struments,  apparatus  and
            Import  to  the  free  circula-  circulation  area  of  Aruba,  2021 to 22.5 mln. kg in the  culation  area  of  Aruba,  in   equipment”  (Afl.  1.0  mln.)
            tion area of Aruba* (value)   in  terms  of  weight,  regis-  first quarter of 2022, while, in  terms of weight, registered   and “Base metals and deri-
            Import  to  the  free  circula-  tered an increase of  61.2%  terms of value, it  increased  an increase of 34.1% in the   vated works”  (Afl. 0.7 mln.).
            tion area of Aruba, in terms   in  the  first  quarter  of  2022  by 48.5% from Afl. 39.7 mln.  first quarter of 2022 (5.2 mln.
            of  value,  registered  an  in-  (156.0  mln.  kg)  compared  to Afl. 59.0 mln.        kg) compared to the same     The  largest  decreases  are
            crease of 40.5% in  the first   to the same period in 2021  *  Free  circulation  area  of  period in 2021 (3.9 mln. kg).   observed  for  the  sections
            quarter  of  2022  (Afl.  535.8   (96.8  mln.  kg),  while,  in  Aruba:  all  goods  entering  Nine (9) of the twenty-one   “Miscellaneous  manufac-
            mln.)  compared  to  the     terms  of  value,  the  import  or  leaving  the  economic  (21) sections, registered in-  tured  articles”  (Afl.  -0.9
            same  period  in  2021  (Afl.   by Sea increased by 39.6%  territory  of  Aruba,  exclud-  creases in terms  of weight   mln.),  “Real  pearls  (natu-
            381.3 mln.).  During this peri-  from Afl. 312.6 mln. to  Afl.  ing the Free Zone ** Large  in the export from the free   ral)    and  other  precious
            od, all twenty-one (21) sec-                                                                                        stones”  (Afl.  -0.7  mln.)  and
            tions registered increases in                                                                                       “Chemical  products”  (Afl.
            terms of value in import  to                                                                                        -0.4 mln.).
            the free circulation area of
            Aruba.                                                                                                              Export from the free Zone of
            The  largest  increases  are                                                                                        Export from the free Zone of
            observed  for  the  sections                                                                                        Aruba,  in  terms  of  weight,
            “Machinery & electrotech-                                                                                           registered  an  increase  of
            nical  equipment    (new  &                                                                                         102.2%  in  the  first  quarter
            renewed)”  (Afl.  21.8  mln.),                                                                                      of 2022 (2.0 mln. kg)  com-
            “Mineral  products”  (Afl.                                                                                          pared to the same period in
            18.4 mln.) and “Food prod-                                                                                          2021 (1.0 mln. kg), while, in
            ucts” (Afl.  14.6 mln.).                                                                                            terms of value, it increased
                                                                                                                                by 158.1% from Afl. 9.7 mln.
            Import  to  the  free  Zone  of                                                                                     to Afl. 25.2 mln.
            Import  to  the  free  Zone  of                                                                                     Total  Import  by  quarter,
            Aruba,  in  terms  of  weight,                                                                                      2018-2022 q
   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18