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a8    local
                  Wednesday 13 april 2022

            New beginnings after the kitchen table and beyond with new restaurant:

            Infini by Chef Urvin Croes

             PALM BEACH — After spearheading The Kitchen Table         you cannot define, but you can create.
             for five years, receiving notable recognitions in USA To-  Take our popular langoustine for exam-
             day, The Daily Meal and earning the #1 spot on Tripad-    ple;  we  combined  elements  that  are
             visor’s list of Fine Dining Restaurants in the Caribbean,   rarely  paired  together:  the  bitter,  sour
             Chef Urvin Croes has now moved on to higher heights.      and  salty  flavors  of  the  lemon  cream,
             Infini, his new chef’s table, which opened at the Blue    kombucha,  green  grapes,  watercress
             Residences  in  November  2020,  allows  the  Michelin-   and achiote, fused with the sweet and
             trained  Aruban  culinary  artist  to  create  gastronomic   delicate taste of the langoustine induce
             experiences unconfined by cultural or regional expec-     ultimate umami.”
             tations. The former The Kitchen Table space has since
             been renovated into a suitable culinary studio to host    After  hosting  the  first  menu  for  three
             this  vision.  In  describing  these  changes,  Croes  says:   months, the Executive Chef introduced
             “We  opened  up  the  entire  kitchen  and  elevated  the   a second tour de force in February 2021
             dining tables so guests have a front row stadium-like     —  this  time  a  pescatarian  menu  dedi-  cocktails,  which  include  his  personally
             view of each step of the preparations. The spotlights,    cated  to  Lent,  of  which  Croes  has  to   homemade syrups, garnishes and fresh
             which  we  carefully  choreograph,  follow  the  plates’   say: “I wanted to focus on the finest fish   local  ingredients.  Maître  D’  and  Junior
             transition from blank canvas into culinary works of art.”  in  the  world,  they  are  the  protagonists   Sommelier  Jessica  Theysen,  who  previ-
                                                                       of this season.” Visitors can experience   ously managed renowned Chef Dennis
             “It is a flavor that you cannot define, but you can cre-  the second Chef’s Impression until May     Huwaë’s Restaurant Daalder in Amster-
             ate."                                                     2021, at which point Croes and his team    dam, is a true storyteller. From the mo-
             He had been sitting on the first menu for over a year. In-  will  reveal  exciting  new  flavors  for  the   ment  she  serves  the  Salinity  welcome
             spired by umami, one of the five basic tastes, and also   summer.                                    drink  and  the  culinary  tale  begins,  she
             Japanese  for  “essence  of  deliciousness”,  Chef  Croes                                            takes you on an adventure around the
             strived to organically produce this palate in each dish   "Without a great team, there is no great   world  to  discover  never-before-tasted
             of the eight-course Chef’s Impression. “It is a flavor that   chef”                                  combinations. Then, towards the end of
                                                                       “There  is  very  little  I  can  do  by  myself.   the night, it is his time to shine — Pastry
                                                                       Without a great team, there is no great    Chef  Jean-Claude  Werleman,  that  is.
                                                                       chef”,  says  Croes,  while  raving  about   After  spending  the  last  two  years  per-
                                                                       the  six  young  professionals  sharing  his   fecting his recipes in the Pastry Depart-
                                                                       kitchen. All graduates of Aruba’s EPI Col-  ment  of  the  Ritz  Carlton  Aruba,  Wer-
                                                                       lege and familiar faces to the Chef as     leman  joins  Infini  to  continue  exploring
                                                                       each one has completed their culinary      his passion for experimenting with colors
                                                                       internship  under  his  guidance.  In  fact,   and bold flavors.
                                                                       Infini’s Chef de Cuisine, Ashwin Maduro,
                                                                       was Urvin’s very first student, before relo-  "It's time to show that Aruba is a culinary
                                                                       cating to Amsterdam, where he worked       destination of its own"
                                                                       at  several  Michelin-starred  restaurants,   “The goal is to leave our visitors speech-
                                                                       including &moshik (formally &Samhoud       less.  The  look  on  their  faces  whenever
                                                                       Places).  Having  recently  returned  to   they take the first bite says it all and it
                                                                       Aruba, Chef Maduro is thrilled to be re-   is priceless'', shares Croes, with a smile.
                                                                       united  with  his  first  mentor  and  hopes   Reclaiming the spot of number one res-
                                                                       to secure Aruba’s space on the global      taurant in the Caribbean is also in sight,
                                                                       map  of  unique  culinary  experiences.    but  this  time  he  will  not  stop  there.  “In
                                                                       Similarly, after four years working in the   the end, we want Aruba to be recog-
                                                                       two-Michelin  starred  restaurant  Spec-   nized for its culinary mastery. We have
                                                                       trum,  Chef  de  Partie  Moises  Ramirez   trained the best culinary artists right here
                                                                       returned home to share his vast experi-    on  the  island  and  they  have  proven
                                                                       ence in formulating recipes with meticu-   themselves  internationally  in  the  most
                                                                       lous attention to detail and consistency.   renowned kitchens in the world. Now it
                                                                       Further down the kitchen line, Chef de     is time to show that Aruba is a culinary
                                                                       Partie Alvaro Yi, who has worked at the    destination of its own. Who knows where
                                                                       two-Michelin starred FG Restaurant, is all   that will take us; hopefully to infinity and
                                                                       about expressing himself through cook-     beyond.”
                                                                       ing  and  plating  to  create  art  that  you
                                                                       can eat. Mixologist Marc-Anthony Ran-      Infini  located  at  Blue  Residences  cur-
                                                                       nis  brings  eight  years  of  experience  in   rently serves an eight-course Chef’s Im-
                                                                       the fine dining industry to Infini. His fine   pression  to  up  to  21  guests  starting  at
                                                                       craftsmanship  is  displayed  in  the  un-  6:30PM. To make reservations visit www.
                                                                       paralleled  wine  pairings  and  signature or call +297-699-3982.q
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