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A4   U.S. NEWS
                Wednesday 23 august 2023
            Texas’ floating barrier to stop migrants draws recurring concerns

            from Mexico, U.S. official says

            By PAUL J. WEBER                                                                                                    were causing the buoys to
            Associated Press                                                                                                    drift.
            AUSTIN, Texas (AP) — Mex-                                                                                           “If it were in a position Texas
            ico’s  government  has  re-                                                                                         was comfortable with, they
            peatedly  raised  concerns                                                                                          wouldn’t have done that,”
            with  the  U.S.  about  large                                                                                       Ezra said.
            buoys Texas put on the Rio                                                                                          Ezra  ordered  both  sides  to
            Grande  to  deter  migrants                                                                                         submit  written  closing  ar-
            and  agreements  between                                                                                            guments  by  Friday  as  the
            the  two  countries  could                                                                                          Biden  administration  seeks
            suffer  if  the  floating  barrier                                                                                  a court injunction ordering
            remains  in  place,  a  State                                                                                       the removal of the buoys.
            Department  official  said  in                                                                                      In  the  meantime,  Abbott’s
            court Tuesday.                                                                                                      sprawling  border  mission
            The  testimony  sought  to                                                                                          known  as  Operation  Lone
            reinforce  what  the  Biden                                                                                         Star  continues  to  face  nu-
            administration  argues  are                                                                                         merous  legal  challenges,
            the  diplomatic  stakes  over                                                                                       including  a  new  one  filed
            wrecking-ball-sized  buoys                                                                                          Monday  by  four  migrant
            that  Texas  Gov.  Greg  Ab-                                                                                        men  arrested  by  Texas
            bott authorized this summer                                                                                         troopers  after  crossing  the
            as part of the Republican’s                                                                                         border.
            increasingly  hardline  mea-                                                                                        Most have either had their
            sures in the name of curb-                                                                                          cases dismissed or entered
            ing  the  flow  of  migrants   Workers make adjustments to buoys being used as a barrier along the Rio Grande, Monday, Aug.   guilty pleas in exchange for
            crossing the border.         21, 2023, in Eagle Pass, Texas.                                       Associated Press   time  served.  But  the  plain-
            U.S.  District  Judge  David                                                                                        tiffs remained in a Texas jail
            Ezra  did  not  immediately  as  a  lesser  partner  to  the  of  the  river  near  the  Texas  barrier was moved “out of  for  two  to  six  weeks  after
            rule at the conclusion of the  United  States,”  said  Hillary  city  of  Eagle  Pass    have  an abundance of caution”  they should have been re-
            hearing  Tuesday  in  Austin.  Quam,  the  State  Depart-  been on the water. Quam  after what he described as  leased,  according  to  the
            At one point, Ezra said the  ment’s coordinator for bor-  said  infrastructure  projects  allegations  that  they  had  lawsuit  filed  by  the  Texas
            issue centered on whether  der  affairs  between  U.S.  between the countries and  drifted  to  Mexico’s  side  of  ACLU  and  the  Texas  Fair
            Abbott  has  the  power  to  and Mexico.                  Mexico’s  commitments  to  the river. He added that he  Defense Project.
            unilaterally   try   stopping  She said Mexico has raised  delivering water to the U.S.  did  not  know  whether  the  Instead  of  a  sheriff’s  office
            what the governor has de-    concerns  “at  the  highest  could stall over the barrier.  allegations were true.     allowing the jails to release
            scribed as an “invasion” on  diplomatic  levels”  with  the  The hearing was held days  Ezra questioned why Texas  the  men,  the  lawsuit  al-
            America’s southern border.   U.S. in the short time that the  after  Texas  repositioned  would  have  moved  the  leges, they were transport-
            “Mexico  has  sensitivities  buoys  which stretch rough-  the barrier closer to U.S. soil.  barrier  if  it  was  already  on  ed  to  federal  immigration
            about    sovereignty   and  ly the length of a handful of  During  a  trip  Monday  to  the  U.S.  side  and  whether  facilities  and  then  sent  to
            doesn’t  want  to  be  seen  soccer  fields  on  a  portion  Eagle Pass, Abbott said the  the  currents  of  the  river  Mexico. q

            A Pennsylvania court says state police can’t hide how it monitors

            social media

            By MARK SCOLFORO             Pennsylvania’s    Supreme  from  the  public  its  policy  son  said  the  agency  is  re-  wants,” Christy said.
            Associated Press             Court  ruled  Tuesday  that  on  how  it  monitors  social  viewing the court decision.  Justifying what the majority
            HARRISBURG,  Pa.  (AP)  —  the state police can’t hide  media.  Advocates  for  civil  Andrew  Christy,  a  lawyer  opinion described as heavy
                                                                      liberties  cheered  the  deci-  with  the  ACLU  of  Pennsyl-  or complete redactions on
                                                                      sion.  The  law  enforcement  vania,  said  the  ruling  “sort  every  page  of  the  nine-
                                                                      agency  had  argued  that  of puts law enforcement on  page regulation, the head
                                                                      fully disclosing its policy for  the same playing field as all  of the state police’s bureau
                                                                      using  software  to  monitor  government  agencies.  If  of  criminal  investigations
                                                                      online  postings  may  com-  they have a legal justifica-  argued  that  greater  trans-
                                                                      promise public safety.       tion to keep something se-   parency  about  the  policy
                                                                      All four Democratic justices  cret, then they have to put  would  make  its  investiga-
                                                                      supported the majority de-   forth sufficient evidence to  tions less effective.
                                                                      cision,  which  said  the  low-  justify that.”           The state Office of Open Re-
                                                                      er  Commonwealth  Court  “Ultimately  that  relies  on  cords held a private review
                                                                      went  beyond  its  authority  the  voters  understanding  of the blacked out material
                                                                      in  trying  to  give  the  state  what  law  enforcement  is  and and ruled that making
                                                                      police  another  attempt  to  doing so that then, through  the policy public would not
                                                                      justify keeping details of the  their  elected  representa-  be likely to harm investiga-
                                                                      policy  a  secret.  Tuesday’s  tives,  they  can  rein  them  tions, calling the social me-
             The exterior of the Pennsylvania Judicial Center, home to the   order appears to end a six-  in  when  they’re  acting  in  dia policy processes strictly
             Commonwealth Court, Feb. 21, 2023, in Harrisburg, Pa.    year legal battle.           a  way  that  doesn’t  com-  internal  and  administrative
                                                     Associated Press   A  state  police  spokesper-  port  with  what  the  public  in nature. q
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