Page 12 - AHATA
P. 12
LOCAL Monday 2 october 2023
Visit the natural bridges of Aruba!
(Oranjestad)—After you’ve ing thousands of years, cut into the tiny beach.
visited the Alto Vista and crafted by the wild
Church, the Bushiribana waves that crash into the Unfortunately in 2005, the
Gold Mill Ruins and the coral stone walls of the bridge collapsed, and the
mini natural pool that is lo- coast. Before its collapse, little beach dried up. De-
cated right next to it, you’re this bridge measured 30 spite this, this site remained
next up around the north- meters in length and 7 me- a tourist attraction, with
ern coast line must be the ters in height, making it the many visitors walking along
Natural Bridge. Once the biggest natural bridge in the coral cliffs of the bridge
largest natural bridge in the the Caribbean at the time. to see the spectacular view The Baby Natural Bridge
Caribbean, this bridge has For many years, this site was of the northern coastline
been a tourist attraction for also a frequently visited and the Caribbean Sea.
many years. beach, as the bridge had Visitors can also still visit the
a small opening through souvenir shop on the left of
The bridge was formed dur- which the water would flow the bridge entrance.
Current state of the Natural Bridge
ural bridge very close. This
While the natural bridge bridge is often called the
no longer is functional, “Baby Bridge” or “Daugh-
The Natural Bridge pre-collapse there is now a smaller nat- ter Bridge”. q
Aruba to me
ORANJESTAD — You are back or still enjoying your
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