Page 13 - HOH
P. 13
a8 local
Wednesday 18 May 2022
aruba’s Marines complete a 24 hour hurricane exercise
Oranjestad - Marines from ing large groups of injured
the 32 raiding squad- people, helping people
ron had a ‘mini’ HUreX this from the rush into a vehicle
week at different locations and transporting detainees
on the Island. after the passage of a hur-
During a HUREX the skills This is one of the many ex-
and drills of the marines are ercises that our marines
trained and test in different on Aruba participate in
scenarios. This training helps regularly, always prepar-
the marines think about ing themselves and hon-
taking action by looting, ing in the skills and drills for
rescuing the drowning, the protection of our Island
responding to and treat- and its people.q