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Diamars 14 Februari 2023 obituArio

               “Laga tur locual ta sperami ta bunita, Laga cu tur   The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. In verdant   Laga tur loke ta spera mi ta bunita
               locual cu mi encontra na caminda ta bunita, Laga   pastures, He gives me repose; beside restful waters,   Laga tur locual cu mi encontra na caminda ta
               tur  locual  cu  ta  rondonami  ta  bunita,  Laga  tur   He leads me; He refreshes my soul.   bunita
               locual cu mi a laga atras keda bunita, y laga esaki   Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow   Laga tur locual cu mi laga atras keda bunita y
               nan termina den tur bunitesa”.                 of death, I will fear no evil; for You are at my side with   Laga esakinan termina den tur buniteza.
                                                              Your rod and Your staff that give me courage.
               Cu profundo tristeza na nos curason pero agra-  Psalm 23                                      Cado Wever.
               decido pa locual el a significa pa nos, nos ta anun-
               cia fayecimento di:                            It is with deep sorrow that we announce the passing   Cu profundo tristeza nos ta anuncia cu a fayece:
                                                              away on February 4th, 2023, of our beloved

                     Sra Juliana Elizabeth
                    Mihor conoci como “Lies” of “Liesje”                                                               Angel C. Girón
                     *08 april 1961 – †06 februari 2023
                                                                Ursula Jeanette Ahlip-Lejuez.                                  “Shorry”
               Na nomber di su:                                                                                       *02-10-1953 - †12-02-2023
               Mayornan: † Genaro “Shon Hen” Geerman y †      Left to mourn are:
               Frida Candelaria “Chida” Geerman-Wolter.                                                      Ta invita pa acto di entiero cual lo tuma lugar na
               Esposo: Benjamin “Jimmy” Figaroa.              Her husband:         Winston (Ako) Ahlip       Aurora Funeral Home Diabierna 17 di februari
               Yiu: Shaluzdin Figaroa.                        Her children:        Timothy  Ahlip  and  Cata-  2023 di 2’or pa 4’or di atardi y despues lo sali bai
                      Benjamin “Juni” y Yamelies Figaroa-Petit.  lina Ahlip                                  pa Santana Catolico na Noord.
               Nieta: Giandra Erasmus y Pablo Thijsen.        Christopher Ahlip and Alexandra Ahlip
               Nieto: Giandre Erasmus y Eugeney Doulabi.
                       Giand-marc Erasmus                     Her grandchildren:   Xenia, Vlad, Lazaro,
                       Benjamin Figaroa                       Tristan, Bella
                       Benson Figaroa
                                                              Her parents:         †Bernice K. Lejuez-Nisbet
               Tanta I omonan, Swa y cuñanan, prima y primo-                       †John E. Lejuez
               nan,  comer  I  compernan,  su  bisiñanan,  amiga  I
               amigonan, conocirnan I amistadnan.             Her siblings:        †Agnes   and   †Thomas
               Amiga di cas: Aida Matos Gomez y famia, Ivonne   †Rufus and Jane Richardson,
               Rosa, Lusmarie, Tanja                          Hyacinth (Tootsie) and †Adolf Leo-Lejuez,
                                                                                   Tony and Yvonne Lejuez-Croes,
                                                              Mary Lejuez                                    “Señor ta mi wardador, pues mi n’ tin falta di
               Famianan:    Figaroa,  Geerman,  Erasmus,  Petit-                                             nada.”
               Colina, Thijsen, Doulabi, Wolter, Tromp, Croes,   Her in-laws:             Thelma    Ahlip,
               Holsman,  Quandt,  Oduber,  Albertus,  Schen-  Wilma and Walter Tjon Pian Gia-Ahlip, Clifton and   Psalm 23:1
               ker, de Lange, Jaquin, Martinuz, Odor, Loefstok,   Gloria Ahlip,
               Franken,  Lake,  Agumbero,  Schuiltens,  Fortin,   Morris Ahlip, Tessy and Selma Ahlip        “Laga mi musica sigui alegra boso curason.”
               Ayala,  Perez,  de  Cuba,  Rodriguez,  Benita,  Or-                                           Cu  inmenso  tristeza  den  nos  curason,  pero
               man, Franklin, Gonzalez, Irausquin, St. Jago, van   Nieces  and  nephews,  cousins,  godchildren  and   conforme cu boluntad di Dios, nos ta anuncia
               Balkom, v/d Linde, Arends, Christiaans, Lampe,   friends  in  Aruba,  Curaçao,  Sint  Maarten,  Holland,   fayecimento cristianamente di:
               Dirksz, Semerel, Trimon, Fingal, Herms, Jacobs,   France and USA
               Lacle, Dijkhoff, Wever, Rasmijn, Werleman, Vro-
               lijk, Luidens y demas famia.                   Employees of Heavenly Water, Sint Maarten
                                                              Employees of Ako’s Upholstery, Aruba
               I cu gradecimento na staff, personal I voluntario
               nan di hospice atardi.                         She  was  related  to  the  following  families:  Ahlip,
               Acto di entiero lo tuma lugar Diaranson 15 febru-  Lejuez, Thodé, Leo, Richardson, Nisbet, Georgescu,
               ari 2023 di 2or pa 4or na Misa Santa Ana na Noord   Ricci,  Gibbs,  Velazquez,  Idigoras,  Snijders,  Wong,
               for di 2or e restonan mortal lo ta reposa den Misa   Cheung,  Hazel,  Arrindell,  York,  Meyers,  Peterson,
               Santa Ana y despues lo hiba nos defunto stima na   Williams, Huntington
               su ultimo lugar di sosiego na santana catolico na
               Noord.                                         A special mention to her closest confidants: Sandra
                                                              Idigoras, Jorge Velazquez, Ava Thodé
               Adres pa Condolencia: Aurora Funeral Home                                                         Sra. Candelaria Riselia
                                                              If  perhaps,  in  our  grief,  we  forgot  to  mention  any
               Diamars 14 februari 2023, 07:00-09:00 PM       family and friends, please accept our apology.           Gomez-Tromp
                                                                                                                 Mihor conoci como “Candita of Cande”
               Nos disculpa si den momento di dolor nos por a   The family cordially invites you to join in celebrating   *02-02-1929 - †11-02-2023
               lubida algun familiar.                         her life on Wednesday, February 15, 2023, at 2:00 pm
                                                              to 4:00 pm at the Royal Funeral Home.          Acto di entiero lo wordo anuncia despues
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