Page 24 - ARUBA BANK
P. 24

                Monday 5 February 2018

            Opinion Column: Fly-in-something in the Caribbean

            by Cdr. Bud Slabbaert               born: fly-in finance services. Why not?   ditional facilities and offices of service
            ORANJESTAD - How about Fly-In Bank-  A  service-concept  enabling  foreign   providers  from  financial  industry  seg-
            ing; like a drive-in fast food operation?   persons and companies to have quick   ments. Good for airport expansion and
            No,  it’s  no  joke.  In  the  Caribbean?   access  to  financial  services  by  flying   good for the local community.
            Probably not, but that is not the point.   to an airport and using the services of   So  instead  of  chasing  aircraft  owners
            One has to look at the principles of the   the financial institutions on the airport   and operators, as one might have ex-
            concept and explore if one could do a   premises or in nearby branches. Fly-In   pected me to do, I went after bankers.
            ‘fly-in’ something  that  might  fit  a  par-  Banking would be a marketing innova-  On a local level, the concept was well
            ticular destination in a region. Bottom   tion,  in  airport  business  development   received.  Why  wasn’t  it  realized?  The
            line, it’s all about economic develop-  and promotion, but also in the Private   headquarters  of  the  banks  that  were
            ment of a region. Follow-me!        and Investment banking industry.    located in the two cities with a major
                                                I  did  some  research.  In  the  sixties,  in   international airport, didn’t want to lose
            Developing  airport  business  requires   Rio  Vista,  Texas,  there  was  the  ‘Cow   any  business  to  their  branches.  Does
            some  creative  thinking  especially   Pasture  Bank’.  The  banker  owned  a   the word ‘commission’ ring a bell? They
            when it comes to private and business   grass  airstrip  behind  the  bank  build-  believed  that  the  branches  could  at-
            aviation. No one is flying to an airport   ing. He created a unique financial in-  tract the cross-border road traffic, but   Why write this column about something
            because of the airport. Passengers are   stitution by offering a fly-in feature. Cli-  the HQ’s wanted to keep the flying jet-  that  failed?  It  didn’t  fail,  it  just  didn’t
            coming  for the destination and  in the   ents would fly their planes in from their   set for themselves.       work  due  to  an  unforeseen  circum-
            Caribbean  for  instance  especially  for   farms to do their banking. Mind that in   By  accident,  it  went  in  international   stance. Now, one could come up with
            the ‘Tourism Product’. How do you get   Texas distances are far; the farms are   aviation  magazine  as:  “fly-in  banking   a  series  of  quotations  of  some  of  the
            aircraft  passengers  to  come  and  do   so big that the farmers would also have   to attract more well-heeled travelers”   most famous successful people saying
            business;  ‘Tourism  d’Affaires’,  as  the   a grass strip and their own small private   and “just trying to make things as easy   that progress is based on trial and fail-
            French  say?  Just  visiting  conferences   airplane. The banker commented that   and comfortable as possible for them,”   ure. The essence of such quotes is that
            for  creating  awareness  and  network-  in addition: “We financed a lot of air-  and  “facilitating  meetings  with  repre-  one  has  to  come  up  with  new  ideas
            ing is not enough of a marketing effort.   planes. It was an easy way to let peo-  sentatives from major banks in the air-  and  eventually  one  of  them  will  suc-
            At least it was not enough for me. I was   ple fly in and we would look at the air-  port’s new business center and arrang-  ceed. If one doesn’t try anything new
            in  charge  of  business  aviation  devel-  plane and that sort of thing and decide   ing limousine transportation to nearby   or different, then nothing happens.
            opment. My line of thinking was more   if we wanted to finance it.”     branch  offices”.  The  journalist  who   Question  is,  where  should  it  all  start?
            about a sustainable development.    Of  course,  ‘my’  airport  didn’t  have  a   published  the  information  may  have   My concept started as an initiative of
            I  observed  that  a  well-known  foreign   bank.  The  closest  branches  of  ma-  been  just  a  bit  too  excited  about  the   an airport business developer. Should
            business  man  would  frequently  arrive   jor international brand banks were 15   new  service,  by  publishing  it  prema-  the  idea  have  come  up  in  a  bank?
            at  ‘my’  airport  on  his  private  jet  and   minutes  away.  Yet,  we  had  a  build-  turely before the program was actually   A  government  economic  develop-
            met with a financial expert for a good   ing  where  we  could  rent  out  space   realized.  Bad  PR?  No.  Because  in  the   ment authority, maybe? What about a
            hour in the airport’s restaurant and then   and make meeting rooms available to   same  article  he  also  mentioned  that:   Chamber  of  Commerce  or  a  Tourism
            boarded his jet and left again.  Hmm?   advisors from the financial institutions,   “Business  aviation  movements  at  the   Office?  I’m  in  favor  of  brain  storming
            Could  one  turn  that  in  some  kind  of   who could come to meet their clients   airport during the first half of this year   meetings with competent participants
            concept?  The  airport  was  located  in   on  our  premises.  My  vision  was,  that   are  up  by  94  percent  over  the  same   from various organizations and includ-
            a country well-known for international   if we were successful, we could even   period last year, because more execu-  ing  some  independent  open-minded
            banking  and  finance.  The  idea  was   initiate a cluster development with ad-  tive travelers have discovered…, etc.”   intellectual individuals. When does that
                                                                                                                         happen here in the region and where?
                                                                                                                         And if it was done, where are the tangi-
                                                                                                                         ble results? No results? Maybe change
                                                                                                                         the participants or just make them try
                                                                                                                         harder. What may help is gathering the
                                                                                                                         persons in a room, give them food and
                                                                                                                         water,  lock  the  door  and  don’t  open
                                                                                                                         it anymore until there is a result. Cruel
                                                                                                                         thought? No way, you just couldn’t see
                                                                                                                         the amused grin on my face.

                                                                                                                         This is about progress for a territory and
                                                                                                                         helping its community. When it comes
                                                                                                                         to  tourism  product  or  business  devel-
                                                                                                                         opment, or even the economic devel-
                                                                                                                         opment  of  a  whole  region,  fresh  and
                                                                                                                         especially unique concepts are need-
                                                                                                                         ed. Concepts that outdo the competi-
                                                                                                                         tion. Think about Fly-In-Something and
                                                                                                                         where  that  may  applicable,  or  about
                                                                                                                         something else that is original. q

                                                                                                                         *The views, opinions and positions
                                                                                                                         expressed  by  the  author  do  not
                                                                                                                         necessarily reflect the views, opin-
                                                                                                                         ions  or  positions  of  The  Aruba  to-
                                                                                                                         day Newspaper, Caribbean Speed
                                                                                                                         Printers, or any employee thereof.
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