Page 14 - HOH
P. 14
LOCAL Wednesday 18 May 2022
Aruba’s underwater wonderland Prepaid High-Speed
Internet anywhere on
the island
ORANJESTAD - Exploring the underwater ties. It is a perfect beach to spend your
wonders is something you should defi- day snorkeling and relaxing.
nitely do during your stay in Aruba. The
underwater world has everything to offer MangelHalto
that makes a snorkel trip so exceptional; MangelHalto beach is located in Sava-
an impressive, colorful sea life with exotic neta, on the southern-west part of the is-
fishes, turtles and beautiful coral reef. The land. The beach is different from the other
historic shipwrecks, located on the Aru- beaches in Aruba; it is beach full of man-
ban seabed are also worth a visit. Aruba groves. You reach the beach by a bridge
is known for its white beaches and blue through the mangroves and then you will
oceans, which means there are many fas- have several entrances to the sea. There
cinating under water spots, where you can are diverse spots where you can enjoy a
take your snorkeling gear and we select- perfect beach day, wooden stairs made
ed the top spots for you. to enter the water and a dock to sit on and
enjoy the view. MangelHalto is also worth
Baby Beach a visit for the snorkeling experience. Inside Are you in Aruba for "Workation" and need high-
Baby beach; a white beach, with a crystal the bay, the water is clear and you find speed Internet anywhere at any time? SETAR, Aruba's
blue ocean. The beach is located on the many colorful fish. Outside the bay is a bit biggest telecom provider, offers you the fastest wire-
southern part of the island. On the way to more challenging for beginners because less Internet plans on an LTE network.
the famous beach, you will drive through of the wind and the waves, but the coral Work remotely on the beach via your tablet, laptop,
the old capital of Aruba, San Nicolas. The is alive and it is just like snorkel heaven.q
old Aruban culture can be still felt and ex- or smartphone and enjoy faster upload and down-
perienced here, so do not hesitate to get load speeds. SETAR Prepaid Wireless Broadband
out of your car and walk around for a while. offers you a lower latency rate, meaning websites
Baby beach is a child friendly beach, since loads faster, YouTube does not pause every five sec-
it is shallow and the water has a pleasant onds, and apps download at a higher speed, all us-
temperature. The name therefore fits well ing your Mi-Fi device.
with the beach. Baby beach is an excel-
lent beach for snorkeling, especially if you SETAR Wireless Broadband Prepaid offers you Inter-
want to go with small children, because net anywhere for a fixed fee without worrying about
the water remains shallow and there are additional charges, and it is easy to use and access.
still many underwater wonders to see. In Choose the bundle that suits your budget and needs.
the ocean there is an area marked until
where it is recommended to snorkel and Visit SETAR Teleshop with locations around the island
on the beach you will find different facili- or at the airport to check your Mi-Fi SIM or device.q