Page 13 - AHATA
P. 13

                                                                                                           LOCAL Monday 11 January 2021

            Aruba’s Aloe

            ORANJESTAD  —  The  aloe
            plant  has  been  grown  on
            Aruba since the mid-1800.
            The climate and the dry soil
            are particularly suitable for
            the aloe culture.  The plant
            flourishes  well  here:  the
            Aruban  aloe  has  an  aloin
            content of 22 %, while the
            content of aloin in the rest
            of  the  world  is  15%  at  the

            The  flourishing  of  the  aloe
            culture  in  Aruba  was  un-
            der Commander Jan Hele-
            nus  Ferguson  (1866-1871).
            That's  why  the  road  that
            leads    from   downtown
            through the aloe fields was   In  the  beginning  of  1900,  try  had  a  big  impact  on  Casey  Eman  founded  the  United  States.  In  1951,  the
            named  after  him.    In  the   the  first  scientific  research  the labor market on Aruba  first  aloe  factory  of  Aruba,  production of Aruban aloe
            19th century, an aloe plan-  is  done  on  the  aloe  plant.  and  the  aloe  culture  got  under  the  name  of  Aruba  amounted to about 15.000
            tation  was  also  construct-  This  confirmed  clearly  the  a  bit  on  the  background.  Aloe  Products  Company.  pounds or 30% of the total
            ed  in  Socotoro;  Socotoro   healing  effect  of  aloin  on  It  was  only  after  World  At the time, the aloe juices  world  production.  Source:
            has probably been named      sunburn  and  other  burns.  War  II  that  the  aloe  cul-  were  locally  processed  to  http://www.historiadiaru-
            after  the  island  of  Sokotra   The  arrival  of  the  oil  indus-  ture  was  resumed.  In  1949  aloin  and  shipped  to  the q
            or Socotora, at the time a
            British  island  in  the  Indian
            Ocean, off the coast of Ye-
            men. That island lies on the
            same degree of longitude
            as Aruba and aloe is grown
            there too. The legend says
            that  Alexander  the  Great,
            on  the  recommendation
            of Aristotle, conquered this
            island for the aloe that he
            used to cure the wounds of
            his soldiers.
            On  the  aloe  plantation
            Mon  Plaisir,  owned  by  the
            Frenchman  Louis  Bazin,  a
            for  its  time  modern  steam
            driven  cooking  installa-
            tion  was  installed,  in  the
            beginning  of  1900.  In  the
            19th  century,  Aruba  was
            the  main  supplier  of  aloin
            resin that was mainly used
            for the production of laxa-
            tives. The aloin was export-
            ed abroad, mainly to New
            York, but also to Hamburg
            and  to  London.  The  resin
            from  the  Antilles  (called
            `Curaçao resin’ at the time)
            was one of the best in the
            world and more expensive
            than  the  other  types  on
            the  market.  Aruba’s  share
            in  the  export  of  `Curaçao
            resin’ was over 90%. In the
            economy  of  that  time,
            before  the  arrival  of  the
            oil  industry,  aloe  meant  a
            reasonable  source  of  in-
            come, in particular for the
            small  'cunucero'  (farmer).
            In  times  of  unemployment
            – de dry season – the aloe
            culture was a good source
            of existence.
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