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Monday 10 February 2020
Commemorating LOVE at
Hilton Aruba Caribbean
Resort & Casino
PALM BEACH — The holiday light in the resort’s Renew-
dedicated to love will be al of Vows Dinner, which
celebrated at Hilton Aruba takes off in a tropical-style
Caribbean Resort & Casino setting with an elegant re-
with two very distinctive of- newal of vows ceremony
ferings, one at Sunset Grille on the beach, followed
restaurant with a Valen- by an exquisite four-course
tine’s Day dinner for two or meal.
more extravagantly, on the The set dinner menu starts
beach at a romantic cel- with local, handmade Bur-
ebration of love, with an el- rata cheese and ripe to-
egant renewal of vows cer- matoes, with prosciutto,
emony also followed by an and grilled vegetables,
exquisite four-course meal, pesto and balsamic dress-
toes in the sand. ing, followed by a Lobster
Bisque Shooter Intermezzo,
Valentine’s Day dinner at and a Surf and Turf main
Sunset Grille restaurant in- course, with Lobster tail
cludes two, four-course and Filet Mignon, baby
meals priced at $109 per potatoes and asparagus
couple, and includes a served with butter and lem-
choice of starters, such as on. Valentine’s Day Lovers’
Caesar Salad, Steakhouse Dessert for two includes a
Wedge or Seared Sesame triple chocolate torte, with
Ahi Tuna, followed by a chocolate covered straw-
Lobster Bisque Shooter In- berries.
termezzo and a choice of The Vow Renewal ceremo-
signature entrees, Local ny & dinner is $94 per per-
Red Snapper Creole, Petit son, with a dinner only op-
Filet Mignon 6 oz., Organ- tion for $84 per person.
ic Chicken Breast or Pan The Vow Renewal Cer-
Roasted Norwegian Salm- emony starts just before
on, with Caribbean Pump- sunset at 5:45pm, with two
kin Risotto. dinner seatings at 6:30pm
A Valentine’s Day Lovers’ & 8:00pm thereafter.
Dessert for two, concludes Tickets may be purchased,
the romantic dining ex- starting February 11th in the
perience. Sunset Grille is Aruba Tower Lobby from
open daily from 5:30pm to 1:00pm to 5:00pm.
10:30pm. Both celebrations of love
For reservations +297 526 on February 14th offer spe-
6612 or email hiltoncon- cials on French Moet & Chandon and Veuve Cli-
Incurable romantics will de- quot champagne, at $99
Bottle or $15 per flute.
On Valentine’s day, show
your affection and ap-
preciation to each other
at Valentine’s Day Din-
ner at the Sunset Grille or
at an unforgettable Vow
Renewal and Dinner on
the beach, commemorat-
ing your love that has only
deepened and matured
over the years.q