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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Monday 10 February 2020
            New Philadelphia police chief

            starts amid surge in homicides

            PHILADELPHIA  (AP)  —  The  Outlaw will be the first black   city  and  listening  to  the
            new  commissioner  of  the  woman to hold the position    concern of citizens and of-
            nation's  fourth-largest  city  in Philadelphia.          ficers. He said he has high
            police  force  will  start  work  Since  Kenney  announced   expectations  that  Outlaw
            Monday  amid  a  surge  in  her  appointment  at  the     will "usher in a new and bet-
            homicides and calls for ac-  end  of  December,  Phila-   ter era for our city."
            tion  to  address  ongoing  delphia  has  had  a  spate   "I appointed Commissioner
            allegations  of  racism  and  of homicides — 39 in fewer   Outlaw  because  she  has
            gender discrimination.       than  40  days.  That  follows   the  conviction,  courage,
            Danielle Outlaw, the former  the deadliest year for Phila-  and  compassion  needed    In  this  Aug.  5,  2019,  file  photo,  Portland  Police  Chief  Danielle
            police chief of Portland, Or-  delphia in more than a de-  to  bring  long-overdue  re-  Outlaw poses for a photo in Portland, Ore.
            egon, was chosen by Phila-   cade,  with  355  homicides   form  to  the  Department,"                                          Associated Press
            delphia Mayor Jim Kenney  reported last year.             he  wrote  in  a  statement.
            from  a  pool  of  more  than  Kenney said Friday that he   "With  our  support,  she  will  do what we do in law en-  of ignoring complaints that
            30 candidates to take the  expects  that  Outlaw  will    tackle a host of difficult is-  forcement," she said.     female officers were being
            helm  of  the  6,500-officer  begin  by  becoming  famil-  sues like racism and gender  Prior  to  becoming  the  first  sexually  harassed  by  col-
            force.                       iar  with  the  culture  of  the   discrimination,  while  lead-  black female chief in Port-  leagues  and  supervisors
                                                                      ing our administration's top  land about two years ago,  and  making  it  difficult  for
                                                                      priority of reducing the gun  Outlaw  spent  nearly  20  them to keep nursing when
                                                                      violence  that  plagues  our  years  with  the  police  de-  they  return  from  maternity
                                                                      city."                       partment in Oakland, Cali-   leave.
                                                                      Outlaw  did  not  respond  fornia.                        In October, a police inspec-
                                                                      to  a  request  for  comment  Former  Philadelphia  Police  tor was charged with sexu-
                                                                      through the city Friday, but  Commissioner Richard Ross  ally assaulting three female
                                                                      she  said  at  a  news  con-  Jr.  abruptly  resigned  last  officers  he  had  mentored
                                                                      ference  in  December  an-   summer  after  a  lawsuit  al-  over the years. And in July,
                                                                      nouncing her appointment  leged that he ignored sex-      the  department  pledged
                                                                      that  she  brings  a  personal  ual harassment complaints  to  fire  more  than  a  dozen
                                                                      understanding to her role.   because he'd once had an  officers  as  part  of  a  na-
                                                                      "My sons are 21 and 18. I un-  affair with one of the com-  tional investigation of racist
              In  this  Tuesday,  Jan.  10,  2017,  file  photo,  British  Airways   derstand the fear that's out  plaining  officers.  Ross  de-
              planes are parked at Heathrow Airport in London.                                                                  and violent posts made to
                                                   Associated Press   there in our communities of  nied that he had retaliated  police social media pages.
                                                                      the police. I understand the  against anyone.
                                                                                                                                Most  of  those  officers  had
              British Airways flight                                  mistrust.  I  understand  also,  Recent  lawsuits  have  ac-  resigned  or  retried  as  of

              crosses Atlantic in                                     on the other side, why we  cused  department  brass  January.q

              less than 5 hours

              Associated Press           cent  average  flight  time
              For the first time in years,  between  New  York  and
              a  commercial  passen-     London is 6 hours and 13
              ger  plane  has  flown  minutes,  according  to
              across the Atlantic in less  Flightradar24.  The  wind
              than  five  hours.    A  Brit-  and air currents were ide-
              ish  Airways  flight  landed  al for a fast flight, said Ian
              early Sunday morning at  Petchenik, Flightradar24's
              Heathrow  Airport  in  Lon-  director  of  communica-
              don  after  leaving  John  tions.  "In  the  winter,  the
              F.  Kennedy  International  jet  stream  dips  down  a
              Airport  in  New  York  just  bit," he said. "It's kind of in
              four hours and 56 minutes  a  perfect  spot  for  flights
              earlier.    That  set  a  new  across the North Atlantic
              speed record for subson-   to take advantage of it."
              ic  —  or  slower  than  the  British Airways just narrow-
              speed of sound — com-      ly beat out a Virgin Atlan-
              mercial aircraft to fly be-  tic  flight,  which  arrived
              tween the two cities, ac-  in London at around the
              cording  to  Flightradar24,  same  time  but  one  min-
              which     tracks   global  ute slower. British Airways
              flights.    The  previous  re-  confirmed the flight time
              cord was held by a Nor-    for the Boeing 747 plane,
              wegian  Air  flight,  which  saying the company pri-
              flew  between  the  two  oritizes safety over speed.
              cities  with  a  flight  time  The supersonic Concorde
              of five hours and 13 min-  flights  used  to  fly  across
              utes.  The flight had been  the  Atlantic  in  just  over
              expected  to  take  102  three hours, but stopped
              minutes  longer.  The  re-  flying in 2003.q
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