Page 14 - AHATA
P. 14
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Monday 11 January 2021
Amazing Azure
Alberto Perret-Gentil, Vice-president of operations Aruba Today was delight- we are from New York. This ideas. We are very optimis-
ed to talk to a wonder- is excellent, we are very tic. This is going to be the
EAGLE BEACH — Azure Beach Residences speaks for it- ful couple from New York, happy with our choice and best semester in sales in our
self the moment you set foot on the place. The luxurious Esteban Marquez and his we love the island.” Happy 20 years on Aruba,” Perret-
real estate has all ingredients to offer you a 5-star-de- wife who are proud own- owners on a happy island, Gentil states.
luxe plate. Located right on the beach, offering a blend er of one of the condos. it sounds like music to his Tower 1 of Azure Beach
between your own condominium with advantages and “We love the condo we ears says Alberto Perret- Residences has 45 units on
experience of a hotel and all amenities that belong to a have purchased at Azure. Gentil, Executive Vice- the northern and southern
spot in heaven. We are planning on retire- president of Operations at corner and is practically
ment five years from now, Azure Beach Residences. sold out. The residence
“In August we had the offers two units at the up-
grand opening of Tower II per level of the Clubhouse
of Azure Beach Residenc- which has on the ground
es. We see that there is a level the restaurant and
new trend of people want- the lobby and on the up-
ing to work from their sec- per level the gym, area
ond home, their vacation for grill and a pool table.
condo. Our island is blessed Tower 2 offers 60 units with
with the perfect beaches studios, 1-bedroom, 2-bed-
and climate, it is very safe room, 3-bedroom units and
and –many do not know 3- bedroom penthouses at
this- it has the best internet the 8th floor. For more in-
in the Caribbean.” During formation you can visit the
the COVID-19 crisis Pering website
Group, also the developer com. Harbour House Aruba
of Harbour House Aruba, is another project of this
stays connected to their group offering 94 condo-
market and is able to cap- miniums in Oranjestad, just
ture all those people stay- in front of the Renaissance
ing home at this time. “We Mall. More information can
continuously show our new be found at: www.harbour-
projects and new financial