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WORLD NEWS Thursday 13 april 2023
The beautification work began the
11th of April on Columbusstraat and
Oranjestad - Minister Geof- back and suggestions to was not easy to reach this
frey Wever of Economic Af- facilitate the work but also point, but it was necessary
fairs, Communication, and requested to inform them to meet the target set in
Sustainable Development of the progress and any de- the government program
and the Public Works De- lays in the project. 2021-2025 for the revitaliza-
partment, recently met with tion of the center of Oran-
companies in the Colum- After months of prepara- jestad," Minister Wever said.
busstraat and Wilhelminas- tions and coordination
traat area to inform them between the DOW, the The work will start in Colum- formation about this proj- stakeholders will remain
about the beautification contractor, and the Min- busstraat and next in part ect and announce the al- open to ensure that the
work that began on April istry of Economic Affairs, of Wilhelminastraat and ternative route for traffic. work proceeds according
11. everything is finally ready has a duration of 50 days. to schedule and thus limit
and the beautification of Minister Geoffrey Wever any potential disruption
The entrepreneurs were Columbusstraat and Wilhe- In the coming days, the assured those present that during the work.q
allowed to provide feed- liminastraat can begin. "It DOW will provide more in- communication between
Announcement of Open Day at Aruba’s Marine Barracks in Savaneta
The Marine Barracks in Sa- During the Open Day there
vaneta will once again Also our Security Partners, you can see several dem-
open their doors for the such as the Coastguard onstrations from the Royal
public on May 1st 2023. Af- Dutch Caribbean Region, Navy, as well as from the
ter four years there was no Police Force Aruba, Fire Security Partners. Visitors
possibility for an Open Day; Department and the De- can grab a bite to eat at
finally it has come so far partment for Disaster Relief the food courts and browse
again. Everybody is most (Bureau Rampenbestrijd- the various market stalls.
welcome to have a look ing) Aruba, will be present There is also a Superlottery
from 10:00 o’clock till 16:00 during the whole day. with great prizes. Proceeds
o’clock at the Royal Navy. from the tickets sold will go
New prices for petroleum products as
of April 12th
to two charities: “Trampolin https://www.facebook.
pa Trabao” & the Foun- com/Opendagmarinier-
dation “Stichting Muchila skazerne to be abreast of
Creative”. Radio stations the news around the Open
CoolFM & FreshFM will pro- Day. Register for the event
vide for live music on site on Facebook [https://
during the Open Day.] and
receive the latest news
Follow the Facebook page: immediately.q
Oranjestad - The Minister ucts started taking effect 3,3 cents, taking the to-
of Economic Affairs, Com- yesterday the 12th of tal price down to 231,5
munications and Sustain- April. cents per liter and Kero-
able Developments has sene saw a decrease of
issued an announcement With these adjustments, 7,1 cents making the total
regarding petroleum the price of Gasoline price 215,3 cents per liter.
products and their prices unleaded premium in-
on the island. creased with 4,8 cents These prices are including
making the total price BBO (the turnover tax),
This adjustment to the 262,4 cents per liter. Gas- BAZV (the health tax) and
prices of petroleum prod- oil LS saw a decrease of BAVP.q